Days of Future Past Possible taglines?

Still Wynning

That is the gist of it. (She/Her)
Jan 19, 2010
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It's pretty self explanatory. Just think of a tagline for the film. Funny taglines are welcome, too.

Here are some I thought of:


-This summer, past and future collide.
-Their past. Their future.
-The future has arrived.


-Singer is back, b*tches!!!
-No more continuity errors.
-This summer, go back to the future!
I have thought of a couple stupid, unimaginitive taglines like:

The battle for the future begins in the past.

Survival will need Sacrifice

This Summer, Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender and Gandalf fight for survival!
The Future is Written
Our Past, Their Future
The Not to Distant Future is Here

God those suck :funny:
The Key To The Future Begins In The Past
Redemption Begins In The Past
Who Said You Cant Change Your Future

LoL Im Sorry for all this!!
To save the future, their past must become their present, so that their past future can change into a better future for their past selves whom they presently know.


EDIT: Or...

From a series filled with continuity errors and contradictions comes a story in which the writers try to handle a more complex chronology involving time travel.
Retroactively Fixing Mistakes
Undoing What's Been Done
Yeah Yeah, We Know....
Future Meets Past
When Two Worlds Collide
Go Back to the Past to Save the Future
The Days of Future and Past
To change their future, they must destroy our past.

To save their future, they must sacrifice our past.

To me, if they must change their future, something or someone will actually have to die or be destroyed.

For example, what if they use the JFK plot and it turns out JFK must be assassinated and not saved. Or else
It took 5 films to screw up the continuity..................But only one to fix it. X-MEN Days Of Future Past................Or will it?

This summer..................The past..........Receives.................An optic blast..

Their future,from another past which leads to a future that never was but could have been.

To save the future.................Relive.................The Past.............

With a messed up continuity..................Comes another opportunity..........To take money from your wallet..

Some one should write one of these in the style of haiku.
The previous tag lines:

X1: "The future is here"

X2: "The time has come for those who are different to stand united"

X3: "Take a stand"

First Class: "Witness the moment that will change our world" and "Witness the beginning"

"Change the past" for posters featuring the FC cast.

"Save the future" for posters featuring the OT cast.

"Save the past to change the future" for posters featuring both casts.
"Save The Cheerleader, Save The World"... oh wait wrong series

"stop mentioning the continuity and enjoy the movie"

"A movie that involves time travel. See one fan on the internet ask should Fassbender's Magneto posses a digital watch?"
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When the past and the future collide
The previous tag lines:

X1: "The future is here"

X2: "The time has come for those who are different to stand united"

X3: "Take a stand"

First Class: "Witness the moment that will change our world" and "Witness the beginning"

"Change the past" for posters featuring the FC cast.

"Save the future" for posters featuring the OT cast.

"Save the past to change the future" for posters featuring both casts.
I agree with everything you said! :woot:
"We started the modern Superhero movie!"
"Look out for Hugh Jackman's cameo!"
*This time, they can blame it on time travel*
"The Last Stand? Forget it!"
To mimic X1's tag line: The future is past.

Then a poster with Stewart/ McKellen in the foreground and McAvoy/Fassbender in the background: Future meets Past.

For the vice versa. Past meets Future.

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