November 2007 Console/Games Sales


- Part 12
Jul 31, 2001
Reaction score
November 2007 Hardware Sales
DS -- 1,530,000
Wii -- 981,000
X360 - 770,000
PSP -- 567,000
PS2 -- 496,000
PS3 -- 466,000

October 2007 Hardware Sales
Wii -- 519,000
DS -- 458,000
X360 - 366,000
PSP -- 286,000
PS2 -- 184,000
PS3 -- 121,000

Software numbers were equally encouraging, with Activision's Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (selling 3.5X more on Xbox 360 than PS3) and Nintendo of America's Super Mario Galaxy clearly pulling ahead of the pack. Unfortunately, November hopefuls Rock Band and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune both failed to break into the top 10. We'll have more on those games and others in an NPD follow-up tomorrow, and look forward to discussion on their numbers in the next 1UP Yours.
November 2007 Software Sales
1. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (360) -- 1,570,000
2. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) -- 1,120,000
3. Assassin's Creed (360) -- 980,000
4. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (PS2) -- 967,000
5. Wii Play w/ Remote (Wii) -- 564,000
6. Mass Effect (360) -- 473,000
7. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PS3) -- 444,000
8. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Wii) -- 426,000
9. Halo 3 (360) -- 387,000
10. Assassin's Creed (PS3) -- 377,000

Maybe Sony should just push developers to all go back to making PS2 games :o
He's saying that they should just cut their losses and return all their resources to the PS2.
Some people just don't quite grasp the concept of reading comprehension.
Remember folks, this is the month of the $100 pricecut on the 80GB PS3, the introduction of the 40GB PS3, and the big PS3-with-15-Free-Blu-rays sale at Walmart for a weekend.

...oh, and Black Friday. :)

Interesting note: the XBOX 360 sold 511k systems last November, when it went up against both the launch of the Wii and the PS3. The PS3 this year couldn't even beat that!
It seems the PS3's momentum in N. America is quickly losing steam.
Um, sales have improved. Were you paying attention at all with the prior months?

Maybe Sony should just push developers to all go back to making PS2 games :o

PS3 software sales are scaling pretty well at this point. Nice to see PS3 hardware sales have improved and are no longer in the Red Alert Zone. Uncharted not making the top 10 is disappointing but it's probably like number 11-15 or something (+200k one would hope). There's nothing wrong with PS3 sales if they maintain their current level, because third party PS3 versions will be viable, which is the most important aspect of a console being viable. PS3 will probably end up third in NA, it's going to beat the 360 in Europe handedly by the time the generation is over, and will obviously have a decent presence in Japan.

Great first month sales for Galaxy! Mass Effect sold a little less than I thought it would.

Oh and Microsoft lying about outselling the PS3 2 to 1: Confirmed.

DS crushes the PSP, but the PSP has good sales, it will always be the stronger alternative to the DS, not the challenger. Sony definitely is suffering problems selling because of how the PS3 was presented early on, you can only make a first impression once, and it will take them a long time to live that down.
Which was already confirmed as a lie based on the NPDs pre November summary which placed sales for that week between 170-180k. Being informed ftw.
PS3 software sales are scaling pretty well at this point. Nice to see PS3 hardware sales have improved and are no longer in the Red Alert Zone.

I'd say dead last place is still "Red Alert Zone", especially when it's during the strongest month by far for the console yet. Price drop, added freebies, new $400 system, "Uncharted", "Rock Band", "Assassin's Creed", "Call of Duty 4", etc. And it still couldn't manage to beat anything that month.

Uncharted not making the top 10 is disappointing but it's probably like number 11-15 or something (+200k one would hope).

Actually, according to "GAF" (who I admit I'm not sure who that is...) on, "Uncharted" sold 117k copies last month...

Also according to him, "Ratchet & Clank" sold only 65.6K copies.

There's nothing wrong with PS3 sales if they maintain their current level, because third party PS3 versions will be viable, which is the most important aspect of a console being viable.

