Titans Rate Titans Season 1


May 21, 2011
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Okay so personally I came in with very low to medium expectations for this series, especially after that first trailer and the "F... Batman" as well as the overall look, I just wasn't feeling it. But I still signed up for DCU day one because I loved DC and was going to give it a shot regardless. But after the second episode, "Hawk and Dove", I was 100% sold and loved every minute of it.

Now it wasn't a perfect season, but for me I'd rank it right up there with Daredevil in terms of pacing and action. The story was the bugaboo....it did seem to meander at times, but there wasn't any feelings of "I don't know what is going on" that you get sometimes with some of these comic book series (Jessica Jones, I'm looking at you!). I always knew what was going on in Titans, I just didn't understand why. And that's what has me excited for season two. Can't wait to see where this is all going!

So its a solid 8 for me. I would've given it a 9 if Beast Boy was more of a character, seriously, they could have done this season without him and wouldn't have missed a beat.

Anyway...rate it!
From what I can gather this is either an amalgam of the scrapped Robin & Raven cartoon and the TNT series or...they too knew Robin & Raven were the most interesting members on that '03-'06 cartoon. Those two also get more than the rest focus in the newer animated dtv movies, albeit Damian is Robin.

So...not too bothered by Star & Bboy getting shafted, given there's not much to their characters to start with.
They went all out with this distinct version of Starfire and I was genuinely surprised by how much drama Ryan Potter's capable of.

The season as a whole left me in the same sort of euphoria as a few other season 1 cb-shows and it's really been a long while.
Alternating between the main story and what a character from another corner of this universe is up to
is surprising as far as why this hasn't been attempted in live-action until now.
With Berlanti involved, I was convinced for sure his formula would carry over the entire way through.
Glad immensely that wasn't the case.

3.5-4.5 out of 5
I'm going to give it a 7/10 I think, as tempted as I was by an 8. As a whole, it was a good show, the special effects and chorography was supurb, though there were a few too many filler episodes for me that didn't quite pay off (Hank & Dawn never found Jason, and we never see them [outside of Dick's dream] after that episode. Not quite sure what Jason would be able to do to assist at this point either, but that's inconsequential right now.

Didn't quite like the way it ended either, was hoping for a bigger payoff than the one we got, especially with the constant tease of Dick becoming Nightwing. I also fear that the show may be getting ahead of itself a little bit with the implication that they're throwing in a Kryptonian (already) next season. Can't we just focus on the four of them for the moment before introducing a larger cast?

I didn't go in with expectations as such; it's always hard to judge a film or show by teasers and trailers, and I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt (especially in regard to Starfire who, considering the initial pre-show backlash, was perfectly fine, even if she didn't seem to change her clothes very often).

I eagerly await season two.
I'd give it a 7 as well. It's a pretty solid show overall, but I still don't understand why they went in this kind of direction with Teen Titans of all things. I know its probably already been said a hundred times before, but the whole dark and gritty thing has been played out for years and this show just felt like it was trying way too hard IMO with all the gratuitous gore and F bombs. I would hope they would tone some of that stuff down for the next season, but I'm not expecting them too. As far as the characters go I did really enjoy what they did with Dick Grayson here. I liked his interactions with the other members, especially Raven and I was honestly kind of surprised by how much I liked the dude who played Beast Boy. After all the toxic buzz surrounding Starfire I honestly thought the actress playing her did a fine job performance wise, but there is no way I can defend that awful costume and makeup they chose for her.

What makes it even more frustrating is the fact that she had plenty of times to change, but for some weird reason they just didn't want to her too, so she is stuck looking like a cheap prostitute the whole time and it was truly an eyesore to behold.I actually enjoyed all the Hawk and Dove stuff too, especially the flashback scenes, although their costumes were kind of horrible.

The hand to hand action sequences were great too.
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6/10 for me.

Another case of a comic book series trying to be cooler then where it came from so it changes things up and tries to be overtly realistic.

Dick Grayson is more Jason Todd then anything and of course is trying to run away from his past. He's a detective who just ups and disappears from his job real quick once the Rachel plot line kicks in. Korys storyline is drawn out and when they reveal who she "is" it is underwhelming since it doesnt get the proper focus. Guest characters Hawk/Dove get 2 full episodes dedicated to themselves where they are the main plot, something half the main cast dont even get and the guest characters are more interesting then the main cast in general.
before the finale, I would have given it a 7/10. after the finale, I give it a 6/10.

individual episodes were pretty good and interesting. but as a whole season, it suffered from pacing and structural issues and the most unforgiveable of all, imo, lack of meaningful resolution.

also, I still question the need to make Titans grim, dark, and rated R.
I gave it a 8/10.

I binge watched the show, which is probably why I had a better experience than some people.
I love how many female characters we got. As much as I love Daredevil or even IF, the fact that there was always one main female character was frustrating to me. But in Titans, I got so many! Not only did I have lot of them, but their writing was good!

