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Official Nightavenger Thread


Jul 27, 2005
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I have seen the promotions of the reality series of Who wants to be a superhero which I am pretty sure will air on the Sci Fi Channel in the summer of 2006. The contestants on the show invented their own heros and the winner will get a deal with Marvel Comics and their own tv series. This inspired me to invent my own superhero. The name of my superhero is Nightavenger and I will tell you more about him in my next post. I would enjoy feedback until then.
What is this TV show and why am I knot on it. I have like 13 superhero characters.
Ronny Shade said:
What is this TV show and why am I knot on it. I have like 13 superhero characters.

Yes this is a crazy show that's was created by Stan Lee. The contestants don't just create the character they have to be the character. They design the costumes and they all live in a house always dressed like the superhero they created and they do the usual stuff for reality TV go through tests which are supposed to be designed to test the physical, intelligence and morality of each person.
I entered, but I think my superhero was way too avant garde for the show; it wasn't what I thought it was going to be when I invented mine, though . . .
I would like to say could we please keep the focus on Nightavenger and I still want feedback on my first message on the hero I invented Nightavenger.
^^ What kind of feedback do you want? You have not told people a lot about your character except his name. I personally would like some more background.
Good point, a name is just a name. What motivates Nightavenger to be what he/she is? When I think out ideas for my characters, I literally try to map out their complete psychology.
I will watch the show, at least once. I expect it will suck like all the majority of reality tv. It is also on sci - fi channel which gives it a better than average chance to be terrible. Not saying everything on sci-fi sucks, just most of it. But it is produced by, and hopefully features Stan Lee, so maybe. What superheros are gonna be on the show anyone heard???
How many??
Universe: I am going to submit it to Marvel so Marvel Universe

Night Avenger
Real name: Jason Hairston
Identity: Publicly known
Occupation: (former) College disk jockey, Professional (professional) disk jockey.
Citizenship: U.S.A.
Place of birth: Chicago, Illinois
Known relatives: Melinda (mother), Paul (father)
Group affiliation: Known I can think for right now (now)
Education: College graduate ( broadcasting major), bachelor’s degree in broadcasting (complete)

Physical Characteristics
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 195
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown

(Powers: Superhuman strength , ultra speed, energy blasts, near invulnerability, enhanced awareness of almost anything, command of shooting stars, enhanced vision, enhanced hearing, enhanced durability.
Weapons: Star vehicle)

His parents Melinda and Paul raised Jason. Jason was very talented and skilled.
Jason was always one that wanted to work for something rather than just having it handed to him all the time. One of his greatest accomplishments was becoming a first-degree black belt in Taekwondo. His parents about right and wrong taught him. His parents told him that it is easy not to do the right thing and just take the easy path.

Before High School, most students respected and admired Jason. Then High School came with students accusing false accusations giving him a hard time and criticized him. One of the reasons of he was criticized because he usually always did the right thing and they wanted to seem unhappy most of the time.

He was taken advantage of and lied to. Jason always managed to find a way to pass the classes he was in even when it was not going well. Despite this other students still gave him a hard time criticize him along with not recognizing him and respecting him.

He refused to believe what other students said, thought, and continued to prove them wrong. Students criticized that he learned Martial Arts to beat people up and gain things. However, he never used it that way.

He went to the University of Chicago of Illinois where he was the official radio disk jockey all four years he attended. He still received a hard time, criticized, and accused false accusations. In college, he confronted a student about the false accusations. and asked the person do they have evidence and when they bet money on the answer. They did not have evidence and did not bet money on the answer forcing them to admit they were wrong. He graduated from the University in 2002.

Jason then auditioned for a radio station and got the job after one audition. A week later Jason met Rita when she was a in guest studio discussing the Chicago Cubs, Chicago White Sox, and baseball.

Three years later after their first meeting Jason was called the Radio station where he worked by Rita telling him that it was her and that she needed him to walk her home because her car was in the shop. Rita became a secretary at a law firm. Jason became a professional disk jockey on a radio station.

Jason was walking Rita home from work. Then heading towards her apartment Rita a gang member knocked Rita out. Jason trying to prevent any further harm took on all gang members with Taekwondo moves and wristlocks. He managed to get them to go away. But one gang member managed to sprain his ankle before Jason knocked him down with two punches. Jason fell unconscious after seeing the gang members run away very fast..

