Days of Future Past No Stan Lee cameo in XMFC: How do you feel about this?

^You're right, Ratner's not the only one to blame, but let's face it he was very lazy, nothing look exciting, it was plain and by the numbers, and he also took the big finale away from Washington, it wouldn't have helped much, but the Phoenix next to the white house would have been a nice visual.

My main problem was with Kinberg and Penn, they said they were big fans of the comic and took dialogue straight from the comics (for example the Jean and Scott scene on Alkali), which was just inexcusable, and their original scenes weren't that great either with Beast calling Wolverine a "monster" and not expecting the comeback...I'm getting worked up about X3 and it's been 5 years, I will stop right now.
^You're right, Ratner's not the only one to blame, but let's face it he was very lazy, nothing look exciting

Oh that's nonsense. The Xavier vs Phoenix fight and the Golden Gate Bridge sequence are definitely exciting, as are many other scenes in the film such as Phoenix raising water around the island.

It was plain and by the numbers
See above!

He also took the big finale away from Washington, it wouldn't have helped much, but the Phoenix next to the white house would have been a nice visual.

They probably didn't have time to the White House stuff (building sets, arranging location filming).

I'm getting worked up about X3 and it's been 5 years, I will stop right now.

You shouldn't get worked up. Not just because it's five years later but because it's a film. I've never got 'worked up' over any film. Save that for the things that deserve being worked up about, like your health, your job, your finances, your family, your personal life. It's all about perspective. The less time spent on the internet the better.
Indifferent. The Stan cameos are nice gags, but not necessary.

Some of the early reviews mention cameos in the movie, and one them said "classic cameo", but if Stan is not in the movie, who else could be a "classic"?
Oh that's nonsense. The Xavier vs Phoenix fight and the Golden Gate Bridge sequence are definitely exciting, as are many other scenes in the film such as Phoenix raising water around the island.

The Xavier VS Phoenix fight worked, it was good, but it was nothing great, I wish it was great, but it just wasn't.

The Golden Gate sequence never really worked for me (and trust me I know a lot of people who loved the scene and they defend it to death), it was too short, the cars didn't look that good, I hated the "bad guys wear leather jackets" thing throughout the whole movie, so seeing them all together was never my thing, and the guy taking the photograph and then being scared with the bridge was a bad joke that didn't work.

They probably didn't have time to the White House stuff (building sets, arranging location filming).

Which is probably why they decided to make the final fight in a black sky and rubble scenario, I get it, it's easier to do, but its not visually exciting.

You shouldn't get worked up. Not just because it's five years later but because it's a film. I've never got 'worked up' over any film. Save that for the things that deserve being worked up about, like your health, your job, your finances, your family, your personal life. It's all about perspective. The less time spent on the internet the better.

Oh but I do get worked up my dear friend, I've always been passionate about many things, one of those things is films, and the X-Men movies are one of those that I enjoy to the extreme, I've never got into a fight for it or anything like that, but passionate discussions be it with friends or with online strangers its always fun, I find it fascinating to hear or read other people's opinions on scenes, characters, music, etc, and don't worry about me, I don't spend that much time on the internet, and I've always seen the SHH community not only as a place where you can get a lot of info really quickly, but also an al-around fun place, besides why would anyone wanna hear about my finances on a place called Superhero Hype!? :yay:
The Xavier VS Phoenix fight worked, it was good, but it was nothing great, I wish it was great, but it just wasn't.

The Golden Gate sequence never really worked for me (and trust me I know a lot of people who loved the scene and they defend it to death), it was too short, the cars didn't look that good, I hated the "bad guys wear leather jackets" thing throughout the whole movie, so seeing them all together was never my thing, and the guy taking the photograph and then being scared with the bridge was a bad joke that didn't work.

Which is probably why they decided to make the final fight in a black sky and rubble scenario, I get it, it's easier to do, but its not visually exciting.

An interesting though rather tarnished take on the proceedings. I'm not sure what you mean about cars not looking good (they looked like cars, what more did you want!?), and the leather jackets thing isn't that bad. They were a group of rebels/anarchists/outcasts so I wouldn't expect designer frocks or floral-print dresses. As for looking the same, that would be typical of any group of people rallying to a similar cause; they'd develop an informal uniform or follow a predominant style, much as urban gangs and teenagers do in real life.

There are different ways of looking at things. I feel very relieved that my way of looking at it doesn't make me as worked up.

