Might seem like a silly question to some, but will they just shave Clive Owen's head and slap some clay on his face for his character as Dwight before he gets his "new face" in 'A dame to kill for'?
Jager X said:
BT18 said:that hasn't been confirmed at all. And making Clive look bald and adding some prosthetics are hardly a sure thing when the goal is making him look like an unrecognizable person YET have it be natural and realistic looking. If they wanted to use the same actor for both versions they should have added prosthetics to the first movies version and not used them in the second or atleast used less of them and in different ways in the second.
BT18 said:that hasn't been confirmed at all. And making Clive look bald and adding some prosthetics are hardly a sure thing when the goal is making him look like an unrecognizable person YET have it be natural and realistic looking. If they wanted to use the same actor for both versions they should have added prosthetics to the first movies version and not used them in the second or atleast used less of them and in different ways in the second.
droogiedroogie2 said:Why not have some other guy do the acting and have Clive do a voiceover?
I hope so.Tomaszelhombre said:Might seem like a silly question to some, but will they just shave Clive Owen's head and slap some clay on his face for his character as Dwight before he gets his "new face" in 'A dame to kill for'?
InSaNe M!K3 said:so wait Clive Owen is gunna be bald in Sin City 2?!?!?!?
cerealkiller182 said:Clive would have to wear prosthetics. I suppose it wouldnt look terrible when mixed with the green screen effect. I thought Rourke and Dle Toro looked a hell of a lot sillier when they they had the prosthetics but didnt have the green screen in some of the interviews.