Quentin Tarantino's Luke Cage: Hero For Hire?

Chances are very, very slim; he's even quoted in the article as saying he'd rather create his own superhero, then work with restrictions that he would undoubtedly have with Marvel or DC.
About as likely, if not less, than a Ms.Marvel movie :( shame, I love Luke Cage. On the bright side, I can see him becoming a character in later Avengers movies.
Chances are very, very slim; he's even quoted in the article as saying he'd rather create his own superhero, then work with restrictions that he would undoubtedly have with Marvel or DC.

I think he also said that he doesn't want to deal with the fanboys b***ing about the artistic changes he'd make.
I think he also said that he doesn't want to deal with the fanboys b***ing about the artistic changes he'd make.

"Artistic changes"???


Tarantino should stay away from anything associated with Marvel. Period.
Don't be so dramatic. its not gonna happen. just an interesting "what coulda been" from back in the day.
Quentin Tarantino is a guy who should never go near adaptations in general because it would never benefit either side.
This would all kinds of awesome if this came to fruition.
Quentin Tarantino is a guy who should never go near adaptations in general because it would never benefit either side.
Oh really?

exactly. and personally, id be just fine with his "vision" for Luke Cage. but again it aint happening.
I think a Tarantino's Luke Cage would be pretty dope. As long as it's the 70's blaxploitation version. That seems right up his alley.
Oh really?


I never said he hasn't done one before, but that's an exception that was up his alleyway at the time, since he was one of the go to guys for crime thrillers of the 90s.

Also, he still had free reign to do whatever with book. He wouldn't have that with Marvel. It's not like Rum Punch had a following that was even as big as Luke Cage.
larry fishburne would have been cool as an early 90s Cage.

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