Question about the new Nancy story.


Definitely Not 40
Apr 4, 2004
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I've heard that the Nancy story will have her taking revenge on the Roark family, do you think she'll have Marv help her out. I mean, in the movie and one story in Booze, Broads and Bullets it shows marv watching Hartigan go off with Nancy, so I bet he'll still be alive when Nancy figures out that Hartigan is dead. And he has helped her out before, so why wouldnt she want him on her side. She cant take on the Roarks all on her own.
Roarks? There aren't any more Roarks, Marv kill Cardinal, whi only leaves the Senator, she can take him. I don't think Frank would want Marv to help, then he'd be in two stories, A Dame To Kill For which is going to be in Sin City 2, and the new Nancy Story.
That would be a really great idea. And technically, Marv was in 2 stories in Sin City, Hard Goodbye and TYB.
Game Player said:
Roarks? There aren't any more Roarks, Marv kill Cardinal, whi only leaves the Senator, she can take him. I don't think Frank would want Marv to help, then he'd be in two stories, A Dame To Kill For which is going to be in Sin City 2, and the new Nancy Story.

I've heard that the Nancy story will have her taking revenge on the Roark family, do you think she'll have Marv help her out. I mean, in the movie and one story in Booze, Broads and Bullets it shows marv watching Hartigan go off with Nancy, so I bet he'll still be alive when Nancy figures out that Hartigan is dead. And he has helped her out before, so why wouldnt she want him on her side. She cant take on the Roarks all on her own.
No I think Frank Miller should take advantage and make a new stellar charecter..
Well he's writing a new book so we should have new charecters.
Depends. If they're bad guys, I don't mind, they'll die a bloody death, but if they're good guys...I'm gonna have to warm-up to them :(
Yea,But Frank is a genius! The new characters should be cool.
You think maybe The Man could appear in the new Nancy story?
I've heard that the Nancy story will have her taking revenge on the Roark family, do you think she'll have Marv help her out. I mean, in the movie and one story in Booze, Broads and Bullets it shows marv watching Hartigan go off with Nancy, so I bet he'll still be alive when Nancy figures out that Hartigan is dead. And he has helped her out before, so why wouldnt she want him on her side. She cant take on the Roarks all on her own.

Possible, depending on when the story takes place, since "The Hard Goodbye" is, I believe, only a few months after "That Yellow Bastard".
Not too happy about the Nancy story. Sounds too "Kill Bill" for me. I don't have a doubt in my mind that Quenton is going to direct that segment. -_-; Another reason why Frank is doing the story is because of the popularity of Jessica Alba being Nancy.

Just my opinion is all.
body_crumbles said:
Not too happy about the Nancy story. Sounds too "Kill Bill" for me. I don't have a doubt in my mind that Quenton is going to direct that segment. -_-; Another reason why Frank is doing the story is because of the popularity of Jessica Alba being Nancy.

I think your right, But personlly I think the story could rock, Plus Quentin Tarinto is a great director.
Ooh, I like the idea of Nancy hiring the Salesman to help her go after the Roarks.
Ideally, I'd have it be that she originally hired him to kill HER. Maybe she would hire him under the name Cordelia. Then, when he sees that it's really Nancy, who he watched in the bar before and has a deep sort of admiration for, he refuses to kill her and they join together. Ideally, I'd have it all from the Salesman's point of view. But oh well.
JLBats said:
Ideally, I'd have it be that she originally hired him to kill HER. Maybe she would hire him under the name Cordelia. Then, when he sees that it's really Nancy, who he watched in the bar before and has a deep sort of admiration for, he refuses to kill her and they join together. Ideally, I'd have it all from the Salesman's point of view. But oh well.

That idea rocks!
Actually, The Hard Goodbye takes place about 4 years after That Yellow Bastard. Check the story and you'll see Dwight moaning about how Ava left him, which In A Dame To Kill For, took place four years before the events of that story. Since A Dame To Kill For takes places slightly before and during The Hard Goodbye, the time span is four years before. Therefore, the Senator is still alive at this time because Marv mentions him still being alive. Also, there is a third Roark brother, the Attorney General. He isn't mentioned in the movie, but he is mentioned, but never shown, in The Hard Goodbye. What I would like to see if Nancy run into a Roark that is actually a good person and she has to struggle with the fact that she might have to kill a good person in the name of vengeance. I think that would really bring some fresh drama into the story instead of it just being a straight revenge piece.
I've heard that the Nancy story will have her taking revenge on the Roark family, do you think she'll have Marv help her out. I mean, in the movie and one story in Booze, Broads and Bullets it shows marv watching Hartigan go off with Nancy, so I bet he'll still be alive when Nancy figures out that Hartigan is dead. And he has helped her out before, so why wouldnt she want him on her side. She cant take on the Roarks all on her own.

This would be good.
JLBats said:
Ideally, I'd have it be that she originally hired him to kill HER. Maybe she would hire him under the name Cordelia. Then, when he sees that it's really Nancy, who he watched in the bar before and has a deep sort of admiration for, he refuses to kill her and they join together. Ideally, I'd have it all from the Salesman's point of view. But oh well.

I don't think that makes sense--where is it shown that The Salesman has even been in the same room as Nancy, let alone have a deep admiration for?
body_crumbles said:
Not too happy about the Nancy story. Sounds too "Kill Bill" for me. I don't have a doubt in my mind that Quenton is going to direct that segment. -_-; Another reason why Frank is doing the story is because of the popularity of Jessica Alba being Nancy.

Just my opinion is all.

Actually, Miller has said that the crime textbooks in Nancy's room in TYB is supposed to be a hint to what's to come for her--suggesting that Nancy might very well become a gumshoe.

Maybe still a little Kill Bill-like, but that should be enough to make it fresh. :up:

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