Sequels Nolan and a Superman Series?


Jul 31, 2006
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I know I'm not the only one to have thought of this, but what if Brian Singer's The Man of Steel would be stopped (thank God) and Superman could finally be done some justice!?

Superman = good
Superman 2 = good
Superman 3 = bad
Superman 4 = worse
Superman Returns = mixed feelings... bad in my opinion

and now WB is trusting Brian with ANOTHER one!? This has got to stop!

I say they hire Christopher Nolan to work on a Superman 1, 2 and 3 after he finishes the 3rd Batman film... give him a chance to exercise his lighter, less-dark talent. His realism could do Superman some good... yes, I understand Superman is more super-natural... but in SOME aspects realism would be good... and a chance to try new villains. Nolan is GOOD with doing villains, and I'd love to see his take on Brainiac, Metallo, etc...

Maybe even use Killer Croc in Superman instead of Batman (since his Batman movies probably won't showcase him).

And go with a new music theme done by Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard and then after 3 Superman movies are done, go back and do 3 more Batman films, then afterwards go to make 3 more Superman films then call it done... ;)


First film could start with a Nolan take on the origin of Superman... then have the introduction of a new villain (NOT Lex Luther!)... maybe have 2 villains at tops... then at the end add a spoiler of Lex Luther (kind of like Joker in BB)...
I don't think Nolan's right for Superman. Superman's not his style.
I'm not holding my breath waiting for Nolan to take the reins of the Superman film franchise. The man seems determined to keep Batman grounded in some degree of reality (and rightly so, IMO, given how Schumacher damn near killed the Batman franchise off for good), so I don't think Superman would fit Nolan at all.
I don't want to see 'heightened realism' and a need to ground things in practical application anywhere near Superman. If we can get another Supes solo flick, none of that stuff needs to be factored in, nor any of the melodrama that we had to wade through in SR.

It's Superman. There's not a really a way to do him in a realistic light without ****ing a lot of things that define the character. He's an incredibly strong, near invulnerable, flying alien who shoots lasers from his eyes. To hell with realism; cut loose and embrace the fantastic elements that have allowed the character to endure for 70 years.
I absolutely love Chris Nolan's films, but on the other hand I have to agree with the consensus, in that Nolan's style and approach would not serve a Superman film well even if he was in any way interested (which I seriously would doubt).
I think one of the aspects of Nolan's Batman film(s) that is desperately needed in a Superman franchise is drawing inspiration from actual comic book stories.

I don't think it's a bad idea at all.
I absolutely love Chris Nolan's films, but on the other hand I have to agree with the consensus, in that Nolan's style and approach would not serve a Superman film well even if he was in any way interested (which I seriously would doubt).

Exactly. The Nolan hype reminds me so much of what happened with Singer. Just because a director helms one successful franchise, doesn't necessarily mean he would be right for another, especially a franchise as different as Superman.
Nolan for Superman? No thanks. His directing style suit Batman better than Superman.
Has he ever done a lightish film?

I know I'm not the only one to have thought of this, but what if Brian Singer's The Man of Steel would be stopped (thank God) and Superman could finally be done some justice!?

Superman = good
Superman 2 = good
Superman 3 = bad
Superman 4 = worse
Superman Returns = mixed feelings... bad in my opinion

and now WB is trusting Brian with ANOTHER one!? This has got to stop!

I say they hire Christopher Nolan to work on a Superman 1, 2 and 3 after he finishes the 3rd Batman film... give him a chance to exercise his lighter, less-dark talent. His realism could do Superman some good... yes, I understand Superman is more super-natural... but in SOME aspects realism would be good... and a chance to try new villains. Nolan is GOOD with doing villains, and I'd love to see his take on Brainiac, Metallo, etc...

Maybe even use Killer Croc in Superman instead of Batman (since his Batman movies probably won't showcase him).

And go with a new music theme done by Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard and then after 3 Superman movies are done, go back and do 3 more Batman films, then afterwards go to make 3 more Superman films then call it done... ;)


First film could start with a Nolan take on the origin of Superman... then have the introduction of a new villain (NOT Lex Luther!)... maybe have 2 villains at tops... then at the end add a spoiler of Lex Luther (kind of like Joker in BB)...

