Yay! (To both having you aboard and to Howard coming back!)I'm in.
You can bet your asses Howard's coming back.
That's fair. Say, is your avatar a picture of Jar Jar Binks committing suicide with a laser pistol?I believe it's domini.
Naturally.No, it's a picture of Jar Jar's father, George R. Binks, committing suicide with a laser pistol.
That's actually perfectly reasonable.Anyone wanna volunteer to be the third AGM? I've got myself and Byrd listed so far, and while I'd ask Eddie or Syn, I feel like they've been back a little too briefly to take it on yet. No offense, fellas.
Well, I actually wanted to go a little further. The RPG should actually be in the Marvel forum.Looks good to me. A little advertising couldn't hurt. Most of us found the RPGs by stumbling around in the comics forums, so why not make a casting call as Harl suggested?
That plan is less about space and more about exposing the Basement to people who might want to participate in other games. I wonder how many people A.) know we're down here and B.) know what exactly it is that we do. I was aiming for visibility first and foremost.You keep the same space issues. But, like I said, two threads really aren't a lot. The problem always was that we overdid it with the amount of games.