Predators 2 or AvP3, which would you rather see?

Darth Rockwell

Avengers Assemble
May 5, 2004
Reaction score
With Prometheus furthering the Alien universe a little more I was wondering about Predator and if we would see him again. I just got done watching the original Predator movie and it never disappoints. Out of all the versions of the character to come out the first movie has always been my favorite.

But what do other people think?

I'd love to see another solo Predators. I thought the third film was good and there is a lot that can be done there. I also think it could be used to bridge the gap a little better, set up Colonial Marines and such.
Sequel to Predators even though it wasn't all that, it was a step towards the right direction.
I thought Predators had the right idea but wasn't really good. I hear they do want a sequel from Rodriguez but first he's working on Sin City 2.

They'll probably leave Aliens alone until Ridley finishes his Prometheus trilogy.
Predators 2 by a kajillion million miles.

There is only one decent Predator film so far. And even that one cannot be called a Masterpiece.
I gave up on any post-1990's Predator movie being good so I voted neither.

The first one is one of my favorite all time movies. Perfectly executed just like Robocop.
I gave up on any post-1990's Predator movie being good so I voted neither.

The first one is one of my favorite all time movies. Perfectly executed just like Robocop.
Agreed. Predator wise, the first film is all I need.
Easily, easily another Predators movie, thankfully, Prometheus threw the AvP movies out of continuity and was an amazing movie at the same time.

Predators was good, but they can easily do more with the concept.
For now, just do more Predators movies. Maybe in some years from now somebody can make a good AVP movie
The thing is I liked predator 2 maybe alittle bit more then the first just cause it didnt do the same group being hunted in the jungle story and rather put it in a city where I think is the best way to go honestly. I mean hollywood seems to think the only way this can work is too set it in the jungle and have a group of soldiers being hunted. I would like to see finally us go to the predators homeworld and maybe have a battle there.
i liked Predators and would love to see a sequel. especially more so now seeing as Arnold is back making movies. it'd be cool to see him in the sequel.

I was thinking it would be fun to see Arnold and Glover both back. Maybe they have a "Trophy" hunt where they select survivors to go against. It would be a fun thing to see.
The answer to this question really depends on the intentions of the film makers. If the intention is to make a straight up sequel to the previous movies in the franchise, then the answer is Predators 2, without question.

If, on the other hand, the intentions of the film makers is to make a proper adaptation of the novel/graphic novel Alien vs Predator: Prey, then I'd have to go with AVP3. Of course they'd have to cut the part about the Pred clan that doesn't care about honour when they hunt for trophies, as that doesn't translate to film very well. But most of the story would make for a great movie.

And I still say a Predator prequel, with a Pred hunting vikings, knights, samurai, ninja, Apache Indians, Incan warriors, etc, would make for an awesome Predator movie.
Now that i think about it, a new Predator film where they took all the survivors of the 3 other films as a sort of event would be really cool.
If I had to choose, I'd go for a solo Predator film, and have it be something different. I'd actually prefer it to be like the Concrete Jungle video game, in the sense we follow a Predator's journey and while it's methods are brutal, it isn't 'the bad guy' per se.
I was thinking it would be fun to see Arnold and Glover both back. Maybe they have a "Trophy" hunt where they select survivors to go against. It would be a fun thing to see.

Get a great director, writer and SFX and I'm behind this 100%.
And I still say a Predator prequel, with a Pred hunting vikings, knights, samurai, ninja, Apache Indians, Incan warriors, etc, would make for an awesome Predator movie.


I say do a Predator: Legacy Trilogy

movie 1 - Apache and cowboys

movie 2 - Vikings

movie 3 - Ninjas and Samurais

(I did it in order of least to most badass but you can also do it in chronological order)
Now that i think about it, a new Predator film where they took all the survivors of the 3 other films as a sort of event would be really cool.

Hmmmmm . . . could work. Just spitballing the plotline here, but . . .

A predator ship lands in the Florida Everglades and the Predator makes Miami his hunting ground. The police think they have a serial killer on their hands. They ask the feds for help. What they get are Ahnuld reprising his role as Dutch, Danny Glover reprising his role as Mike Hannigan, the same two hot Latina actresses reprising their roles as Anna and Feona respectively, and the black girl from AVP. They show up with all this high tech government issue hardware and attempt to hunt the hunter. Maybe all the old timers get taken out one by one and the hero of the film is the homicide detective played by some hot new Hollywood action star, like Chris Hemsworth. The movie ends pretty much the same as Predator 1 & 2 do, a final showdown between the Predator and the human hero where the Predator loses.

Not all that original, but could be a lot of fun.

I say do a Predator: Legacy Trilogy

movie 1 - Apache and cowboys

movie 2 - Vikings

movie 3 - Ninjas and Samurais

(I did it in order of least to most badass but you can also do it in chronological order)

Not bad. But why limit yourself to a trilogy when you can have a Predator: Legacy Series? There are just so many points in history you could insert a Predator where his hunts and his futuristic technology would make him seem magical, even demonic. You could have Predator vs Spartans! Predator vs Nazis! Predator vs The Confederacy! The list goes on and on.

What if the troops of General Santa Ana stormed The Alamo, only to find all of the defenders strung up like sides of beef and skinned like animals?

The possibilities are limitless.
the hero of the film is the homicide detective played by some hot new Hollywood action star, like Chris Hemsworth.

Thoe only lead in a Predator film to probably be taller than the actual Predator!
Thoe only lead in a Predator film to probably be taller than the actual Predator!

Chris Hemsworth is over 7' tall? I always thought he was like 6'4" or so. When hiring people to play Predators, the studio usually gets NBA basketball stars like Kareem Abdul Jabar, or Shaquille O'Neal (both stand well over 7' tall) to play the role.

For the first movie (and I think the second one as well) they hired a fairly well known actor who was over 7' tall. He was probably best known as the black guy who could shrink down to the size of a Ken doll in the series The Misfits Of Science. Sadly he passed away in the early 90's, having contracted AIDS through a tainted blood transfusion (frighteningly not all that uncommon an occurrence in the late 80's and early 90's).

So unless Thor was born with giantism and has hidden it from the world even after a half dozen fairly well received movies, I don't think the hero will actually be taller than the Predators.

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