Next X-men Trailer

ken smith

Apr 2, 2006
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Please does anyone know when the next x-men trailer is coming out, because i am so much looking forward to it. please thanks
I don't know if there will be another trailer, I actually doubt it. This film is so shrouded in secrecy that the studio probably won't give us another trailer.
cool......I didn't.......know anything about this
some have sugested this will be the classic... "Names" Trailer paying homage to the first 2 movies that both had names trailers
Weadazoid said:
some have sugested this will be the classic... "Names" Trailer paying homage to the first 2 movies that both had names trailers

I'd like that.
Ant has said in his web that Fox informed him that we can expect new updates in the official page, including a new trailer, and maybe, but not sure at all, clips form the movie.
The new trailer is tight, I'm actually pumped to see it now.:wolverine
A little off topic but has anyone found out what will be playing in that 7 min spot next thurs?
We don't know yet. Maybe some old and new footages with behind-the-scene stuff.
LoGaN's RuNNer said:
A little off topic but has anyone found out what will be playing in that 7 min spot next thurs?

yea probably the whoel movie since thats the running time.....isnt it? :o
Spidey 2007 said:
yea probably the whoel movie since thats the running time.....isnt it? :o
thats only like 6%:rolleyes:

but yeah...i wouldnt like to see it:(

a new trailer would probably be good for all those negative views on the movie
The next trailer will probably be the names trailer so it will be the name and maybe 2 shots of the character so I doubt they will reveal loads of new stuff, it will just be what we have seen already
_BB_ said:
The next trailer will probably be the names trailer so it will be the name and maybe 2 shots of the character so I doubt they will reveal loads of new stuff, it will just be what we have seen already
your avy is painful to watch...

but i do hope they start playing the trailer in/with more movies....for god sakes i saw it with basic instinct do they expect people to see it?
_BB_ said:
The next trailer will probably be the names trailer so it will be the name and maybe 2 shots of the character so I doubt they will reveal loads of new stuff, it will just be what we have seen already
Yay, I love names trailers. :cool:
Ed Norton is the man :p

I havent been to the cinema for ages so i still havent seen it on the big screen yet. They need to hurry up with the tv promotion already. I remember seeing the x2 trailer come on tv for the first time and that was ages before the movie came out
^I love Edward Norton. :up: He was awesome in Death to Smoochy and Red Dragon. :cool:

xwolverine2 said:
then you should see the one dnsk made.....:up:
Where is it?
I saw Dnsks trailer, it made me realise how bloody long the official names trailer would be :eek:

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