no sentinels outside the DR


Dec 5, 2005
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bad news for all of us :(
kinberg just confirmed that the sentinels are in the danger room only
here is a part of his answer:

"1. You said that the sentinels are not a big part of the movie (I'm hoping you're just covering up for Ratner letting the cat out of the bad, but I doubt it). Why was that the direction you went? They were a big part of the script (early version according to Zak, they didn't have the money to make them) in X2, why not revist them with the budget you guys had (being bigger then the first two combined)?

*We didn’t feel they fit into the scope of our story. We have Phoenix, the cure, and a number of other subplots that felt more personal and emotional than giant robots. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Sentinels in the comics. But we didn’t think they fit the broader narrative of X3."

bad news for all of us sentinels fans
Well, most of us were 99% sure of this, but it now seems completely true. Oh well. Thanks for the info though.
strugler said:
bad news for all of us :(
kinberg just confirmed that the sentinels are in the danger room only
here is a part of his answer:

"1. You said that the sentinels are not a big part of the movie (I'm hoping you're just covering up for Ratner letting the cat out of the bad, but I doubt it). Why was that the direction you went? They were a big part of the script (early version according to Zak, they didn't have the money to make them) in X2, why not revist them with the budget you guys had (being bigger then the first two combined)?

*We didn’t feel they fit into the scope of our story. We have Phoenix, the cure, and a number of other subplots that felt more personal and emotional than giant robots. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Sentinels in the comics. But we didn’t think they fit the broader narrative of X3."

bad news for all of us sentinels fans
Not much of a surprise. :(
They never should have put sentinels in this movie: it was too crowded for characters and plots. They should have just laid the foundations of "Wideawake Proyect" with Trask in this movie and later develop it in a X4 to get the most glorious portray of what a Sentinel is.
MoiBijou said:
They never should have put sentinels in this movie: it was too crowded for characters and plots. They should have just laid the foundations of "Wideawake Proyect" with Trask in this movie and later develop it in a X4.

Sound like something Singer would do.
We'll see more of the Sentinel in the Danger Room ... thats for SURE!

IGN and , well ME , confirmed it.

You can see its torso / orange-red lights and a leg. Nothing more , nothing less. Lets hope they keep it in though
Wolverini said:
We'll see more of the Sentinel in the Danger Room ... thats for SURE!

IGN and , well ME , confirmed it.

You can see its torso / orange-red lights and a leg. Nothing more , nothing less. Lets hope they keep it in though

does it llok as bad as the head, im thinking they could sell that sentinel to the producers of the upcomming transformers movie or the upcoming power rangers movie (i think they are making another pr movie )
In some ways bad news, yes... but Sentinels are less 'real' than people fighting people. Robots make dramatic action, for sure... but it's cold action. And, sadly, Matrix already did killer robots called Sentinels (Matrix was so bad to use the same name!!!). I can see why there was no real scope on top of a cure, a mutant vs mutant showdown and Dark Phoenix...

Perhaps in the next movie? It sure would be nice to have seen Magneto rotating Sentinels in the air and dismantling or reprogramming them (that became the Magneto scene in Dark Cerebro at the end of X2 where he moved Cerebro's panels around!).
Well, they are giving us one Sentinel.

And, if you are disappointed, see this as similar to if they had put Gambit in some small cameo role.

Many have said the Sentinels vs Wolverine sequence was cheesy and bad anyway, so it's just as well it isn't a big part of the movie!!!!!!
i knew this already....and even i, a sentinel fan dont care because ...THOSE TVSPOTS WERE INCREDIBLE!
Figured as much when they showed it in the DR clip. :down
strugler said:
bad news for all of us :(
kinberg just confirmed that the sentinels are in the danger room only
here is a part of his answer:

"1. You said that the sentinels are not a big part of the movie (I'm hoping you're just covering up for Ratner letting the cat out of the bad, but I doubt it). Why was that the direction you went? They were a big part of the script (early version according to Zak, they didn't have the money to make them) in X2, why not revist them with the budget you guys had (being bigger then the first two combined)?

*We didn’t feel they fit into the scope of our story. We have Phoenix, the cure, and a number of other subplots that felt more personal and emotional than giant robots. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Sentinels in the comics. But we didn’t think they fit the broader narrative of X3."

bad news for all of us sentinels fans
Shame. I wonder why Trask is in this then?
Well I think the last battle can still be very good w/o sentinels
X-Maniac said:
Well, they are giving us one Sentinel.

And, if you are disappointed, see this as similar to if they had put Gambit in some small cameo role.

Many have said the Sentinels vs Wolverine sequence was cheesy and bad anyway, so it's just as well it isn't a big part of the movie!!!!!!

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we're getting atleast one Sentinel. It's better than none at all.
WorthyStevens4 said:
Eh, well. I was wrong.

I admire you admitting that. :up:

And the 'Sentinel' in the DR is more of a nod to us if anything, they put it in because WE wanted it.
Trask must be there either to give a known name to this anti-mutant character... or as some kind of potential 'set-up' for a possible sequel movie. If the government's going to have an anti-mutant commander, it can't be Gyrich (dead in X1 and impersonated by Mystique), so Trask is an obvious choice... Since there was an Operation Wideawake (Sentinels) icon on Stryker's desktop in X2, maybe the government is exploring extreme mutant control options behind the scenes and we are left to think that...
Sentinels outside the Danger Room might have meant too many plot points towards the end of the film with Phoenix, the cure and the brotherhood already taking up space.

I would have preferred if they didn't have Sentinels at all as they should really be a leading plot point in a different X-Men film.
I really don't care about this now, just as long as they show us more of the actual Sentinel in the DR!!
It's dissappointing, but I kinda figured they would only appear in the DR anyway.

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