This is the sequel to my S-M5 linked below.
^^^ is the sequel to my S-M4 linked below.
Spider-Man 6: Sinister Six
^^^ is the sequel to my S-M4 linked below.
Spider-Man 6: Sinister Six
Story starts with Peter waiting for MJ at the airport. She’s been gone for a few years concentrating on her career. Peter is beyond happy and is convinced that he wants to marry MJ. The two begin to talk and they both seem to have matured a lot throughout the years. Even with their problems in the past, they instantly become infatuated with each other. Peter proposes and MJ accepts.
We’re now taken to a prison where the Mayor, escorted by a guard, wants a tour. They reach Brock’s cell and comment on how important it is to keep him contained. Just then the Mayor knocks the guard out! Mayor opens the cell (Brock is shocked) and places a wall explosive. As the explosion clears, Kraven appears from the hole just made to escape and tells the Mayor, “Good work Mysterio.” Kraven then attacks Brock and threatens him to join forces. Eddie begins to turn into Venom but fights it off. His cellmate, Cassidy, welcomes the deal. A part of the symbiote, wanting to be free, violently rips off of Brock onto Cassidy and Carnage is born. Brock’s left for dead.
Next morning, Peter invites his friends at the Bugle to the wedding. There, he hears of the prison break. Both Brock and Cassidy are gone. Peter sweats the idea of having to deal with Brock once again. Just then there’s breaking news of a hostage situation. Spidey webs off and takes them out but one drives off. As Spidey chases him, the car suddenly crashes into an electrical pole. Max Dillon, a high-wire lineman, was working on the pole as the explosion took place. Spidey, feeling guilty, rushes Max to help as Spidey is abruptly shocked by electricity. They fall to the street. After Spidey clears his head, Max is nowhere to be found.
A few days later MJ goes over their wedding plans assuring Peter not to worry since Brock hasn’t been an issue. We’re then taken to Brock struggling with his inner demons. During his time in prison, Brock has learned to forgive Peter and only wants peace but he knows that the “monster” inside only wants revenge.
Next we are taken to the top of the Chrysler Building where Spidey arrives in time to meet an almost leaving Black Cat. Being good friends now, this is where they have usually met the last few years. Struggling, he hands Black Cat an invitation knowing that by doing so he gives away his identity to her. Just then, an explosion is seen across the city. (Input 5-7 min action,, Spidey & Black Cat vs. Electro). Electro escapes.
Now, Electro in his hideout hears insane laughing. It’s Carnage, Kraven and Doc Ock. Ock explains how Kraven hunted him down. Electro blames Spidey for his accident and agrees to join forces with a convincing and now clearly purely evil Doc Ock.
Back to a suffering Brock, unable to control the symbiote further. Afraid of the evil inside and clearly unable to fight it off forever he decides to sacrifice himself by saying “I have to end this, where it all began.” (Suicide at THE Church).
The climax begins with the wedding commencing at the same Church Peter got rid of the suit (Wait, isn’t Brock going there!?). Right when Peter is about to say “I do”, Spidey-sense goes crazy. Peter sees Doc Ock standing in the back. Ock Smiles as he looks towards his left at Kraven. “I’m so sorry”, Peter walks away in everyone’s surprise. Everyone (Felicia Hardy is there) invited begins to whisper as MJ stands alone crying. Suddenly, Spider-Man falls from the ceiling landing on the aisle, “What do you want!?”. Doc Ock’s tentacles unwind from under his jacket, “For you to die!”. Everyone begins to yell and run out of the Church. The action begins when Electro blasts through the door. A spectacular battle between Ock, Electro, Kraven & an acrobatic Spidey takes place. Carnage grabs MJ as Spider-Slayer walks towards her.
Outside, Brock arrives at his destination, the same Church, just as the police begin to barricade it. He hears through the crowd what’s taking place and decides to succumb to the symbiote and become Venom again, this time for the side of good. Just then, Carnage senses his “other” and leaves MJ to look for Venom. Spider-Slayer holds on to MJ. Black Cat appears to help out Spidey’s 3 on 1. Kraven, wanting revenge for letting Connors’ family lose in SM:5, focuses on Black Cat. (Input cuts of 7-10 min of three main “battles” going on at the same time: Kraven chasing Black Cat through city! Spidey’s 2 on 1! & Venom versus Carnage in the cemetery at the back of the Church! One by one they resolve. Black Cat has a building rigged and Kraven falls to his death. Venom kills Carnage after a CRAZY symbiotic fight. Electro is taken out which starts a fire. Spidey is then knocked to the second floor of the building where he sees Uncle Ben, “Peter…Peter…” but Spidey-sense goes off and he punches Mysterio, knocking him out. Spidey drops back to the first floor where he is joined by Venom. A 2-on-2 battle begins with Venom killing Spider-Slayer and Ock trapped in fire. Spidey escapes the fire with MJ, unknowing what happened to Venom.
The bodies of Doc Ock, Spider-Slayer, Kraven and Carnage were all recovered. Electro did survive but was in a coma and Mysterio’s body was never found. Black Cat is fine but no signs of Brock. We’re then introduced to a married (Finally!) Peter and MJ who are packing for their honeymoon. As sirens go off outside, MJ says, “I’m sure we can catch a later flight.” Then we see Spidey webbing off into the air for possibly the last time on film. - Credits