Police on horseback

Odin's Lapdog

Jun 17, 2003
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Except for having that memorable scene in True lies when good guy on horseback goes up against terrorist on motorcycle, I have a few personal tiffs with policemen on horseback.

first of all except for the environmentallyl friendly point of view i don't see the point of them being in urban areas. True in areas where there are festivals or crowds of people, horseback officers do have a higher viewpoint and can see further and asses a situation better in a crowded situation but is that the right to use an animal as a step ladder.

secondly is the mess they leave when they poo all over the place. Times have changed in order to get pet ownders to make sure they clean up after their animals when they goo poopy. It's now gotten to the stage where pet owners can be fined for leaving their animals mess in a public place. Now this is all good and dandy but when the officer coming to give you the fine is actually on horseback and his horse is ****ting all over the road while he writes out your fine, dont you think perhaps there is a double standard occurring.

now don't get me wrong, i don't mind any kind of poop being left on the street, human, horse, cat, dog, martian. it's all the same to me. It's when the double standards are drawn by the law that upsets me.

alright fine, walking into a busy road to pick up poop could be deemed as suicide but then that brings up the point of why horseback police officers are needed in urban areas when no large events are forseen?

it's not like they'll put a siren and ride to your house if you are being burgled or something along those lines.

don't take this moan too seriously,it's more of an oberservation rather than anything else.



on a final note i wanted to ask if you thought perhaps it would be possible to train a horse just like a dog to go in desinated areas so it's just not on some poor girl crossing the road right behind it.
The whole idea is as stupid as cops on bicycles. :o
i too have wondered about their need. crowd control i can see, but on a day to day basis... i don't know. i don't live anywhere near a city so i'm not a good judge. i guess it would be faster to intercept some bad dude. you could use your awesome cavalry skills and take the guy down and then the horse would like, poop on him or something...

i digress.
Tsunulia said:
The whole idea is as stupid as cops on bicycles. :o
Now that's something I have a hard time taking seriously.
that only ever happened once in true lies....

and another film with woody harleson (sp?) as a cowboy.
Let's leave no rock not looked under or corner not peered around to find something to complain about!
i've got a four page list of potential complaint threads on the horizon.


i'm just saying what's the point really, if i saw one then i wouldn't mind but it seems to be escaping me at the present moment.
Just what we need, more bow-legged cops to laugh at. :o
Odin's Lapdog said:
i've got a four page list of potential complaint threads on the horizon.
I guess everyone should have a hobby.
i was thinking about this just recently as i drove by an officer on horseback infront of the movie theater at the mall.

i was like wtf is the point of that?? what about the horse sh_tting all over the place.

i say nay in urban areas. pretty dumb. maybe i should invent the horse diaper for horse carriages. like a horse troff for there butt.
Horses can drop up to 70 pounds of poop each day.
ZER0C00L said:
i was thinking about this just recently as i drove by an officer on horseback infront of the movie theater at the mall.

i was like wtf is the point of that?? what about the horse sh_tting all over the place.

i say nay in urban areas. pretty dumb. maybe i should invent the horse diaper for horse carriages. like a horse troff for there butt.
or maybe it would just be easier to 'house train' a horse.
C. Lee said:
I guess everyone should have a hobby.
i was going to say it's better than being a mass murderer but really that's debatable...
Odin's Lapdog said:
i was going to say it's better than being a mass murderer but really that's debatable...
Yeah, I guess it depends on what mass of people you murder.
Immortalfire said:
Horses can drop up to 70 pounds of poop each day.
I used to work on a horse farm......once you shovel crap for work....no matter what happens later, the rest of the day isn't too bad.
The most ridiculous thing I see, which I think goes on in some cities here, but was definitely rampant in Paris, is cops on rollerblades. Unless you're living in the plains, how could you not find an obstacle that would completely lose them?
I'll leave my cop jokes at the door.
C. Lee said:
I used to work on a horse farm......once you shovel crap for work....no matter what happens later, the rest of the day isn't too bad.
It's not that bad. I grew up going to the stable as much a I could for riding lessons, and while mucking stalls wasn't my favorite job of the day, it was tolerable.
Childlike Wild said:
It's not that bad. I grew up going to the stable as much a I could for riding lessons, and while mucking stalls wasn't my favorite job of the day, it was tolerable.
Did you do just the one you were riding...or a whole stable full? The horse farm I worked had up to 30 some horses at a given time (spread out over a large area of course)....I got pretty tired of taking care of them after a while.
Don't get me started on those ass****s.
It's illegal to let your dog CRAP on the sidewalk. If you don't pick up the CRAP, they'll fine you $100.

But they ride around on their horses out front of my work and drop 50 or 60 POUNDS of fetid CRAP, right in the path of people's feet. And if you point out that it's illegal to let a dog crap there without cleaning it up, so they should take some measures (since one horse bestows the CRAP-equivalent of 20 or 25 dogs), they literally laugh at you and clip-clop away.

F***in' hypocritical, above-the-law ASS-F***S !
Wilhelm-Scream said:
Don't get me started on those ass****s.
It's illegal to let your dog CRAP on the sidewalk. If you don't pick up the CRAP, they'll fine you $100.

But they ride around on their horses out front of my work and drop 50 or 60 POUNDS of fetid CRAP, right in the path of people's feet. And if you point out that it's illegal to let a dog crap there without cleaning it up, so they should take some measures, they literally laugh at you and clip-clop away.

F***in' hypocritical, above-the-law ASS-F***S !
The only way to retaliate without letting your dog crap and picking up a fine, is to drop your pants right in front of the station and drop a Baltimore Blanket right in front of them.
C. Lee said:
Did you do just the one you were riding...or a whole stable full? The horse farm I worked had up to 30 some horses at a given time (spread out over a large area of course)....I got pretty tired of taking care of them after a while.
Usually it would be another person and I doing all the stalls. It wasn't as many as thirty though... maybe half that? I was also a kid who absolutely adored horses though, so when I was given tasks that actually had the horses around (sometimes they'd be in the stalls still) I was okay with it.

The job I absolutely hated with picking up rocks from the riding arena under the hot sun. Ugh.
Calvin said:
The only way to retaliate without letting your dog crap and picking up a fine, is to drop your pants right in front of the station and drop a Baltimore Blanket right in front of them.
Oh wine-sodden absurdling, you know that the penalty for such an act would be higher than a fine for dog-poo. :confused:

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