Two minutes later a shooting star hit Jason survived giving him powers making him more than a man. Ten minutes later Rita woke up after getting knocked out Rita took out her cell phone called 911 and asked for emergency emts while looking at Jason seeing he was unconscious. The emts took Jason to the hospital along with Rita. Rita waited by the hospital bed in a chair waiting for Jason to wake up. Rita fell asleep. It is morning and Rita has awoke again and then 10 minutes later Rita watched as Jason started to wake up the support systems were hit with energy from Jason’s hand. Rita was handed a newspaper and on the front page, Disk jockey defends female citizen and survives being hit by a shooting star. Jason what happened to you. I defended you from further harm my ankle was sprained by a gang member and passed out. Did you know a shooting star hit you? Thank god Rita hugs your alive Jason. He called in and told his boss that he would need time to recover from the incident and to find what happened to him.

Jason went to workout by running during his first day off and discovered that he was running faster than he ever did before that was the same, as some superheroes would have. He then discover another one of his powers with the next by hitting the heavy punching bag what was holding it. He was stretching with his hands out and energy blasts came out of his hand. He did it again and discovered other ways to use the energy blasts with his hands. He also noticed of enhanced awareness of almost anything. He then noticed he heard what person said. He also noticed that after waking up the next day that his vision had improved more than was before without contacts but he kept them around just in case he needed them. He played Mocap Boxing on of his favorite video games on the fourth day he was off at ESPN Zone. He noticed that after beating the game that he was not even tired or exhausted at all so he then ran from Wrigley Field to US Cellular Field and Sears Tower but still was not exhausted. He was starting to believe that the Shooting had given him powers. So decides to talk to Rita and tells her this. Rita is shocked and amazed what she hears. To conclude he went through tests and a human scanner which showed nonhuman traits and characteristics proving he was more than a man and revealed powers and weapons.

He continued to take time off to learn the other powers. Since the event of where he tried to protect Rita crime continued to rise and the rumor of a man with powers continued talk by other people. However, it did not stop criminals from continuing to commit crimes and the crime rate to rise higher.

He was not willing to become a hero at first. One of the reasons was that he was afraid that it makes people especially grow afraid of him especially Rita. He thought it would be easier to forget his powers ever existed.

He was not willing to become a hero at first. One of the reasons was that he was afraid that it makes people grow afraid of him especially Rita. He thought of it would be easier to forget his powers ever existed. However, the dream he had finally convinced him. He had a nightmare that had Rita murdered at her apartment. Jason woke up used his ultra speed to get to her and knocked on the door. He told her she was in danger and that she had to leave. Rita believed him and took her back to his apartment with ultra speed.

Jason told her about his powers. Rita was a little shocked but not afraid. Rita told Jason he could use his powers to protect the city. The other reason convinced him was that he could protect Rita better than he did before and he did not want to see her get hurt again. So you will have to come up with a name.

Both were thinking long and hard until finally it came to mind. Rita told Jason Night avenger because it was night when he was trying to avenge the crime and protect her.

One last thing remained for Jason to become a superhero. I realized I have to come up with a costume. It took a long time but he finally found costume. Then both of them went to bed.
Although the info is good, what is the character's background and motivation? That makes a character who he or she is, not just the powers that is wieded.

You should also try to lay down what your character looks like, his mannerisms, etc.
I must say that NightAvenger is pretty damn powerful, anybody he fights is gonna get their butt kicked. He might be a little too powerful. Why does he go by the name NightAvenger?
You will find that out in the story leading to when he got his powers sorry for not getting the story out faster but thanks for the last reply by Colossus24 that had very postive feedback.
Is he going to fight established villans from the Marvel Universe or is he going to have brand new enemies?
I am glad you asked. I will tell you that he will have his own main set of enemies along with a main villan how most superheors have a main villan and I will list them another time also he will fight established villans in the Marvel Universe such as Dr. Doom and Thanos. Also could the next person post other villans that exist in the Marvel Universe that also be worthy opponents of Nightavenger.
I agree with spdrknight. You really need to flush out this character some more. Awesome powers don't equal great superhero. Just look at Batman. He has no powers and yet he's probably one of the best. He's so great because of how incredibly complex his character is, while his motivation is something everyone can identify with (the loss of loved ones). I just don't see a person becoming a vigilante just because he gains supernatural abilites. For me, I think the character usually does it for far deeper reasons. Like Spiderman, his first instinct after he got bit by the spider was find a way to make money off it.
Not too bad.I think making him imperviouscto injury and healing living beings is not a good idea.If he is impervious to injury than that means hed be practically a flawless hero...and also healing other living beings doesnt put his loved ones in danger too much imo. Other than that it sounds great.

