Comics How would you guys have got rid of MJ if JOe Q forced you to do it?

Eye Doc

Sep 30, 2003
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If you were a writer at Marvel, be it pro marriage or anti-marriage, how would you have ended the Parker marriage if you boss told you it had to be done? :spidey:

I may go into detail later on when I have some time. For now I'll just give you brief summary. I would introduced a lot of stress into the marriage from both sides. Gradually cracks would begin to show in the relationship. :( However, the initial stress would have very little to do with Peter's career as Spider-Man. The problems would mainly focus around Pete and MJ. Once things were tense, I'd introduce a major plot twist that would make things even worse. :wow: The characters decide to separate. I'd try to write the story in a manner that was sympathetic to both characters. In other words, half of the audience would feel MJ was right and the other half would side with Peter.

I'd have the characters attempt a reconciliation. Unfortunately I'd throw all types of obstacles in front of them. I'd also have supporting characters (both new and old ) play an important role in the story. A couple of them would have reasons for NOT wanting the characters to get back together and actually work to further destroy the fragile relationship, albeit unkown to our main characters. Just as Pete and MJ are possibly on track to work things out, they relatiosnhip is ruined by a cruel twist of fate.

As a result they go thru with the divorce althought neither really wants to end the marriage. Eventually each character moves on into another romance. Just as it appears their lives are on totally different paths, the truth comes out about the past and Pete and MJ realize they would never have divorced if it hadn't been for outside interference. However, they're both involved with other people now. :confused: I think this would add a sense of tragedy and loss to the strip, which was always an underlying element to the series under Stan Lee.

Quesada wants to keep Peter's romantic life in a state of flux. This would do it

1) The classic love triangle to return for Pete (and MJ for that matter)
2) MJ could eventually leave the series for awhile and free Peter to date other women
3) You could have them remain unmarried, but always close enough to each other to cause major problems with their respective love lives.
4) You could even remarry them down the road.

If you pay attention, there's not much here about Spider-Man. Peter's dual life would defintely make things more complicated. But, the majority of the story would revolve around Peter and the supporting cast. To have Pete and MJ break up over the spectre of Spider-Man and then have Pete jump back into a relationship with someone else just seems shallow. However, if the breakup really had nothing to do with Spidey it would be normal for Peter to hit the dating scene again.

Best of all, no cosmic reset. We the readers, and the characters, would remember EVERY STORY we've read for the past 20 years!
Personally, I think they did it properly the last time.MJ wasn't dead from the plane crash so I felt my intelligence wasn't insulted beyond words, and since I had that feeling I didn't mind when I read the annual where she split and walked away.

Then JMS un/re-screwed that up.

This whole MJ thing has become such a grey area for me.


Speaking of the Byrne/Mackie era, I was reading a bunch of em last night on my laptop since I kinda skipped over that era when it happened. (which in retrospect, that run wasn't so bad compared to this crap.) Can someone tell me who was in the Green Goblin outfit when he attacked Liz Osborn and made Spidey save the tram? That bugged me and I don't have the PP issues.
I thought the books sucked during the Mackie/Byrne area. Now, I find myself somewhat nostalgic about that time....well not really....but at least it was better than what we've got recently.

I think I feel the same way you do about MJ. She isn't indispensible to the series. If the relationship ran it's course and ended via divorce or death I'm sure most of us could accept it (assuming it was well written of course) and I'm sure the series would go on just fine.

I think the means Marvel is using to undo the marriage is what has people so upset.
Honestly, there's no good way to do it. It ages the character no matter how cleverly it's done. And the more clever you are, the more artificial it seems.

But you did say if you were forced, so:

Tragedy, it's the only way to go. I would have Kristy (was that her anorexic niece's name) offed in the midst of some senseless spidey-fight. MJ gives Pete an ultimatum (her or the costume) that he can't keep.

And I wouldn't do it quietly or with dignity either. If they're going to break-up, let's have a yelling, screaming, slapping Pete across the face kind of an exit. One for the ages. I mean, if we're talking divorce here, lets not be friends.
If I was forced to, as in my job depended on it?

As much as I would hate it, I would make the pastor that married them a skrull, thus he was never an official minister and they were never married. I definitely wouldn't turn MJ into a superhero though.
As much as I would hate it, I would have MJ die from a disease that Peter couldn't cure. MJ's mom died young, so it could be a genetic cancer or something like that. It would make her death different from Gwen's so there wouldn't be that comparison, and it wouldn't be "Spider-Man's fault," so Pete wouldn't have the guilt of moving on to date another woman at a later point. If MJ died at the hands of a villain, I'd think Pete would probably castrate himself and never date again. :o So it has to be something non-Spidey-related that gets rid of her, IMO.
I think JQ would really only want it done one specific way.
Honestly, there's no good way to do it. It ages the character no matter how cleverly it's done. And the more clever you are, the more artificial it seems.