The thought and idea of Nolan doing a Superman movie makes me want to do this
No thanks. I don't think he did that good of job on Batman anyways. So "F--k no!" to Supes as well.
I absolutely love Chris Nolan's films, but on the other hand I have to agree with the consensus, in that Nolan's style and approach would not serve a Superman film well even if he was in any way interested (which I seriously would doubt).
Same here. I love Nolan's work, but he excels at crime-noir thrillers. BB was the most mainstream movie he's done, and it still had a bit of that noir feel. Superman is the very antithesis of crime-noir thriller, LOL.

Has he ever done a lightish film?
Nope. :oldrazz: All of his films have been serious downers. Only BB ended on a hopeful note, but it was more gritty than any Superman film should be.
When I speak of realism I'm not saying take away his super-human strength, make him vulnerable and make Mr. and Mrs. Clark his birth-parents. Instead, what I'm saying is simple things like... when he goes to the north pole before becoming Superman, have him grow a beard... simple things like that go a long way.

I'd like to see the origin of Superman done with new CG... the opening scenes in the original Superman film was a little... weird... I think a Star Wars Episode 3 approach (architecturally speaking) would fit in some cases (maybe not all).

I'm not TOO familiar with the comics, but is that how the Phantom Zone was described in the comics? As a glass mirror with faces in it floating in space? Maybe a little revamping of that would do some good.

All in all pick a good director. I'd much rather have Chris Nolan than Brian Singer...

Don't pick Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson or Sam Raimi... just because they're.. you know... famous. Pick someone who's got talent. Even if you've got to pick an average joe off the street! Just pick someone who can direct a good Superman movie!
Is Superman a Jedi now? 'Cos didn't Obi-Wan grow a beard. ;)

I agree that Chris Nolan would be the wrong choice stylistically for Superman.

There's not a really a way to do him in a realistic light without ****ing a lot of things that define the character.

Naughty mod, :hehe:.

The thought and idea of Nolan doing a Superman movie makes me want to do this
No thanks. I don't think he did that good of job on Batman anyways. So "F--k no!" to Supes as well.

I agree with the banning of this user, but why the hell has this post not been deleted?
It wouldn't work, making Batman realistic to begin with. can you imagine Superman. His realistic superman.
For crying out loud, one director doing well in one series does not dictate success in another. Singer's X-Men movies are good (though I feel highly overrated, flawed, and not great), but his Superman movie was garbage. Batman plays to Nolan's strengths. Just because he has done well there doesn't mean he would handle Superman well.

I hate when people start suggesting one director/actor for every comic movie just because they were in something that was good and comic related.
If we're going to consider other comic book movie directors, I think Jon Favreau's style could transfer over to a good Superman film.
Although Nolan directing Superman would never work I think a Bryan Singer directed sequel could benefit from Nolan as a producer. If he had even a small input on story, casting, action sequences, character development etc. then my hopes for "Man of Steel" would go through the roof.

Also if MOS is going to feature Brainiac, Metallo and Lex Luthor, Nolan showed with Batman Begins and The Dark Knight that he can manage multiple villians so his ideas on how to make that work would be very useful.
The last time they tried to take the guy who made a couple of smash hit Batman movies and put him on Superman it didn't work out so well.


I want to stick with Singer for the Superman sequel but would be more than happy for Nolan to film the team-up movie that is in both Routh and Bale's contracts.
I don't mean to sound like another skip on a broken record, but Nolan's style is not right for Superman at all (unless it's as an executive producer, because at this point he's earned it). Nolan makes dark and intellectual movies, and Superman is supposed to be light and fun. Personally, I want them to look for fresh blood with the new director instead of looking at people who have already made comic movies. They tried hiring one of the foremost authorities on comic movies already (Bryan Singer), and he delivered a festering pile of excrement in a film canister. Just because someone is already in "the comic circle" doesn't mean they're the right person for the job, and I don't think it would be wise for WB to follow their own footsteps and walk in a circle with this franchise.

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