Comics Question about Venom


May 29, 2003
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I am talking about the symbiote costume from the secret wars in the comics. I don't know if there are any others, but I just want to be clear. I have quite a few issues with venom I even have the episode before where he is finally fully revealed. My question is how is Venom stronger than Spidey? The suit didn't make Spidey any stronger I don't believe, but it somehow makes Eddie stronger than Spidey. I could understand if they were the same strength cause then it can be explained the suit just copied Spidey. So was the strength difference ever explained? Thanks.
Its the suits strength (spideys strength) + Brocks olympic level strength that makes venom stronger over all. At least that what it used to be, over time venom just got stronger and stronger
What he said. Also, I think Venom gets a little stronger as he slowly loses his sanity.
Okay, so basically the suit copied Spidey's strength and because Eddie was already stronger than a normal guy it made him stronger than Spidey. And the suit probably continues to evolve or something to explain the increased strength...thanks.
Oh yeah, Venom also reabsorbed his spawn, which was Carnage's symbiote. I wouldn't be surprised if he took some of Carnage's strength when he did that.
It would have to be only a bit. Otherwise Venom would be at Class 75 by now.

Anyway Venom absorbing it was bollocks as it is.

Kasady just sat there and let it happen, rather than attacking him. It was stupid.

Even worse was that the Symbiote was actually Kasady's blood, so you couldn't remove it from him.
Yeah the spawn that venom gave birth to died.

All others were just copies
Eddie Brock was so into strength training that he bulked up considerably before he became Venom. That's why Venom is stronger than Spidey. Peter to this day does very little physical training. He trains on the job so to speak. You would think that by now Peter would seek the help of either the Avengers, FF or the X Men regarding testing his stength and geting a better understanding of how he has imnproved over the years.
Spidey rules
Originally posted by AmazingSpider62
I believe that Spidey is quicket than Venom.
I believe your right.
Spidey rules
Originally posted by AmazingSpider62
I believe that Spidey is quicket than Venom.

He is quicker than Venom and also has a lot better agility score than Venom.
nope...venom matches spidey in every way and then some...agility is even...what plays arole is venom's massive size which affects how fast he moves... his mass is about 1.5 times spideys...also...venom makes spidey punch him in the face and make him seem like hes getting the upperhand then surprises him...also...venom never really went insane...he just has a slightly warped view of the world...not insanity...i know my shi@t

On a final note

I always thought the symbiote made SPidey a bit stronger, I know at least on the cartoon it did so I imagine giving the bosst to a big ol' weight lifter like Brock would boost him up, plus all the adrenaline
Originally posted by Dark Carnage
It would have to be only a bit. Otherwise Venom would be at Class 75 by now.

Anyway Venom absorbing it was bollocks as it is.

Kasady just sat there and let it happen, rather than attacking him. It was stupid.

Even worse was that the Symbiote was actually Kasady's blood, so you couldn't remove it from him.

You know what else doesn't make any sense? Kasady shouldn't even have been there. Silver Surfer trapped him in an energy sphere and shot him off into space, but somehow Kasady was right back on Earth.
was that arc any good to begin with?

On a final note

no. it sucked about as bad as every other carnage story. with the exception of the first carnage story, they all sucked. he has no purpose. he just kills. that's cool for a story or two, but it's pretty shallow. that, and cletus is a really flat and boring character. so was eddie until that recent arc in spectacular. now he isn't a flat character, but i still find him to be a little boring. i think thta venom is cool enough for the books to not need a carnage, but that's just me.
Originally posted by AmazingSpider62
I believe that Spidey is quicket than Venom.
Based on mass, I'd imagine he would be.

no. it sucked about as bad as every other carnage story. with the exception of the first carnage story, they all sucked. he has no purpose. he just kills. that's cool for a story or two, but it's pretty shallow. that, and cletus is a really flat and boring character. so was eddie until that recent arc in spectacular. now he isn't a flat character, but i still find him to be a little boring. i think thta venom is cool enough for the books to not need a carnage, but that's just me.
Ever read Carnage: Mind Bomb, written by Warren Ellis? ;) And I don't mean looked at it, as on the outside it may seem mindless and violent, but it took a different approach and IMO fleshed out Carnage more. By the way, Here's's review. 5 webs.:up:
What? Theres alot of good Carnage storys...Origin story...Maximum Carnage(I know it's to long, but still good)...Mindbomb...Carnage Unleashed...the list goes on...
Maximum Carnage was one of the best stories in Spider-Man history, man. In fact, it was one of the few redeeming features of the Spider-Man comics in the 90's. Aside from that, what stories came out that were really, really good? Maybe The Shrieking...and Pursuit wasn't too bad...but that's about it.
Oh crap, I forgot, the death of Harry Osborn.
Originally posted by venom4life
What? Theres alot of good Carnage storys...Origin story...Maximum Carnage(I know it's to long, but still good)...Mindbomb...Carnage Unleashed...the list goes on...
I'd agree, but Mindbomb is the corect story to go to if someone thinks that Carnage stories can only be the same thing over and over again. ;)

It's also my favorite Carnage story, but what the hey.:D
Originally posted by Hyper Venom
You know what else doesn't make any sense? Kasady shouldn't even have been there. Silver Surfer trapped him in an energy sphere and shot him off into space, but somehow Kasady was right back on Earth.
Oh yeah that aswell.:D
Originally posted by venom4life
What? Theres alot of good Carnage storys...Origin story...Maximum Carnage(I know it's to long, but still good)...Mindbomb...Carnage Unleashed...the list goes on...
That's good to hear. I own the first three. And only just got Carnage Unleashed off Ebay the other day.
Hyper Venom said:
Maximum Carnage was one of the best stories in Spider-Man history, man. In fact, it was one of the few redeeming features of the Spider-Man comics in the 90's. Aside from that, what stories came out that were really, really good? Maybe The Shrieking...and Pursuit wasn't too bad...but that's about it.
Oh crap, I forgot, the death of Harry Osborn.

More than two years after the fact, I'd like to rescind my comments about Maximum Carnage being a good story. I should say that it was a good story when I was eight years old. I recently had a chance to re-read sucks. Except for every part that's written by J.M. DeMatteis.

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