Iron Man 2 was disappoitning due to reckless shared universe agenda pushing studio interferance, but at least it had internal logic. The first half of it however is a legitimate spiritual successor, and quality follow up to the original. Before it spins into universe self serving obligatory nonsense.
Where credit is due though? In Favreau's Iron Man films his armor seemed plausible, and had actual weight to it. A legitimate one man F-22 fighter jet, weapons system that Stark wears. The universe Favreau created was plausible. Not reality, like Nolan's Batman, a heightened recognizable reality where a fantastical person emerges. The technology of Stark and his antagonists felt plausible. I bought it.
Then comes Iron Man 3 ...
It has some very funny moments, and some strokes of genius. Poking fun at comic book tropes, the social commentary of false flag terror attacks or terrorists themselves. Brillaint. The Mandarin is a joke of a villain, so that twist made the character actually interesting. But Trevor Slattery and EXTREMIS? Ugh. Even in a universe that has Thor, and Asgard?
Exploding people, and fire breathing? REALLY?! Total jump the shark moments. Why is this not being acknowledged?
When all of a sudden Pepper Potts is written as being able to jump 20 feet in the air, back flip, and her arm slices through an Iron Man suit. You lose any tension, or credibility. It's corny. It's stupid.
And WTF were the Iron Man suits made of in IM3? Tin foil? Was there SUCH a need for constant tension deflating humor? It's not levity when you're being bombarded with it constantly. That's annoying.