Iron Man 3 Rank the Iron Man movies (IM, IM2, and IM3)


Psychological Anarchist
Jan 25, 2008
Reaction score
For those who have seen all three.

Explain your reasons if possible.
The first is still the best, as far as story and characterization.

IM2 is entertaining. Even though it's the weakest of the three, it still doesn't deserve the backlash it gets. For my money, it's a good movie.

IM3 had the best action scene with the final showdown at the docks). I'd rank it above IM2 for that alone. Still, I wasn't a fan of some of the plot twists.
Iron Man 1 has the best grasp on story, emotion, all that jazz. Iron Man 2 upped the action which included a really cool sequence at the race track and IM + Warmachine ripping apart some bootleg robots. Whiplash never felt like a true threat, unfortunately, and wasn't that great of a villain.

IM 3 was the funniest, imo but didn't leave much time to feel for the characters before going back to the quips. Good, but not great. I'll rank them as follows:

1) Iron Man
2) Iron Man 3
3) Iron Man 2
Iron Man
Iron Man 3
Iron Man 2
Iron Man - 9.5/10 - best superhero movie I've ever seen. Extremely faithful.

Iron Man 2 - 8.5/10 - Very good but you just can't beat the first. Some liberties taken starting to bother me.

Iron Man 3 - 5/10 - Unforgivable if it stays as is w/o some retcon or something.
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1. Iron man 3
2. Iron man
3. Iron man 2

The third one had the best villain, action, story, laughs, excitement, heart.
And I knew about the twist before I even saw the movie.
1. Iron man 3
2. Iron man
3. Iron man 2

The third one had the best villain, action, story, laughs, excitement, heart.

Villain? Maybe.
Action? Agree.
Story? Nope, IM1 in a landslide.
Laughs? IM1 in a landslide again.
Excitement? Tie between IM1/IM3
Heart? IM1 in a landslide.
Iron Man - Best Incarnation of the character, Main villain and story
Iron Man 3 - Best action sequences, laughs and entertainment
Iron Man 2 - Good for the introduction of War Machine, Black Widow, Fury and Avengers tie-in build up.
Iron Man 3
Iron Man
Iron Man 2

I don't dislike a single one of them, however. I just think that Iron Man 2 is the weakest of a very solid film trilogy.
IM 3- 9/10
IM- 8.5/10
IM2- 6.5/10

IM3 is the funniest, most action-packed and most re-watchable. It's my favorite superhero movie yet.

Villain? Maybe.
Action? Agree.
Story? Nope, IM1 in a landslide.
Laughs? IM1 in a landslide again.
Excitement? Tie between IM1/IM3
Heart? IM1 in a landslide.

I don't think you can judge his viewing of the movie.. If he thinks it had the best of those who are you to argue against him?
Iron Man > Iron Man 3 > Iron Man 2

Iron Man: One of the best superhero origin movies, without a doubt. I think the story in this one was the best as well, simply because Iron Man's origin and character growth as he becomes a hero is one of the best of any superhero. Add all of that along with an unforgettable performance from Robert Downey Jr., you get lightning in a bottle.

Iron Man 3: Good story, fantastic action, funny, quotable ... Just an all around great comic book movie, action movie, and Christmas movie. ;)

Iron Man 2: This movie may be the "worst" of the three, but I still think it's a lot of fun. I don't think it deserves the hate that it gets; not by a long shot. A lot of the stuff covered in this movie (Nick Fury, Black Widow, etc.) was necessary as a stepping stone for The Avengers.

Easily my favorite superhero movie trilogy to date, as I've enjoyed all three movies quite a lot.
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IM (very close behind IM3...practically tied)
1st movie is my favorite comicbook movie origin.
3rd movie because it's different from the 1st two.
2nd movie I like some parts of it but I hated the final battle between Whiplash and Tony and Rhodey.
IM1 - One of the best CBM.
IM3 - Good movie but certain things not it down for me.

IM2 - Weakest Marvel Studios movie to date.
anyone putting iron man 3 above the first iron man (maybe my fav superhero film of all time, at least until man of steel :p ) has got to be more into the hype than the film. it's like avengers, i thought it was so much better the first time i saw it. then getting it on dvd it didn't quite live up to repeated viewings the same. fun movie don't get me wrong, but not nearly the master piece it felt like at the time of the peak hype
Iron Man is still the best.

Still trying to decide about IM2 and IM3... I like/dislike them about evenly.
IM1 9/10
THE best Marvel movie, including The Avengers. Imho top 4 best superhero movies ever made.

IM2 8/10 -
The movie has problems but I was entertained

IM3 4/10
I hated the reveal. HATED IT! HATED IT! HATED!
Truly a WTF(?!) moment. Flat out dislike this movie.
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