Also, sorry I was late with this, it was posted after my request...
Screenname of the Proposed RPGs Game Master: Spideyssuperfan.
Do You Have An Instant Messenger that we can reach you on for better conversation? (i.e MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ect.) And if so, what is your screenname?: devinlewis657 (aim)
Gamemasters/Assistant Gamemasters already chosen: Spideyssuperfan, Syn(Mercenary)
How will the overall layout of the RPG be?: Each season of the RPG will, essentially, represent the next chapter in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" saga. In essence, each season is intended to be the next "film" in the series.
Premise of RPG, if it is a user created RPG see below for applicable additions to this Applicaton, (Must be a paragraph or longer). Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swan, and the rest of the bucaneers of Olde England are back for their latest endeavors into piracy.
Note the graphic!
What will this RPG bring to the RPG forums? (please write two complete sentences): Well, I'd say rum, but the rum's always gone! I guess I'll just have to settle with this: The "Pirates of the Caribbean" RPG will add a unique game to the already vast collection of gaming options present at the Hype! Who doesn't love a pirate? No doubt that the game will gain a strong and loyal following.
Title Of The RPG You Would Like To Propose: The rpg will have one, permanent title:
"Can You Sail Under The Command Of a Pirate? The "Pirates Of The Caribbean" RPG"
The title will then be augmented by the unique titles given to each season.
For example, the first season is called "Lost Shores"
Example Of Characters Application:
The rpg rules and application are as follows:
So begins the next stage of the Pirates of the Caribbean Saga:
Pirates of the Caribbean IV: Lost Shores
The "Can You Sail Under the Command of a Pirate?" RPG
Commodore: Spideyssuperfan
Captain: Syn(Mercynary)
The Code
Argh, mateys! I, Spideyssuperfan, be welcomin' ya to the "Pirates of the Caribbean" RPG. I hope yer stay with us be long and full of booty. Now, we pirates, although drunks and scoundrels, have a code. And no matter what happens, and I mean no matter what, we always stick to the code. The code for this game be as follows:
- Be your character! You're playing them, so make us readers feel it.
- Don't be lude, crude, or vulgar. Salty talk is acceptable, but offensiveness shan't be allowed.
- Don't be a thief. If someone has laid claim to the character you wish to portray, make yer own!
- Aye, mate, not all of us 'ere are brilliant, so don't critique your fellow posters.
- Make sure that yer character makes sense. If yer character lives for the thrills of adventure, then they oughtn't be sat in a tavern doing nothing!
- Don't be killing yer fellow players' characters!
- Make sure that you drop a line to other characters. It's a hard life living as a solo pirate.
- The masters of our seas, the game masters for all ye who don't talk pirate, will have the final say in acceptance. If you feel that yer character ought be allowed to sail, then state yer case in private messages
- At the time of the game's beginning, two characters is the play limit.
- "We be but humble pirates," as cap'n Barbossa would say, so ensure that all yer travelling is done on foot, horse drawn carriage, or sea-fairing vessel. There'll be no reining of sea turtles.
- Yer first post or arc should tell where your character is, how they got there, and who they are.
- Ensure that all ye actions are thought out. No randomness shall be tolerated.
- During sword fights, ye can't be chopping yer opponents head of. Ensure that all fights are fair. That's 'alf the fun after all.
- The central locale in the RPG is Tortuga. If ever you need a meetin' with a fellow character, try setting it up there. Who knows, you might see some familiar faces.
Above all, remember this: Stick to the code, or it'll be off to the brig with ya!
"Can You Sail Under the Command of a Pirate?" Season 1 RPG sign up form:
Character you want to play:
Your character's rank on board his or her ship:
Has your character appeared in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" Film Universe?: (*Note* All important POTC movie characters will be used before creating Pirate of your own.)
What font will your character speak in? (Please write out the font, color, style, and size):
Is your character a pirate or a loyalist?
Under whom, if anyone, does your character sail under?
What ship does your character sail on?
Character type (select one of the following):
Pirate: Out for himself -- Your character will backstab anyone in order to survive.
Pirate: Loyal to few, deceptive to many -- Your character will only be honest to the people he/she loves or cares about.
Pirate: Buccaneer -- Your character is interested in one thing, and one thing only: plunder. To Davy Jones' Locker with love!
Pirate: Sticks to the Code-er -- Your character seems to be one of the few who has honor among thieves
Pirate: Commoner -- Your character has been swept up in an adventure and things are about to get much more serious.
Englishman: Admiral -- Your character is a highly ranked member of the military and operates several ships.
Englishman: Grudge-holder -- Your character hunts the scum of the seven seas: pirates!
Englishman: Lost cause -- Your character was once a distinguished member of the military or nobility, but has hit harsh times and has washed up.
Englishman: Grunt -- Your character is a cannon fodder, hoping to become a legend.
Neither: Spy -- Your character is playing on one side of the fence, and leaking information to the other.
How many times per day do you plan on posting in the RPG?
Do you know how to post pictures on the Hype! boards?
Please write a sample post, in character, with dialog:
One final question:
Can you sail under the command of a pirate? Or can you not?