O.D. Killed one of my high school teachers


It's ashame, he was a really good teacher. A lot of us students were really upset. :csad:

The news site is called The Ledger...
LoL, actually living in that town for 16 years, when Heath first started to get attention with A Knight's Tale they made a joke about his last name with the name of the paper...Haha.
The thing I think is weird (by the way, I'm not in high school anymore, college) was he died in September (I graduated my senior year in May) yet it took nearly six months to discover the results of the autopsy...Kind of strange :dry:
The thing I think is weird (by the way, I'm not in high school anymore, college) was he died in September (I graduated my senior year in May) yet it took nearly six months to discover the results of the autopsy...Kind of strange :dry:
Very strange.
^toxicology findings appear to take a lot longer when you're not a Hollywood superstar I suppose :o
^toxicology findings appear to take a lot longer when you're not a Hollywood superstar I suppose :o

But then again, you got to remember when you're dead, how much money you have doesn't matter...:csad:

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