Punisher 2 should start filming around January 1, 2007

Well let's hope so. I read this earlier today as well. We might be able to get it then by the end of 2007 then. Damn, that's a long time to wait.
That's great news, I saw it as well. If things go as planned and they start filming by January, I see a December release in the works.
Kable24 said:
Well let's hope so. I read this earlier today as well. We might be able to get it then by the end of 2007 then. Damn, that's a long time to wait.

Remember when Punisher War Journal first came out? We had to we wait six weeks per issue. Now, if they need a while to make this movie gold I have absolutely no complaints. Tom if your listening take as much time as you feel you need!!
Way back in 1988. Those were the good old days man. I'm all for getting this one perfect, it's just so damned hard to wait. Once production gets rolling though, I am going to be thrilled. I'm still hoping for them to film in New York City, so I can go up and watch some filming and hopefully meet Tom Jane and maybe get to be an extra.
Hmmm. It seems like they might be wanting another Spring/Summer release.
A late August or September '07 release would be good.:unishr:
as long as we get one and it kicks ass things will be good - Im in the UK and we'll probably get it six months after the US...
WTF, 2007!?!?!?!

I doubt it's going to be made then. It'll be stuck in production hell if they say it's taking that long before they film.
Mr. Socko said:
WTF, 2007!?!?!?!

I doubt it's going to be made then. It'll be stuck in production hell if they say it's taking that long before they film.

Well they are still working on a shooting script it seems and still have casting and locations to do. And it only needs a couple months to finish up the movie and have it ready to go. From the looks of it my guess is that we might see a 2007 Summer release at the earliest.
They (LG) probably don't want Hensleigh at all anymore. Not even his script, which I thought was pretty bad ass. As long as it's a better script, and they get a better director, it'll be worth the wait.:unishr:
But...I liked Hensleigh alot. :( But if they get another director I hope they get someone along the lines of Walter Hill.
Whats with the delays on this, they were to get the ball rolling this summer. Its nice to have news but i just hope that date is not moved again.
Oh god dammit!

I knew they were going to throw that kickass script away! They better keep atleast most of the elements. God ****ing dammit.

I liked Hensleigh alot too.

That new Marvel conference call where Punisher2 was listed as TBA was it for me:(

I never liked Lionsgate. Dammit I wanted to see that script on screen! It's just such a long wait.

It still better be some badass faithful punisher ****.

tengent over
Well.....maybe it's the same script...only a little less hardcore. Maybe?
doesn't sound like it

and you say less hardcore like it's a good thing
January seems Far away but at least it's going to start filming. I don't imagine this coming in 2007 but maybe April 2008. I want Hensleigh back as director, unlike most directors he choose to do less CGI and more practical.
Why do people keep saying they don't see this movie coming 2007?? It will only take a couple months to finish once they start filming.
RedIsNotBlue said:
Why do people keep saying they don't see this movie coming 2007?? It will only take a couple months to finish once they start filming.

Yeah I mean really if done as the War Zone script was it would only really take about 80 days. then edit, music. Done:o

But of course they were also supposed to film this summer. And last fall. And last summer.
For some reason people think the Punisher needs Spider-Man production.
Reminds me of a fan film where I SWEAR the skull was CGI
Yeah....we live in a CGI-strong film industry. Everything needs to be CGI for people. So....post production is like 5 or 6 months for films. I don't see how it can be that long for the Punisher....like you said Zer00......80 days, then edit music. That would be so cool.....but apparently, the "industry" thinks "people" don't want that (bunch of suits and ties with numbers, and charts and pie graphs...bastards...).

I didn't say that less hardcore is good though. I just want to hope and wish that atleast SOME of that script is still a part of the movie.

I mean.....why don't they just get Ennis to write the script? Writing comics is alot like writing for a film. Just get a pro to co-write with him and help him out with the basics of writing for a film, then....boom. There ya go.
I like Ennis


I'm not a fan of comic writers writing comic movie scripts anyway. I feel there's a certain bias of adaption.

btw the first Punisher took 55 days to film. It was still a little rushed but only 55 days.
Whats with the delays on this, they were to get the ball rolling this summer. Its nice to have news but i just hope that date is not moved again.

Contrary to popular belief, this movie was not a huge hit or money maker. If the sequel does happen, you guys will be lucky to get it at all.

Weren't they supposed to get this movie out this year?

I wonder what happened :) .
TheVileOne said:
Contrary to popular belief, this movie was not a huge hit or money maker. If the sequel does happen, you guys will be lucky to get it at all.

Weren't they supposed to get this movie out this year?

I wonder what happened :) .

Thats a popular belief??? Where you gettin that?? We know it had horrible box office numbers. But it did very well on dvd which made them believe that putting it up against Kill Bill 2 was a giant mistake and realize it had much more potential. And the shooting script is still being worked on so who knows whats going on.

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