Comics Reasoning behind MJ wanting to leave Avengers Tower


Oct 24, 2005
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So in Sensational Spider-Man MJ's been sugessting they leave Avengers tower to Aunt May. Then they get attacked by man wolf and MJ says oh yeah were deffinatly leaving. WTF :confused: MJ brought him there, the thing that pretty much saved them was Tony's tower. If they were in there own house they woulda been ****ed.
JesusOfNazarath said:
So in Sensational Spider-Man MJ's been sugessting they leave Avengers tower to Aunt May. Then they get attacked by man wolf and MJ says oh yeah were deffinatly leaving. WTF :confused: MJ brought him there, the thing that pretty much saved them was Tony's tower. If they were in there own house they woulda been ****ed.

MJ didn't bring him there, Aunt May did. I get what your saying though but at the same time I was so glad she wanted to leave. I want Peter and her to get there own place and leave that Avengers tower behind.
ragingdemon155 said:
MJ didn't bring him there, Aunt May did. I get what your saying though but at the same time I was so glad she wanted to leave. I want Peter and her to get there own place and leave that Avengers tower behind.

For sure. And then when Pete gets out of the Avengers completely, it'll be perfect.
Let's face it, how many married couples want to live with a bunch of bachelor superheroes...especially ones like Logan. They deserve some privacy.
I personally don't like them in Avengers tower.
TheVileOne said:
I personally don't like them in Avengers tower.
I don't like it either ironman said he didn't have enough money to pay to fix the manison and regroup the avengers but he has enough money to bild a huge tower and fund another team when he said he couldn't.:confused:

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