Iron Man Sequels Recast Tony Stark


Shaper Savant
Jul 26, 2012
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I love Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark. If only because he is extremely entertaining. Physically he is just fine (age and appearance). But he won't be doing this forever. If, god forbid, he refuses to hop on board with Avengers 2 or Iron Man 4, who should take his place?

Now I'm sure there have been "Cast Stark" threads in the past, but this is less "Cast Stark" and more "Fill RDJ's shoes."

I honestly have no idea or I would take a shot at it.
Nobody should replace him. This is a cinematic universe; not the comic books. When the time comes, let his character die and introduce somebody new.
From what i heard they're planing to let this go like the Bond films so i don't think recasting RDJ at some point is impossible.
How about we do threads like this when the time comes instead of getting him out of the role that he's clearly not leaving anytime soon
How about we never speculate about anything ever again? Does that sound fun?
How about you not comment on threads where you have no opinion on the actual topic?
Because the actual topic has been discussed in other threads.
You're commenting here because this topic has been discussed in other threads?

are you just super bored?
How about we do threads like this when the time comes instead of getting him out of the role that he's clearly not leaving anytime soon

it's just like fancasting for a movie that probably clearly isn't going to be made any time soon either.. it's just something fun to think about.
it's just like fancasting for a movie that probably clearly isn't going to be made any time soon either.. it's just something fun to think about.

Agreed! And anyway, it's a challenging question to answer. It makes for fun times.

and maybe we'll finally get a look at Demon in a Bottle Tony.
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OH! if he can grow the proper facial hair, hes got my vote.

nice call.

I'll admit, I've only ever seen Bomer in 'In Time' which I watched the other night, and it was a small part.. but based off of the look of stark as we've come to know him and the look of bomer, he seems like a fine fit.

I'm sure he can grow thicker facial hair and also color it a deeper black if he has to...
dude. Definitely watch some White Collar, if not only to see that he's a clever bastard and a ladies man just like RDJ (funny cuz i think he's actually a homosex). I could've sworn that was the role you were referring to. He'd play the part well.
I wasn't referring to any role honestly as far as his look, just based off of a few pictures i've seen since I watched that movie. I will give it a look-see if I got the time. My TV schedule is quite full! lol
He's too boring of an actor for such a fun role. He lacks charisma.
How about Jon Hamm ? Many people here just throw his name in every casting thread.

Another option is Colin Farrell.

The fact that this thread is titled "Recast RDJ" is enough proof that Tony Stark shouldn't be recast.

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