Please, Pull My Thing... HARDER! (+first 3pgs of Kieron and Laura's art for THING#6)!


Nov 8, 2004
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Well, July solicits are up...
And now you know, I'm not kidding!
THE THING'S in trouble!
So? What can save the day?


You want to show up on Marvel's radar?
That's what it's going to take.
There are three issues coming up:
#6 guest starring SPIDER-MAN,
#7 with a fun THING/HERCULES battle,
#8 featuring the first ever MARVEL SUPERHEROES POKER TOURNAMENT... ...and a top secret Marvel First!

Please PULL them!

How can you help?
3 things:

1) Keep pulling. And keep spreading the word about the PULL MY THING campaign. But PLEASE keep this in mind:
It's okay to BUMP a PULL MY THING THREAD, but please DON'T create a new THING and/or PULL MY THING THREAD if one is already up on a message board (with the exception of reviewing a specific issue-- that's fair game). And please don't knock other titles while promoting THE THING. You don't have to tear something down to prop THE THING up.

2) If they're out of THE THING at your comic shop, TELL someone, and ask them to please order some more.

3) Remember how I said a grass roots PULL campaign could do more than a letter writing campaign? Okay... Screw that. If you're liking the THING and you want more-- start writing in. NOW. Hey, if it works for the SPIDER-GIRL supporters, maybe it can work here too. Seriously! Go all SPIDER-GIRL on Marvel's collective butt! Let 'em know that you want your THING!

It's not time to throw in the towel! There are STILL issues of the THING coming out! Send these books BACK TO PRESS and you will be sending Marvel one HELL of a message! You want this book to keep going? You're going to have to FIGHT for it!

Keep this team on the schedule, and we PROMISE to give you our BEST work! Stories with heart, action, and fun! Stories that embrace continuity-- and yet remain new reader friendly! Stories that take place across the entire SPECTRUM of the Marvel Universe-- and REVEL in it!

If you don't want that out of your Marvel Comics? Fine. That's cool. Just keep in mind that there are people out there who enjoy it-- and are trying to mobilize and do something POSITIVE here: save a book they WANT TO READ.

Now for some goodies! Starting with the April 26th issue, one of my favorite artists, KIERON DWYER, comes on board! And to whet your appetite, I thought I'd give you a sneak peek at Kieron and colorist, Laura Villari's first three pages!

Here we go...




Whatcha think? Pretty darn cool, right?! That's THING #6 on sale April 26th (and guest-starring SPIDER-MAN)!
So? What are you gonna do when you go to the comic shop this week?

I've been a fan of yours for a while and I've been picking up all your books since your move to Marvel (She-Hulk, Thing, GLA, and She-Hulk 2). I've been campaigning for Thing for a long while, knowing that if it gets cancled it's unlikely to be picked up again. So, I will continue as long as it's still being written.
Spider-Man's guest appearence should have a healthy impact on the book.
Don't worry, Dan. I've been buying your book. Also, I think when you're able, you should get an avatar here of you in a Fonzie pose. I have no idea why, besides the fact that it's cool.
I'm gonna up my pull list to two copies, and write a letter.

Dan, who should we contact? is a physical letter better than an email?
Dan_Slott said:
And please don't knock other titles while promoting THE THING. You don't have to tear something down to prop THE THING up.

You're a class guy Dan.

Dan_Slott said:
3) Remember how I said a grass roots PULL campaign could do more than a letter writing campaign? Okay... Screw that.

And funny to boot!

I'll keep my sig as is until they renew you!
Dan, just kill somebody. Okay, stop looking around the room, you sicko - I mean in your comic book. It's a sure way to pump up the numbers. Cheap? Well yeah, maybe... but it's a tried and proven device. Maybe you can have Lockjaw contract distemper or summin'. Just a thought.

And btw, I'm a faithful reader of the adventures of the 'Everlovin' Blah-De-Blah'.
I've been on board for every issue of THE THING before, and I'll definately be buying any issue that Marvel publishes. When I heard that DiVito would be replaced by Dwyer, I was concerned, but I looked up the artist's website and saw that he has a range that's suitable for mainstream superhero comics, as well as THE THING. While I still prefer DiVito on the book, Dwyer's pages there look plenty spiffy.

THE THING's a highlight of every month, and I'll keep buyin'.

It really is a shame that solid books like these need to be fought for while a lot of lessor quality books sell themselves into the Top 15.
I actually prefer Dwyer to Devito, so this is great for me.

I'm all about pulling The Thing. I've got two of them on my pull list already.
I pull things all the time.....I mean yeah I read the Thing.
Dan_Slott said:
Well, July solicits are up...
And now you know, I'm not kidding!
THE THING'S in trouble!
So? What can save the day?


You want to show up on Marvel's radar?
That's what it's going to take.
There are three issues coming up:
#6 guest starring SPIDER-MAN,
#7 with a fun THING/HERCULES battle,
#8 featuring the first ever MARVEL SUPERHEROES POKER TOURNAMENT... ...and a top secret Marvel First!