Oh but I do get worked up my dear friend, I've always been passionate about many things, one of those things is films, and the X-Men movies are one of those that I enjoy to the extreme, I've never got into a fight for it or anything like that, but passionate discussions be it with friends or with online strangers its always fun, I find it fascinating to hear or read other people's opinions on scenes, characters, music, etc, and don't worry about me, I don't spend that much time on the internet, and I've always seen the SHH community not only as a place where you can get a lot of info really quickly, but also an al-around fun place, besides why would anyone wanna hear about my finances on a place called Superhero Hype!? :yay:

Yes, of course we don't want to hear about your finances. I was suggesting you reserve any tendency to get distressed and upset for such things as finances rather than a five-year-old movie. It seems a much more productive use of energy, especially negative energy. And I'm the X-Maniac - even i don't tend to veer into the frenzy that my name suggests!
Look, the "worked up" thing is an expression, and you obviously loved X3, I didn't, which is ridiculous considering I watched the movie 3 times on theaters and have the DVD's. Don't think of it as negative energy, I really loved 1 and 2, was really disappointed with 3, and don't consider "Wolverine" a thing. The funny thing is I've been really positive about "First Class" since it was announced, so no negative energy emanating from me. And I would really love (you have no idea) to keep discussing X3 with you, and wish I could like it as much as you do (I was really excited about it back in the day, expectations probably killed it for me), but this entry is about Stan Lee and I'm worried that the moderators are gonna take this as an offense.

By the way since I didn't comment on it, I'm OK with no Stan Lee, I'll live.
Claremont and Lee both had cameo roles at the start when young Jean is showing off her powers. Claremont is the man whose lawnmower lifted in the air, while Lee saw the water from his hose go upwards...

They're right at the start so if you really detest X3 that much, you don't have to sit right through it.

Still don't get all the hate for X3. The score, the Xavier vs Jean battle, the moving of the Golden Gate bridge (seen in no other movie), the introduction of Angel, Beast, Juggernaut, Multiple Man, Callisto/Morlocks, the thought-provoking idea of the cure (would you change what you are to fit in?). Yes, Cyclops got the short straw (as he did in X1 and X2), yes Ratner was wrong to have Rogue take the cure and go against the themes/moral of the movies and yes it would have been nice to see a Phoenix firebird and more Psylocke (that was mostly down to decisions of time/budget). But, still, the movie did bring a lot of great stuff to the screen.
I, of course, saw Stan but I'll have to look for Claremont now that I know.
Look, the "worked up" thing is an expression, and you obviously loved X3, I didn't, which is ridiculous considering I watched the movie 3 times on theaters and have the DVD's. Don't think of it as negative energy, I really loved 1 and 2, was really disappointed with 3, and don't consider "Wolverine" a thing. The funny thing is I've been really positive about "First Class" since it was announced, so no negative energy emanating from me. And I would really love (you have no idea) to keep discussing X3 with you, and wish I could like it as much as you do (I was really excited about it back in the day, expectations probably killed it for me), but this entry is about Stan Lee and I'm worried that the moderators are gonna take this as an offense.

You're right, we're going way off track...

By the way since I didn't comment on it, I'm OK with no Stan Lee, I'll live.

Me too, I don't want a contrived cameo (some of them have been), and I don't regard his inclusion as essential.
don't care...

and once again another "bad" thing about X-MEN: First Class which actaully has nothing to do with the movie itself.
:hehe: To the video of Stan saying he thinks he doesn't have a cameo so that they can sell twice the amount of tickets from people watching it again to try and find him.
Wish he was in it, but him being in it or not doesnt make the movie good or bad.
I'm cool with it. It's not like they deliberately kept him out, it's just that he's a bit to seasoned to make a trip to London and back as much these days. Save him for the sequel instead :yay:
They probably didn't have time to the White House stuff (building sets, arranging location filming).

Actually, I heard it was because Ratner just wanted to eliminate that final act and moved up the Golden Gate bridge sequence and the Alcatraz scenes. To him, it made more sense than having the real ending. He switched stuff around in the script, basically.

Perhaps someone can verify this for me.
And perhaps they've already torn down the White House set from the second movie. I'm not sure what the practices are for that.
They did tear down the X-mansion set used for X2. They used it for I, Robot. Remember that mansion that got torn down while Will's character was inside. Does it look familiar?
I respect Stan Lee because he created X-Men.

But I don't really care if he has a cameo or not.
Actually, I heard it was because Ratner just wanted to eliminate that final act and moved up the Golden Gate bridge sequence and the Alcatraz scenes. To him, it made more sense than having the real ending. He switched stuff around in the script, basically.

Perhaps someone can verify this for me.

Yes, yes, but what I'm saying is that there might also have been practical reasons for the decision, not just purely creative decisions.

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