Pentagon unveils new ray-gun weapon

Sweet. Saw that on FutureWeapons last year. Nice to see they got it mounted on a Hummer now and not a huge truck. Probably a nice non-lethal deterrant for riots and such. :up:
I hate when I read an exciting title of a thread - and then click on it only to find a link to a video :(
Someone on the radio described it as that heat you feel when you get too close to a very hot baked potato, only x1000.
The guy on FutureWeapons (forgot his name) described it as feeling like an instant really bad sunburn.
Is it to make the target drop their weapon? Kinda like, immobilize the target? I think I remember seeing something about that last year.
Notice how everyone who is hit with it instantly runs away?
Imagine when they start tying people up and firing it on them indefinitely. :eek:
How is this new? They were testing lasers during the Panama Canal incident.
Things are getting mighty strange around here.
Notice how everyone who is hit with it instantly runs away?
Imagine when they start tying people up and firing it on them indefinitely. :eek:

well, to be fair, it'd be no more likely than someone tying someone up and shooting them with a gun, or torturing them in some other fashion. if someone wants to torture another, they're gonna do it, whether they have this ray gun or not.
Ah, you beat me to it. Cool stuff. I wonder if prolonged exposure would be harmful or is it just pain w/o any real chance of physical harm. Wait till they can miniaturize it to the point that soldiers can have it attached to their M-16's. Crowd control would be a breeze. Some insurgent with a gun hiding in a village ahead? No problem! We'll just cause everyone in town to run out in the open. I like this. :up:
Bah -- let me know when the army builds something like this...


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