Origin of self-sacrifice?


Marvel Cinematic Universe
May 2, 2006
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The first "Hulk" was very hit or miss, as many have agreed. One faithful portion taken from the comics was Bruce Banner's attempt at self-sacrifice in order to save another. Since this film is cutting all ties to Ang Lee's version, the first movie's origin is null and void, leaving room for an entirely new one. Though it's been stated that the origin of the new Hulk won't be explained, but rather alluded to, do you think they will retain some idea of self-sacrifice on Bruce's part?
Not sure. That aspect does help color Bruce as a hero instead of just regretfull.
On the link or lack there of between the films...I still hope the movie doesn't directly conflict with the first one, so those that want to consider it a sequel can, and those that do not still have that option.
Not sure if they will play that aspect seeing as how the origin deals with...
Banner messing around with the super soldier serum. I highly doubt he'll be saving anyone. But (and both the origin and this are based on the leaked script not the final) apparently he gives up the cure to become the Hulk and fight Abomination, which does play up the hero aspect.
The first "Hulk" was very hit or miss, as many have agreed. One faithful portion taken from the comics was Bruce Banner's attempt at self-sacrifice in order to save another. Since this film is cutting all ties to Ang Lee's version, the first movie's origin is null and void, leaving room for an entirely new one. Though it's been stated that the origin of the new Hulk won't be explained, but rather alluded to, do you think they will retain some idea of self-sacrifice on Bruce's part?

I think the hardest part about what Ang tried to do was not everyone got the danger. I mean I didn't fully get it myself...the Gamma thing shorted out so it was going to fire and there was nothing that could be done. and the nanomeades were released

but in the origional set up the nanomeades were released into that little area where the frog was.... so they were not just released into the air.....but they would have had to have been to enter Banner along with the Radiation

Also why were the little robots (nanomeaeds) in a gaseous form.... never got that...too much was left up to the audience to extrapilate. Its a bit different then the Spider Bite.

Also would have been a lot better if the accident caused an explosion that created the Hulk.....would have changed the plot alot though.
The first "Hulk" was very hit or miss, as many have agreed. One faithful portion taken from the comics was Bruce Banner's attempt at self-sacrifice in order to save another. Since this film is cutting all ties to Ang Lee's version, the first movie's origin is null and void, leaving room for an entirely new one. Though it's been stated that the origin of the new Hulk won't be explained, but rather alluded to, do you think they will retain some idea of self-sacrifice on Bruce's part?

I don't know if they keep this aspect, although I would like it if they did. If they do, let's hope he saves a guy named Rick and not one named Harper....
The first "Hulk" was very hit or miss, as many have agreed. One faithful portion taken from the comics was Bruce Banner's attempt at self-sacrifice in order to save another. Since this film is cutting all ties to Ang Lee's version, the first movie's origin is null and void, leaving room for an entirely new one. Though it's been stated that the origin of the new Hulk won't be explained, but rather alluded to, do you think they will retain some idea of self-sacrifice on Bruce's part?
Yes, but I won't tell at what point in the movie he does it in. I will tell you however that you will go......OH ****!!!! and have Hulk sized goose bumps when you see it.
The first "Hulk" was very hit or miss, as many have agreed. One faithful portion taken from the comics was Bruce Banner's attempt at self-sacrifice in order to save another. Since this film is cutting all ties to Ang Lee's version, the first movie's origin is null and void, leaving room for an entirely new one. Though it's been stated that the origin of the new Hulk won't be explained, but rather alluded to, do you think they will retain some idea of self-sacrifice on Bruce's part?

Judging by the script we got a few months ago, it doesnt seem that this will make into his origin, which is another mis-step by the director as it is just as important as the gamma exposure to Hulk's origin, its the big difference to him being just another monstor, or being a heroic man who was given the ability to help others through this act (though he sees it as a curse).

Now the people seemingly 'in the know' on this board say the script has been changed, but i cant see any fundamental changes happening this late in the game, even a few months ago. Not to mention we heard the same **** during the lead up to X3 and it turned out practically NOTHING was changed.

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