Alright, you got me in the fact that i forgot about Munich.
But for whoever asked if i had seen Schindlers List...the answer is yes, and its very good. However that movie is 14 years old now. I said his recent movies are not up to his past quality.
Schindlers list, E.t, Jurrasic Park, Close encounters, Indiana, Private Ryan.
I think all of those are better then Munich, AI, Minority Report...
They're all great movies. But lately i find that his name is on so much stuff, most of which he doesnt even direct. People just use his name to sell tickets now. Its only every 4 or 5 years that we get an actual treat from speilberg(his movies are never bad). It used to be if you saw Spielberg on a project you could expect quality. Now thats not the case especially since hes gotten involved in the executive producer/ producer roles in certain films.
Hes a talented director but theres so many others that never get the recognition he does, and they are equally as talented, Alfonso Cauron, Del Toro (who is finally getting praise for pan), Nolan, heck even Coppola, who is often credited with directing the best movie ever(in manys opinion) doesnt get as much praise as speilberg. Doesnt that make him over-rated in a sense?
After all hes not always writing these masterpieces, he just films them, which of course is not insulting his skills in the least, I'm just saying that often the scripts which he directs are excellent to begin with, where as other talented directors arent as lucky.