Quick...go To Starbucks Today Before They Close!!

2 hours and 30 minutes left over at the east coast! Hurry!
Now I can't look at the college girls drinking coffee on the Starbucks patio while I'm at work tonight. Damn you, Starbucks.
Starbucks sucks.

Its the McDonalds of quality coffee.

Any place that uses automatic espresso machines is a breeding ground for fail.
drats, I wish they stay close

*hates starbucks*
their coffee is too strong for me. I'd rather just make a pot in my home than pay $5 for a small cup over there.
Not a coffee person, but in winter, their Caramel Apple Cider is the absolute jam.
Starbucks closes and nuclear power plants stop working in Florida...coincidence?
For anyone afraid of going through Starbucks withdrawals, I recommend two options...

1. Seattle's Best. A separate cafe chain also owned by the Starbucks Corporation. Tastes the exact same. If you can't find one, try looking inside your local Borders book store.

2. A small corner cafe whose business has probably been suffering for the past decade, thanks to Starbucks' insane monopolizing strategy of putting up new locations within two blocks of one another.
I don't get what closing the stores to train people in a job with such high turnover, a year from now. Most of the people that would have learned from this training would probably be gone.
Why can't people....I don't know..brew their own coffee? :huh:
Hell, a good espresso machine will pay for its self within a few months.
My 16-year-old sister goes to Starbucks almost every day to sit with her friends and drink (non-alcoholic???) beverages. Not my idea of fun when I was 16...
My gf works at Starbucks. I don't go in there though....ever.
Cup of green tea for the win! :up:

For anyone afraid of going through Starbucks withdrawals, I recommend two options...

1. Seattle's Best. A separate cafe chain also owned by the Starbucks Corporation. Tastes the exact same. If you can't find one, try looking inside your local Borders book store.

2. A small corner cafe whose business has probably been suffering for the past decade, thanks to Starbucks' insane monopolizing strategy of putting up new locations within two blocks of one another.

Anybody who goes through Starbucks withdrawl cause they closed 4 hours early one day really needs take a hard look at how much coffee they're drinking.
Starbuck's is owned by the cancer promoting Big Tobacco corporation Altria (formerly Philip Morris).

How about giving your coffee money to someone less evil?
You do know most parent companies of cigarette companies own several different things? Are you saying we shouldnt be using plastic? Cause I know one of those cigarette companies also owned a plastic company.
Why is it evil to provide a consumer with a product that they want and which is not against the law?
Do you know which one? I quit smoking after being hooked for 10 years, now I honestly try to avoid using any/all their products whenever possible.
They closed for a TRAINING SEMINAR? Starbucks is so ******ed. And their names are stupid as hell. Baristas? Venti? Grande? Who are they trying to impress?
They closed for a TRAINING SEMINAR? Starbucks is so ******ed. And their names are stupid as hell. Baristas? Venti? Grande? Who are they trying to impress?

They want to impress people with the use of exotic Italian terms so people will come purchase their coffee from Brazil.
There's a Starbucks right next to my work, and I keep seeing people park, walk up to the door, and turn around and walk right back to their cars. Awesome.

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