Nothing wrong until studios start leaving their PS3-only stance and start heading up the XBOX 360 where they'll sell more discs. MGS4? FF? It's gonna be awfully tough for those studios if they're really not planning on putting their titles on the console that's by far selling the most games! And if we see a big movement of games heading to the 360 (and many can argue we already have started to) when they used to be Playstation-only, then yes, there will be something wrong with that for the PS3.
Which was already confirmed as a lie based on the NPDs pre November summary which placed sales for that week between 170-180k. Being informed ftw.

Not that I don't necessarily believe you, but mind showing me where I can read about the confirmed sales for Black Friday?
PLAYSTATION 3 hardware unit sales increased by 245% when compared to Black Friday sales last year.

EDIT: I can't find it. Hilarious.

Here's some fuzzy stuff though.

The PS3 launched the week of Black Friday in 2006. It sold 197,000 for the month. Black Friday this year was the 24th down in the slack jawed south. Meaning it was the final week of November.

FYI "GAF" is Neogaf. The best video game forum on the internet. Developers post there as well as some programmers, nothing like Beyond 3D, but it's generally the most up to date, thorough, and interesting forum for casual people like us who aren't programmers.

Consider that Microsoft listed their number and said they outsold the PS3 2 to 1. Sony said they didn't, Microsoft could have released the full NPD sales data (as any NPD customer is free to do) but they didn't, it's pretty clear that they were exaggerating with the 2 to 1 ratio. Their PR wouldn't have passed up on an opportunity to expose Sony PR as liars.

hm Really disappointing Uncharted Numbers. Ratchet is up to what now 145k? That's pretty sad actually. The PS3 user base seems to largely be made up of more casual gamers right now if that's the case, not the PS fanboys who bought up huge amounts of first party titles.

MGS4 will likely be one of the last third party exclusives ever, if it doesn't eventually go to the 360. However keep in mind that MGS4 and Final Fantasy are much bigger titles than any title released on the PS3 thus far, and much more main stream than Ratchet and Clank. You're going to See them be 1 million sellers in America.
Also, 1UP reported that Sony had released an official statement that they had sold of our the first week PS3's on November 27th, which means they probably sold out the day before or the 25th.

Sony's PS3 Sells Out in First Week
Where the numbers at? Wait for NPD.
By Luke Smith, 11/27/2006

I'm sure with enough digging and fuzzy math we could get an approximate number, but frankly I can't be bothered to put my education to good use. :o


Black Friday was on the 24th last year

If I looked hard enough I can get a statement from Wallmart of their replenishment time for the PS3 from 2006, but really, I'm just wasting time and have no vested interest in this. If you devided the 197k figure by 2 you'd get 98.5 k, don't forget that Microsofts 310k figure is for the week of Black Friday.
Actually I was listening to the Gamespot Blog and they confirmed that MS DID outsell the PS3 2:1 on black friday.

But those PS3 numbers are pathetic. Even with the help of Black Friday and the looming Christmas season they only barely managed to outdo what MS does REGULARLY.
Microsoft does about Half that regularly, sorry boyo. Microsofts Average is 225-240 ish. You must no look at monthly sales data much.

If PS3's weren't available in stores again until the end of the week in 2006, than it's impossible for Microsoft to have outsold them by that margin.
Forming a statistical average based upon the sales of 1 month of a console that has been out 2 years. Haven't seen that one before.

Look at all their numbers

I did the math, excluding the sales period of November to December (Not counting as a 'regular' period) their average is 257 904k monthly.

Also didn't something starting with H and ending in 3 come out in late September? I'm sure that didn't cause sales bleed over into the next month at all, and I really doubt Halo 3 is helping out hardware sales this Christmas either.

I don't mind if I'm wrong. My satisfaction lies in knowing you went through trouble to prove something. :o

I'm sorry Zenien. I should treat you better.

And I would, if you were active at GR.
Why would I throw myself into a shark pool. =|
It's not fanboy wars there like can occasionally seem here. It's just everyone enjoying each other as friends. We don't even make fun of Sony there. I promise.

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