Punisher 2: any movement?


Gimme some sugar baby!!!
Jul 29, 2005
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There hasn't been any news on this for a while has anyone got ant official news? Please?
Nothing yet, but CO2 and PunisherNC are going to the Dallas Con where Tim Bradstreet and Tom Jane are scheduled and I've asked them to get us some word on what's happening
Well hopefully he's right this time. This movie needs to get the damn ball rolling.
Lets hope its gonna happen this year - if hes still training for the part hes gonna be fricken massive by then... cheers!
Darkesthorizon said:
Earlier today, Tom Jane was on the Pugs and Kelly Show on FM 105.3 in Dallas Texas and comfirmed the Punisher 2 will begin filming at the end of the year. Thomas Jane is a semi usual guess on the show, and everytime he's on there, he's stone or something. Had me crying laughing. He called into the show, while in the movie theater watching "Inside Man". And he right in the middle of the interview he yells "YEAH I'M TALKING DURING THE MOVIE! WHAT YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT!" He's coming to Dallas for Comic Con. Other times on the Pugs and Kelly show, he's brought a gun, and almost made the producer piss himself, or is just usually high. But yeah, Punisher 2, filming begins late 06

Filming at the end of the year. Hmmm a winter setting. I like it. Hopefully it happens and hopefully LGF will place this in October 2007 release. :)

Forget the summer. It'll get swallowed and spit out and trash any hopes for Punisher 3. These films survive in the little calender niches after August.
Darkesthorizon said:
Earlier today, Tom Jane was on the Pugs and Kelly Show on FM 105.3 in Dallas Texas and comfirmed the Punisher 2 will begin filming at the end of the year. Thomas Jane is a semi usual guess on the show, and everytime he's on there, he's stone or something. Had me crying laughing. He called into the show, while in the movie theater watching "Inside Man". And he right in the middle of the interview he yells "YEAH I'M TALKING DURING THE MOVIE! WHAT YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT!" He's coming to Dallas for Comic Con. Other times on the Pugs and Kelly show, he's brought a gun, and almost made the producer piss himself, or is just usually high. But yeah, Punisher 2, filming begins late 06

That guy is my hero. Is there any way to get some audio clips of any of these interviews?
According to IMDB the plot is as follows:

Plot Summary for
The Punisher 2 (2006)
Frank Castle, former SEAL and FBI agent now turned dedicated vigilante, begins a path of destruction through violent criminals across the country. After Castle kills a powerful mafia don, a previously exiled under-boss named Billy Russo returns to New York. Russo (eager to take control of the criminal underworld) convinces the remaining mob leaders that he can kill Castle, AKA the Punisher. The struggle turns in to a three-way battle when FBI agent Stephanie West aims to take both Castle and Russo off the streets

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