The Amazing Spider-Man Raimi Cast vs. Webb Cast

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Dec 7, 2010
Reaction score
Tobey Maguire vs. Andrew Garfield

Bryce Dallas Howard vs. Emma Stone

Dylan Baker vs. Rhys Ifans

Rosemary Harris vs. Sally Field

Cliff Robertson vs. Martin Sheen

Joe Manganiello vs. Chris Zylka
Webb's cast wins.

Although I'd say Uncle Ben and Aunt May were about even.
Webb's cast wins.

Although I'd say Uncle Ben and Aunt May were about even.

actually I would say Rosemary Harris as Aunt May was easily the better Aunt May easily hands down,no contest.She at least didnt do the Roger Moore thing and dye her hair to try and look younger trying to deny how old she is in real life.Also liked the Captain Stacy from sm 3 better than Dennis Learys.The actor in sm 3 also at least looked the part.Everything else though I agree on the casting choices in Webbs movies being much better.
thats funny cause Tobey couldnt act if his life depended on it.:woot:

And that's funny because they still kept him for 3 movies and he has a huge fanbase just because he played Spider-Man. Hell, some people feel as though he was the true Spider-Man.

I'm not going to compare roles that are smaller (like Gwen) with each other.

I prefer Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone over Tobey Maguire and Kisten Dunst, but I like both sets.

I prefer Cliff Robertson and Rosemary Harris in their roles over Michael Sheen and Sally Field, though I also like Sheen and Field (especially Sheen), I just thought Uncle Ben and Aunt May were better handled in SM1.

I prefer Willem Dafoe over Rhys Ifans, though to be fair, Dafoe had a much better written role than Ifans. And this is coming from a Lizard fan.

I also much prefer James Franco's (awesome) portrayal of Harry Osborn over Flash Thompson in TASM.

So as a whole, I'd say they're equal.

Just my opinion.
Personally, I preferred all of Webb's cast above Raimi's. I'm not jumping out of the bandwagon. I know that was going to be the case before I even saw the film. The old films are nostalgic, but as I got older I found I had more issues with them, in particular Maguire and Dunst. Just never felt they were playing the right characters. Honestly, Tobey moped so often during the films that I almost imagined Shinji Ikari telling him to pull himself together.

However, Raimi's cast does have a few gems that will be hard to beat: JK Simmons, Molina, Dafoe, and Franco. They remain, in my eyes, as the highlights of the series.
I feel like Fields has the potential to be a great Aunt May but it just wasn't there in this film, due to the writing. They focused more on Peter and Uncle Ben so Aunt May was just left out whereas you really felt the warm relationship between them in Raimi's films. But like I said, that's more to do with the writing, not the cast.
Maguire vs Garfield - tie, I prefer Magurie but it's about even

Howard vs Stone - Emma Stone, granted Howard was playing a distorted interpretation of Gwen Stacy. Stone's character was closer to the comics.

Dylan Baker vs Rhys Ifans - neither, both are distorted versions of what the comics had, although I thought in SM3 they started showing Baker as more of a mentor to Peter. Ifans had a shoddy script to work with. He's wearing a wedding ring, but they totally leave out his family.

Rosemary Harris vs Sally Field - Harris and it isn't even close. Field is a good actress, but once again she was dealing with a flawed script.

Cliff Robertson vs Martin Sheen - Robertson by a long shot. His performance was more than just lines forced out trying to look authoritarian. Robertson did so much in his performance that was beyond spoken lines. You could tell this was a lifelong struggle with trying to provide for Peter, knowing that he was just filling in for his dad. This was Robertson's last film role and in my mind he will never be replaced.

Joe Manganiello vs. Chris Zylka - Chris Zylka was far more natural as Flash. I always felt that Manganiello's performance was forced. Raimi never sold why MJ and Flash would be together in the first place, other than she wanted to be with an abusive personality like her dad.
Tobey Maguire vs. Andrew Garfield

Andrew Garfield easily. Not the caricature of a nerd. Not some socially awkward dork but someone who was truly not comfortable with most fo people. Even the humour about Gafield's Parker wasn't repetitive about how stupid the character behaves, how dorky his smile is and how many times people would just mistreat him for the fun of it.

Bryce Dallas Howard vs. Emma Stone

This is not even a contest. Emma Stone was not the film prop Bryce Dallas Howard was.