But you did say if you were forced, so:

Tragedy, it's the only way to go. I would have Kristy (was that her anorexic niece's name) offed in the midst of some senseless spidey-fight. MJ gives Pete an ultimatum (her or the costume) that he can't keep.

And I wouldn't do it quietly or with dignity either. If they're going to break-up, let's have a yelling, screaming, slapping Pete across the face kind of an exit. One for the ages. I mean, if we're talking divorce here, lets not be friends.

exactly. don't understand why a divorce is any less controversial than the s#!t that comes from JQ's brain. at least it's a realistic approach that more than fits with Spidey's status as the everyman of superheroes.
Honestly, there's no good way to do it. It ages the character no matter how cleverly it's done. And the more clever you are, the more artificial it seems.

But you did say if you were forced, so:

Tragedy, it's the only way to go. I would have Kristy (was that her anorexic niece's name) offed in the midst of some senseless spidey-fight. MJ gives Pete an ultimatum (her or the costume) that he can't keep.

And I wouldn't do it quietly or with dignity either. If they're going to break-up, let's have a yelling, screaming, slapping Pete across the face kind of an exit. One for the ages. I mean, if we're talking divorce here, lets not be friends.

As much as I would hate it, I would have MJ die from a disease that Peter couldn't cure. MJ's mom died young, so it could be a genetic cancer or something like that. It would make her death different from Gwen's so there wouldn't be that comparison, and it wouldn't be "Spider-Man's fault," so Pete wouldn't have the guilt of moving on to date another woman at a later point. If MJ died at the hands of a villain, I'd think Pete would probably castrate himself and never date again. :o So it has to be something non-Spidey-related that gets rid of her, IMO.

The best ideas I heard so far--that and just offing her. :o
I would kill her. if I had to, I would kill her. that way, her character and her relationship to Peter would be kept in tact. there'd be no marring, no maligning. it'd just be tragedy, pure and simple. Peter would grieve, shun his loved ones for a while, and slowly recuperate (though, I'm not sure how. MJ was the one that helped him get over Gwen. who could help him get over MJ?).

it's a sticky mess, to be sure. the best option, obviously, is just to keep her.
Actually, if you really wanted to break-up the marriage between Peter and MJ without involving death, divorce, dopplegangers, or a cosmic reset button, there's very simple answer, although it involves a storyline that's been used a number of times, especially in comedies--Peter and MJ find out that, although her uncle married them due to the fact he was a judge, it turns out he wasn't licensed to perform civil ceremonies in the state of New York, which means that Peter and MJ aren't legally married. After having to go through a bureaucratic nightmare--and failing--to prove they are legally married, Peter and MJ decide to go through another wedding ceremony, and just for kicks, MJ thinks it would be fun if they have go through an "engagement process," which includes no "hanky panky" before the wedding night. (This later part proves rather frustrating for Peter for obvious reasons.) However, a complication arrives when MJ is offered a lucrative movie deal, but it means she has to move out to L.A., which would interfere with Peter's own life in New York. Plus, Aunt May is insisting that they have a BIG WEDDING this time, and it's really driving Peter and MJ nuts. Finally, as the wedding is getting underway, Peter is delayed by having to battle [insert supervillian] from [insert major crisis] and by the time he shows, it's literally the next day and everyone thinks Peter is a total cad. MJ, having been pressured by friends and professional pressure, that she can't go through with marrying Peter for real and having to endure the emotional roller-coaster all over again. So, Peter and MJ part their separate ways...until there's the chance for them to reunite again that is.
i'd have mj die in a traffic accident while out of new york on a movie job pure acident pete couldn't blame himself for something that happend out of state
As much as I would hate it, I would have MJ die from a disease that Peter couldn't cure. MJ's mom died young, so it could be a genetic cancer or something like that. It would make her death different from Gwen's so there wouldn't be that comparison, and it wouldn't be "Spider-Man's fault," so Pete wouldn't have the guilt of moving on to date another woman at a later point. If MJ died at the hands of a villain, I'd think Pete would probably castrate himself and never date again. :o So it has to be something non-Spidey-related that gets rid of her, IMO.

My original scenario was thought up after seeing a famous soap opera couple divorce over the course of two seasons. I think it could work well in a Spidey book if the goal was to create more romantic tension in the series, and keep MJ alive.

However, I've often felt the same way as you about MJ. If she were to die of a disease or a sudden illness or accident it wouldn't necessarily be so far fetched that it would ruin the series.

I've known several people who lost their spouses very early in life b/c of terminal illnesses, HA's, strokes, aneurysms, etc. We've all heard of people who lost loved ones in accidents (car wrecks, plane crashes, etc). If MJ left the series in such a manner it would actually make it easier for readers to see Peter with new love interest. In essence, he met a woman and fell in love with her. One day tragedy struck and she was gone. Now he has to move on and rebuild his life. Making it a non-Spidey related event make is it even more compelling.