The show blended well the humour and the action scenes. The actions scenes were so good! The fight choreographies were a+. This was so enjoyable to watch.
I was suprised by the editing, it had style and charm. Espacially the Doom Patrol episode.
The soundtrack was amazing, even their ost was great.
They also have a good production value which makes the show looked more real and grounded.
Most of the special effects were good.
Some of the storylines were pretty dark and really well made, espacially Hawk's.
Jason Todd. I wasn't convinced by the actor at first, but his episode sold me. The scene where he fights the Police was amazing.
The cast was good and had a great chemistry.
I love that they swear.
The actress they cast for Donna is perfect. She even looks like Gal.
Loved the little hints of continuity like this :

What bothered me:
- Rachel and Gar hints at romance: NOPE. The age difference between the actor is too important, it's gross.
- They need to fix Rachel's wig asap.
- Dick's arc. He left Batman because Bruce was too violent, so his response was to be on his own but still as violent as he used to be ? It makes no sense.
- There is no proper no killing rule. I understand that it's hard to make it happen : look at Daredevil, he doesn't kill but some of his kicks are so brutal it looks like sometimes he left his victims brain damaged so it's even worst than not killing them. The 'no-killing rule' can make the heroes look hyprocritical.
I also get that the fight sequences were one of the best part of the show for me, so they would have to tone them down to apply that rule. But I think the team needs it. Otherwise it's just too easy for them. I'm not 100% against the killing but I hope in s2, when Dick'll become Nightwing, there will be the no killing rule on the team. It would make sense since Dick joined the team as brutal!Robin but he's looking to be someone else so some changes have to be made.
- Bruce: Bruce being crazy AF and him being depicted as a bad father 57518 times on the show, didn't set well with me. It was too much. Bruce shouldn't be OOC for Dick to get a story arc.

Other than that, I really enjoyed the show. Espacially since it was the DCU first show.
It was great and I hope the DCU will live on for a long time. I stopped watching DC CW shows for a lot of reasons, but Titans was a real improvement.

Special mentions:

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Is anyone thinking that Titans is trying to present their stories in the style of Runaways / Gifted / Legion / Cloak and Dagger ?
I rated this with a 10 in the first 20 mins of the first episode
Im on the episode 4 and is still a 10

So far ive been loving all the Teen Titans adaptations, the early 00's Teen Titans, Teen Titans Go! and now Titans
Im so happy fam.

7/10 for me. I was entertained; very much so. I appreciate that they want to make the Titans more real and obviously, when you're out fighting criminals, there will be blood and more than a few profane words will be dropped as well. The actors were solid and played their parts well. The chemistry between them was real and didn't feel forced.

What I didn't like was, as others have said, the obsession with making the Titans so overly violent and dark. I said in another thread that while I understand this version of Dick is supposed to be traumatized after his time with Batman, he was *too* aggressive. He's not Jason Todd for crying out loud. Starfire needs a new look pronto. She looked like a sex worker right up to episode 10, until she looked like a professional at last in the finale.
If u didnt rate this with a 8+, seek help :argh:
I gave it an 8 in the end......
For me most of the season would have been more like a 9 or a 10 if they had focused on the Titans (you know, the guys the show is supposed to be about) and wasted less time on Jason Todd and especially Hawk and Dawn, who got a whole episode on top of other cameos.
Can't blame the actors for it, but Hawk and Dawn are, imo, the worst characters I've ever seen in a super heroes show and the most poorly written ones as well.... So Hawk's power is that he's a former football player who got too many concussions and a meathead? Really? Man, reality should be filled of super heroes then.

Abandoning the natural flow of the main story to cram an origin story about those two dimwits and their awfully written origin was an atrocious decision.
My final score is a 9.

Would love to have given it a 10 as there was so much of it I really enjoyed however that ending took a little bit away from the experience for me.

It didn't feel like either of your typical season finale endings where they are usually either a cliff-hanger "Oh my god I wonder what's going to happen next" or a big story element "Wow I can't believe they actually did that". With this I was just left with a feeling of "Wait was that it?"

Still all and all I can't wait for season 2.
Really good overall. Generally, I LOVED it.

I found it difficult to accept/like the Goth/emo Raven for a long time. She's kinda like Rogue in the X-Men films.

Despite the race-change and all that online hoo-ha about it (which I thankfully missed at the time and have only just caught up on today), Starfire is really good.

I think they should drop in far fewer casual mentions of the rest of the DC Comics world (like Dick in the gallery saying: "I wonder what the Penguin's doing now.") Less is more in that regard. It takes me out of the immediate world of Titans if we keep getting name-dropping.

I also found the finale really confusing at first! I couldn't understand the when and where of what was going on, until the shimmers gave away it was part of Trigon's influence.

And I think Raven's wig improved by the end of the show but they need to watch stuff like that.

I also think Donna's lasso should be more like a thinner cord that's easier to carry round than like woven rope (which is how it looked when she was coiling it back up after using it on Starfire)

I love that it's dark and brutal and gritty without the hesitant moral stance of Supergirl and Flash. It feels like how things are in today's world.
I gave it a 7. There's work that eeds to be done for sure, but it has the potential to be reeeeally ****ing great as seasons go on.

Anna Diop I give like a 1111111111111111111111111111111111111000032-i2304234234somethingsomething outta 10. DAMN that woman is gorgeous :hubba:ilv:
I gave it a 6. The show was a bit over the top with the violence(not a fan of superheroes killing for the sake of killing), I also didn't like it jumping from one story to completely ignoring it the next episode

On a side not I gave my rating with about 10 minutes left in the last episode which I couldn't stand the idea of showing us how life would be 5 years in the future(completely ignoring the present), given the final minute of that episode which basically shows it was dream state I would up my rating to 7
Got around to watching this one. I just binged it over the last two days, season 1 and 2 and I have to say I really like it a lot! Season 1 more than 2 however, since it seems like they just couldn't stop shoving their heads up their own as*es for most of the second season. A little too heavy on the soap drama at times, but the last few episodes made up for all of that!

Really glad to hear Season Three is a 'Go,'and I really hope we see Themyscrya and how Raven is doing there. Really hope she succeeds.

I'm giving it a solid 8!

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