Dylan Baker vs. Rhys Ifans

Rhys by far. Baker's Connors was a character just waiting to become Lizard and never did.

Rosemary Harris vs. Sally Field

Rosemary Harris was too much of the true Aunt May. Field was good but Harris was May.

Cliff Robertson vs. Martin Sheen

Charlie Sheen wins. Robertson, much like other characters, was just a caricature. The good-hearted old man. So good-hearted that he couldn't even get mad no matter how much Peter gave him reasons to. Pure sugar and no substance. Sheen gave the character 3 dimensions.

Joe Manganiello vs. Chris Zylka

Zylka showed a character that's not 1 dimensional: the school bully, period. The script allowed him to show the other side of the character, and he did it convincingly.
I'll just say this thread is really designed for Webb to win (though given it's opening weekend for TASM, his film will with fans anyway, no matter what). Why not compare Flash Thompson to Harry Osborn and Dr. Connors to Norman Osborn? or Captain Stacy to J. Jonah Jameson? MJ to Gwen?

Those are the real parallels. Comparing Captain Stacy's central role in an origin film to a bit part/cameo in a second sequel is not exactly accurate.
I'll just say this thread is really designed for Webb to win (though given it's opening weekend for TASM, his film will with fans anyway, no matter what). Why not compare Flash Thompson to Harry Osborn and Dr. Connors to Norman Osborn? or Captain Stacy to J. Jonah Jameson? MJ to Gwen?

Those are the real parallels. Comparing Captain Stacy's central role in an origin film to a bit part/cameo in a second sequel is not exactly accurate.

Well, Flash Thompson and Harry Osborn couldn't be compared if we consider what you're saying: Flash was in only 3 scenes in ASM, and Harry all over (and throughout 3 movies).

Dr. Connors and Norman Osborn. Dafoe was great but he loses points with his Green Goblin. And then again Ifans was good but his Lizard wasn't a very good villiain either.

Captain Stacy and J. Jonah Jameson. As great as JK Simmons was, his Jameson was limited to be only the comedic relief. Nobody knows why he hates Spider-man. No one cares, because all he's supposed to do and be is a funny grumpy old man. By SM3 this formula was beyond exhausted. With ASM's Stacy, he could be comedic/sarcastic but had a very serious side at the same time, and you totally understand why he hates Spider-man.

MJ to Gwen ASM's Gwen still wins by not being Dunst-annoying.
Maguire vs Garfield - Maguire
Howard vs Stone - Stone simply because of her role in this movie. I like Bryce Howard Dllas.
Dylan Baker vs Rhys Ifans - Dylan
Rosemary Harris vs Sally Field - Harris. But I love Sally Field, she was great on Brothers & Sisters
Cliff Robertson vs Martin Sheen - Cliff
Webb's cast is thousand times better, no doubt!
I'll just say this thread is really designed for Webb to win (though given it's opening weekend for TASM, his film will with fans anyway, no matter what). Why not compare Flash Thompson to Harry Osborn and Dr. Connors to Norman Osborn? or Captain Stacy to J. Jonah Jameson? MJ to Gwen?

Those are the real parallels. Comparing Captain Stacy's central role in an origin film to a bit part/cameo in a second sequel is not exactly accurate.
Flash Thompson (TASM) and Harry Osborn (SM1) are not parallels. Both Flashes got about an equal amount of screentime. Harry, on the other hand, got a ton of screentime and development. You're right about the other ones, though.
Yea, TASM was really missing a best friend role in my opinion.
Which one is better:

J.K. Simmons vs nobody

Well I pick J.K. simmons11!!!!!!111!!111111!11

The only real comparisons here are Peter (Tobey vs Andrew), MJ vs Gwen, Ben vs Ben, and Aunt May vs Aunt May. Both flashes were crappy and you can't compare a side character like Connors by Dylan Baker to the main villain Connors played by dumb.
...I don't understand the point of the above post.
Tobey Maguire vs. Andrew Garfield

Garfield. Hands down.

Bryce Dallas Howard vs. Emma Stone


Dylan Baker vs. Rhys Ifans

Ifans [and this is coming from a guy who isnt necessarilly a fan of his]

Rosemary Harris vs. Sally Field


Cliff Robertson vs. Martin Sheen


Joe Manganiello vs. Chris Zylka


And, if you factor in J. Jonah Jameson [and that is a massive factor] whoever replaces J.K. Simmons has the toughest job yet, imo.
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