
Ultimate BAMF
Apr 29, 2012
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After seeing the trailer of IM3, i really think that Rhodey's role in this film will be less of a supporting/side-kick to Iron Man.

I think War Machine will have his own mission but will start knocking down some doors when Tony's home is destroyed.

As for the Iron Patriot paint job i think its US gov changing War Machines image after the whole Stark Expo incident.

But the reason i created this Thread, is to hear from you guys what you think War Machines role should be moving forward in the MCU?

I always felt that some supporting characters can pop up in other superhero films without harming the film. Like we saw with Coulson jumping from Iron Man to Thor and like we will see with Black Widow going from IM2 to CA:TWS...

With Iron Man 3, i think Rhodey will be shown more as a hero on his own and not Starks lackey...

So what do you want to see happen with Rhodey moving forward?
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I definitely love Rhodey's role in this IM3 ! It looks like he's gonna have some mission of saving Tony or arrest the Mandarin or something like that and he definitely looks awesome !!!
I personally want to see him join in Avengers 2.

But there should be two other options on the poll, that I'm sure more than a few people reading this thread would prefer:

"o Give War Machine a solo movie"
"o Keep War Machine in the Iron Man movies only"
The problem with War Machine/Iron Patriot being in the other films without Stark or in a solo movie is most people will just consider it Iron Man with a different paint job and a huge cannon on his shoulder.

I would say more yes, but either within Iron Man sequels or a SHIELD film, anything else including Avengers and he would just be filler for the real Iron Man.
I think Rhodey and WM should be transferred from the movies to the tv-series. He's a side character but could be great in the television show.
War Machine should appear in Iron Man 4 and any eventual West Coast Avengers movie.

But not the next Avenger movies.
I personally want to see him join in Avengers 2.

But there should be two other options on the poll, that I'm sure more than a few people reading this thread would prefer:

"o Give War Machine a solo movie"
"o Keep War Machine in the Iron Man movies only"

Ahh i didnt phrase it correctly, The last option was suppose to say Give War Machine a solo film & introduce other Heroes... etc.. it was a little longer, so i had to shorten it

LoL and Honestly I never thought about leaving him in Iron Man's films... Dont know how to edit the poll though...
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There are allot of heroes I'd like to see before him in IM3, but I would love to see more of him in other films.
There are allot of heroes I'd like to see before him in IM3, but I would love to see more of him in other films.

Ya me too... It would be interesting to see what Marvel have in store for him. Something like Ant-Man I see as a prpoerty that could greatly benefit from having Rhodey. Ant-Man might be big within the comic community but with mainstream audiences his tiny (sorry for the shameful puns). If Marvel had to release a trailer to Ant-man with one shot of War Machine I'm sure that would excite a whole bunch of people.

But then again, he should only be utilized if he can offer something to the story...
Hope that someday , Marvel will introduce Secret Avengers , that would be reeeaaallyy great !
I don't want Rhodey cramping any style in Avengers 2.
Hope that someday , Marvel will introduce Secret Avengers , that would be reeeaaallyy great !

I'm hoping that's what we get with Captain America 3! Captain America and his Secret Avengers!!

Lol but they have to do it with the original team! War Machine, Valkyrie, Black Widow, Sharon Carter, Ant-Man and .... Beast:doh:

okay instead of Eric O'Grady Ant-Man, they rather go with Pym.. Then we still get Ant-man and a genius!
I don't want Rhodey cramping any style in Avengers 2.

Same here. I don't hate the character but I don't want him taking up space that another character could have. That or taking up scene time for the already existing cast.
Especially since he is power/visually-wise another Iron Man. I think him showing up in other stuff like Black Widow could be cool.
I think he's too much to add in an Avengers movie. I don't want to see derivative heroes in the Avengers for some time, not while there are still more unique heroes that need to be added.

Also I picked 'solo film' from the poll, but I disagree with the "to introduce other heroes". I wouldn't mind a solo film if it was about telling a War Machine story and not an advert for other heroes.
A guest appearance on the SHIELD show would be cool. I don't really like the idea of War Machine showing up in Avengers 2. There's only room for one Metal Man!
I think he's too much to add in an Avengers movie. I don't want to see derivative heroes in the Avengers for some time, not while there are still more unique heroes that need to be added.

Also I picked 'solo film' from the poll, but I disagree with the "to introduce other heroes". I wouldn't mind a solo film if it was about telling a War Machine story and not an advert for other heroes.

But wouldn't a War Machine story be a harder sell, because essentially its still "Iron Man"?

I definietly don't want to see a War Machine Wolverine Origins sort film, that just throws in random heroes all willy nilly!!

But I always liked Valkyrie and War Machines interactions in comics, they both warriors, and they have a certain chemistry. Its almost like they have this affectionate undertone.

Definietly think War Machine can pull off a solo film, especially if its set in a war, but adding a character like Valkyrie who is just completely badass but a complete opposite to War Machines power set, I think it would strengthen the story. As essentially you telling a story of character that most people see as a supporting character, for him to headline his own film, he has to offer something different then Iron Man.
It would be a harder sell, but I don't think it's impossible (there were rumours of them considering a War Machine movie). He has a similar power set with the suit, but as a character he can go places you can't with Iron Man. If the story is substantially different from the Iron Man movies then I think it would be excusable.

I'm not really a fan of using a War Machine movie to introduce anyone let alone Valkyrie. I think anyone who appears in a War Machine movie should be more of a natural fit to his world and not something from another franchise under the Marvel banner.
I see Rhodey cameo-ing in Avengers 2, not a full team member per se, but he can show up for the final battle to show the stakes are higher and such.

I think he should take over the Iron Man Franchise when/if RDJ leaves. There's no reason to have a War Machine Movie if you're not going to have Iron Man 4. Just call War Machine's movie Iron Man 4, let RDJ cameo if he's still appearing in Avengers films or use it to build up the guy they're recasting with. Do the Demon in a Bottle story alongside the Iron Man 2.0 story. Call it a blast.
I think Rhodey's setup in the films isn't good for spinning him off. He's still an active member of the US military, so he really can't just be flying off doing his own thing. He can't just take the armor either; presumably it's considered the property of the US government (one would think Stark would be pissed about that and be trying to reclaim it; he has a pretty slam-dunk case that Rhodey just plain stole it and the government has no right to it).

The original comics setup of Rhodey being a Stark employee and having to follow in Tony's footsteps while forging his own heroic identity would have made for a more viable setup for spinoffs, IMO.
Why not have him in avengers 2? Wouldnt it make sense given the way marvel has set all this up? Wouldnt shield want someone with his fire power on there team especially in an alien invasion where they are "hopelessy outguned"? I mean if they can include loki in as the main villian which I think was a mistake then why not rhodey.
I'd prefer if the full time members of the Avengers got all the limelight.

The roster is going to be crowded enough as it is.
I think he should take over the Iron Man Franchise when/if RDJ leaves. There's no reason to have a War Machine Movie if you're not going to have Iron Man 4. Just call War Machine's movie Iron Man 4, let RDJ cameo if he's still appearing in Avengers films or use it to build up the guy they're recasting with. Do the Demon in a Bottle story alongside the Iron Man 2.0 story. Call it a blast.

Oh hell no. Unless they want these movies to fail, Rhodey/WM should never headline an Iron Man movie.
I hope Rhodey has his own agenda in this film. He's still active military, so likely he'll have orders from Pentagon on surgical strikes. He should also have some powers that are distinct from Stark's armor.
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