Please PULL them!

How can you help?
3 things:

1) Keep pulling. And keep spreading the word about the PULL MY THING campaign. But PLEASE keep this in mind:
It's okay to BUMP a PULL MY THING THREAD, but please DON'T create a new THING and/or PULL MY THING THREAD if one is already up on a message board (with the exception of reviewing a specific issue-- that's fair game). And please don't knock other titles while promoting THE THING. You don't have to tear something down to prop THE THING up.

2) If they're out of THE THING at your comic shop, TELL someone, and ask them to please order some more.

3) Remember how I said a grass roots PULL campaign could do more than a letter writing campaign? Okay... Screw that. If you're liking the THING and you want more-- start writing in. NOW. Hey, if it works for the SPIDER-GIRL supporters, maybe it can work here too. Seriously! Go all SPIDER-GIRL on Marvel's collective butt! Let 'em know that you want your THING!

It's not time to throw in the towel! There are STILL issues of the THING coming out! Send these books BACK TO PRESS and you will be sending Marvel one HELL of a message! You want this book to keep going? You're going to have to FIGHT for it!

Keep this team on the schedule, and we PROMISE to give you our BEST work! Stories with heart, action, and fun! Stories that embrace continuity-- and yet remain new reader friendly! Stories that take place across the entire SPECTRUM of the Marvel Universe-- and REVEL in it!

If you don't want that out of your Marvel Comics? Fine. That's cool. Just keep in mind that there are people out there who enjoy it-- and are trying to mobilize and do something POSITIVE here: save a book they WANT TO READ.

Now for some goodies! Starting with the April 26th issue, one of my favorite artists, KIERON DWYER, comes on board! And to whet your appetite, I thought I'd give you a sneak peek at Kieron and colorist, Laura Villari's first three pages!

Here we go...




Whatcha think? Pretty darn cool, right?! That's THING #6 on sale April 26th (and guest-starring SPIDER-MAN)!
So? What are you gonna do when you go to the comic shop this week?


LOL,.... Uh Oh,......
demento said:
Dan, just kill somebody. Okay, stop looking around the room, you sicko - I mean in your comic book. It's a sure way to pump up the numbers. Cheap? Well yeah, maybe... but it's a tried and proven device. Maybe you can have Lockjaw contract distemper or summin'. Just a thought.

And btw, I'm a faithful reader of the adventures of the 'Everlovin' Blah-De-Blah'.

I don't think he wants to get any fans mad... another way to raise sales is to deal with a social issue, the ol' Judd Winick trick. :up:
The news media will give you free advertising.
Man I miss DiVitto.I really don't like editorial/management's idea of taking him off of a book where his art was part of what people loved.Unbe;ievable.
ampersand said:
Well, I'm sold. I'll email my comic guy now.
yeah! that's one!

now we just need a few thousand more....
Lackey said:
make sure to get the back issues :up:
well, do, but that won't help save the book, since those issues were already ordered
Lackey said:
I don't think he wants to get any fans mad... another way to raise sales is to deal with a social issue, the ol' Judd Winick trick. :up:
The news media will give you free advertising.
What're you speaking of exactly? Pedro and Me?
Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and Outsiders all spring to my mind instantly. Winick's put social issues in all of them--gay beatings, AIDS, and child enslavement, respectively. He even had John Walsh make a couple cameo appearances in Outsiders.

Anyway, I'm gonna buy two issues of the Thing now. I wouldn't do it for many comics, but the Thing has been thoroughly entertaining issue after issue. If another 3 bucks'll help Dan and Andrea keep their jobs, I'm all for it.
TheCorpulent1 said:
Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and Outsiders all spring to my mind instantly. Winick's put social issues in all of them--gay beatings, AIDS, and child enslavement, respectively. He even had John Walsh make a couple cameo appearances in Outsiders.

Anyway, I'm gonna buy two issues of the Thing now. I wouldn't do it for many comics, but the Thing has been thoroughly entertaining issue after issue. If another 3 bucks'll help Dan and Andrea keep their jobs, I'm all for it.

John Walsh.:o What was that? Seriously?
TheCorpulent1 said:
Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and Outsiders all spring to my mind instantly. Winick's put social issues in all of them--gay beatings, AIDS, and child enslavement, respectively. He even had John Walsh make a couple cameo appearances in Outsiders.

I don't mind dealing with social issues, but really, if you're going to do it alot, don't be obvious about it. Use some clever metaphore that most people won't associate with the issue, but it will still effect them when they consider the issue.
I don't mind the social issues. They're pretty much par for the course with Winick's comics. Even Exiles dealt with homosexuality and miscarriages.
I just think that if you're going to deal with social issues regularly, deal with them via a metaphore so you don't come off as preachy or annoying.

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