For almost three years fans have been clamoring for a sequel to The Punisher film released in April of 2004. Over that time we have heard tons of rumors and speculation on the progress of a new film. Who will star? Who will be the villain? When will the script be done? When will it start shooting? When will it be released?!?!?!?
We need your help in compiling some statistics on what the Punisher fan has in mind for a sequel. What are a Punisher fans favorite movies? What kind of film do you want Punisher 2 to be? What directors would be perfect for Punisher 2?
Send in your ideas to [FONT="] [email protected][/FONT]. Answer the above questions and also submit some of your ideas on the movie and what you would like to see up on that screen.
The Punisher Archives
We need your help in compiling some statistics on what the Punisher fan has in mind for a sequel. What are a Punisher fans favorite movies? What kind of film do you want Punisher 2 to be? What directors would be perfect for Punisher 2?
Send in your ideas to [FONT="] [email protected][/FONT]. Answer the above questions and also submit some of your ideas on the movie and what you would like to see up on that screen.
The Punisher Archives