Im so happy summers here...I can start working on my superhero again.Ive been working on it since the sixth grade.Hes pretty fun to write about imo. My tip is just do the story first and action will come along later with ease :up:
What I suggest is to de-power the guy, make him more human and relatable to the readers. Also, making your character less powerful will allow you to focus on some unique powers or attributes that will define the character more. Not every character can be a Superman, Batman, Spiderman, or Daredevil.

You should also develop the heroes motives and backstory a little more, I agree with hgcmp in that the guy seems too in a hurry to be a superhero. Why does this guy do what he does, what makes me strive to help people and put his life on the line? Make your character struggle over the decision, maybe even flush out his backstory (before he gets his powers) more because that is what will set the character apart from other heroes.

One last thing for now... you might think about not making this guy a martial arts expert. Almost half the superheroes are.

You have a good start though, just keep working on the story and characters.
Ok I can do motives and some more background before the event of where he walks Rita home. I can take away the power to heal living beings and impervious to injury and replace it with almost not injurable. I don't think I am going to change the story to how he became Nightavenger. I can describe what he looks like and mannerisms. If I do not use him becoming a super hero right away.Then I use this story. He wakes up heals quickly and takes work off for the next two to three weeks to try and find why when he starts to put his hand out and does a punch with his fingers not inclosed in a fist he discovers the energy blast power. Also he is running and then notices he got from North Chicago to East Chicago really fast along with jumping to do a jumpkick to a punching bag and then starts to fly. He calls Rita tells about the powers. At first he talks to her and thinks it would not matter if he had super powers because crime is higher than ever but then get's reports that it is worse than before Jason the diskjockey was involved in the inncident where he tried protecting Rita from further harm. So he now realizes that he will have to do what he did before except almost all the time and for more just one citizen. You can give me your comments and feedback. If I change it that is what I plan on changing it from to give him time to become a hero rather than just have him discover powers and then decide to become a superhero.
I still do not have an idea as to why he decides to become a superhero, he can't just say, oh I have powers, now I can be a superhero. And replacing those with almost not injurable, isn't really depowering him very much.
You might to think starting from scratch with the origin. Keep the part about the shooting star, but just start from the beginning and work on the charcter's overal backstory, what makes him the man he is. Spiderman/Peter Parker is not the character he is because of the spider who bit him but the way his Aunt May and Uncle Ben raised him. Same thing with Batman/Bruce Wayne, his character is defined by his lack of love through must of his childhood but also the fact the he probably could have been love if given the chance. Work on things like that with your character.

About the powers... try focusing the powers around the shooting star. What could the star have given the character? Or... what could it have taken way from the character too? Try thinking about that. Also, forget about how vunnerable or invunnerable the guy and think about how these powers effect the guy mentally and emotionally. What have they done to his life and him as a character. Most of the time it is not as simple as, "I have powers now. I think I shall be a SUPERHERO!" The guy probably does know how to use the powers, he wasn't born with them. Look at stuff like that.
I don't want to rag on you or your skills, but if you are truly interested in what others think.
I couldnt get past the second paragraph. No Joke, if you want to write, first you must learn how to use the grammer of the language you choose. Not unlike a welder needing to learn how to use welding equipment before trying to weld.
Pyro Max said:
I don't want to rag on you or your skills, but if you are truly interested in what others think.
I couldnt get past the second paragraph. No Joke, if you want to write, first you must learn how to use the grammer of the language you choose. Not unlike a welder needing to learn how to use welding equipment before trying to weld.
Small irony: grammar.

Ghost: I'm glad you finally catalogued your thoughts, you were all over the place first. I'll get to reading your stuff in a second.

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