Making Peter a widower in his early 20's wouldn't "age" him so much that readers couldn't sympathize with him. Of course they couldn't bring up MJ's death as often as they try to bring up Gwen's b/c it would make the book too gloomy. Just focus on Peter's life after MJ and you'd be fine.
If you were a writer at Marvel, be it pro marriage or anti-marriage, how would you have ended the Parker marriage if you boss told you it had to be done? :spidey:

I would do it the exact the same way it's currently being done. With the exception of skipping Back In Black and going straight from Civil War to One More Day.

MJ has become quite a boring character, in my opinion. Once JMS finished his reconciliation plot thread, I lost interest in her. Hopefully MJ being a superhero in her own right will actually make her interesting again.

Bring on Brand New Day.
Tragedy, it's the only way to go. I would have Kristy (was that her anorexic niece's name) offed in the midst of some senseless spidey-fight. MJ gives Pete an ultimatum (her or the costume) that he can't keep.
It's a very good idea. We liked Kristy in her own time and we could symphathize with MJ on that. Grats, iloveclones. :up:
I see the one way to divorce if MJ will angry with Peter and leaves.
It's a very good idea. We liked Kristy in her own time and we could symphathize with MJ on that. Grats, iloveclones. :up:
I see the one way to divorce if MJ will angry with Peter and leaves.

Thanks. As I was thinking of it, a nice touch to a story like that would be if the villain was one of the more sympathetic Spidey villains, like Rhino or Sandman, and they ended up showing more remorse over what happened than Peter. Like if they showed up at the funeral to say they're sorry, and Pete starts whaling on them. Lots of drama that you could create there.
Originally Posted by iloveclones
Tragedy, it's the only way to go. I would have Kristy (was that her anorexic niece's name) offed in the midst of some senseless spidey-fight. MJ gives Pete an ultimatum (her or the costume) that he can't keep.


It's a very good idea. We liked Kristy in her own time and we could symphathize with MJ on that. Grats, iloveclones.
I see the one way to divorce if MJ will angry with Peter and leaves.

I think this is exactly what you shouldn't do.

What you're saying could make a good story (although I'd pick Aunt Anna or her sister Gayle because it would resonate more). However, if Spider-Man is the thing that breaks up their marriage, then Peter would be terribly irresponsible to ever enter into another relationship with a normal woman as long as he's wearing the suit. He'd be putting the next woman in same situation. He's have to lie to her, miss appointments, and inevitiably put her life (and possibly her families lives) in danger.

I think it would be a lot easier for readers to accept a new love in Peter's life if MJ simply died and his being Spider-Man had absolutely nothing to do with it. Before she dies she could possibly make Peter promise her that he won't mope and live the rest of his life alone. She gives him her blessing and tells him to be to find happiness with someone else. From that point on the books would focus on Peter entering the next phase of his life.

I'm curious if I'm the only one who feels this way.
I don't think death is the way to go at all. Divorce is kinda bad too. And magical retcons don't work with Spidey. Under the circumstances, if it turned out he and MJ were never actually married, I can see Peter telling her to move away. Go to Paris or something. He'd see this as sort of a second chance for her, since being around Peter,now, is dangerous. It would be heart breaking and their last good byes would be touching, and this way she can still be re-introduced later. Let's face it. Killing off MJ at this point is like killing off Lois Lane in Superman. She's a staple to the franchise and one of the first things people think about when you mention Spider-man. Death is probably the worse thing to do at this point.
simple... I make a one shot issue where MJ and Joe Q duke it out in the ring... Submission match... Winner affects continuity... If MJ wins, Joe Q is retconned, If Joe wins... sayonara MJ... Unfortunately MJ taps out after JoeQ sits on her... He proceeds to eat her face, then he pees on her skull... in front of Peter's face.. after this big assed one issue spread into 12 issues event Peter gains death beams that shoot from his eyes or Butt... it depends on Joe's mood... BTW Howard the Duck is the special Referee...
Then we De-age Peter into a fifteen year old so he can date Miley Cyrus... (What a nice way to bring young girls into Spidey than have him date Hannah Montana) It's a Joe Q Win win...

Seriously though... I would quit, because I wouldn't want to be part of the rape of a Cultural Icon... But I would give Jokesada a piece of my mind...

Joe Quesada
Dear Joe Quesada: YOU SUCK!!
Now that, that's out of the picture... He's lost some weight... but that doesn't stop him from sucking...
if JQ tells me to get rid of mj, i simply stop writing stories with her...
no explanation, no nothing. i just dont write ehr character in any of my stories anymore...
someone else should **** with the fans-.-
i'd have mj leave peter after decideing to take up a carreer on the toughwoman circut

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