Red Dwarf

Darth Rockwell

Avengers Assemble
May 5, 2004
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This has got to be one of the best shows to come off of that little island country called Brittian. I mean lets face it this is classic brittish humour at its best. Rimmer, Lister, Cat, Krytan, and Holly will forever be part of pop culture of the '90s. Season 7 finaly came out on dvd on the 10th, while not the best it did have some really good epsiodes.

I just wanted to make a thread that fans of this show could come and talk about it in. So if you a fan please share your thoughts about Red Dwarf with other fellow fans. Boys from the Dwarf!
Yep ive got all the seasons so far on dvd, such a great show. Shame I dont think it was ever as good as it was in Seasons 1 and 2.
See I thought 4,5, & 6 were the best season where some of the greatest Eps came from.
The one with the female version of cat...I found the first one at every site I looked on, and I already have it, but I cant find this one anywhere...I know it probably sucks as much as the first, but I'd still like to see it...
From what I heard, it wasn't a full episode but like a five-minute interstitial meant to sell the series to a network. It contains some dialogue between the Cat (Terry Farrell from Becker and Deep Space Nine) and Lister, and turns the Cat into a Klingon-like Xena character.

Even the U.S. pilot had some funny moments, but this one sounds irredeemably terrible.
well this one was written by Grant and Naylor, and from what it sounded like, it was actually parts of the first pilot with new scenes where they reshot Rimmers parts and The Cats parts
Omg i just found the American Pilot eps, what the hell were Doug and Rob thinking??? they sucked major ass, same jokes but where they were funny in the British version, they sucked total ass in the American one.... and in one version they had cat as a woman... like cat woman...

First pilot with kyrton (dont ask)

The other attempt (with a cat woman) (after some proper clips)
God bless You Tube. I have been looking for those pilots since they were first made.
Red Dwarf was a damn good show :cmad:

Now if they only made the damn movie :cmad::(
Geez, the American actors just really don't do it for me. I think Kryten's the same though.

I love Red Dwarf and I'm disappointed they never got the movie off the ground. To me the series is closest thing to Douglas Adams and Hitchhiker's Guide moreso than the new movie was.
TheVileOne said:
Geez, the American actors just really don't do it for me. I think Kryten's the same though.

I love Red Dwarf and I'm disappointed they never got the movie off the ground. To me the series is closest thing to Douglas Adams and Hitchhiker's Guide moreso than the new movie was.
Yeah Kyten was the same actor and doing the same old thing we know and love, only dam good thing about that pilot.

I watched the first episode early, and with in the first word uttered i was laughing :D its just great
Jesus, how many failed American copies of british shows have there been? Red Dwarf, Men Behaving Badly, Fawlty Towers (whoopi), Ab Fab, Coupling and more I don't know about no doubt. has the facts. As announced by Robert Llewellyn for Grant Naylor Productions this week at the UKTV seasonal press launch, the project is a short series of brand new specials to celebrate the 21st birthday of Red Dwarf.
Doug Naylor will be masterminding the four half-hour instalments, and the regular cast will all be reprising their iconic roles. They are being made by GNP for UKTV's free-to-air channel, Dave - our new best friends!
Red Dwarf repeats on Dave - including an anniversary weekend run - have picked up remarkable numbers since the channel was reborn on Freeview, and it's becoming clear to all concerned that the show is picking a new, third generation audience. With the usual involvement from Red Dwarf partners BBC Worldwide, you can also expect international broadcasts to follow (and, we'd imagine, a top-quality DVD release in the fullness of time).
It's very new news to me - I really only fully heard the details yesterday, Robert told comedian/host Michael McIntyre. We're doing four new shows with the original cast. Two of them are going to be, like, proper episodes of Red Dwarf. One of them is so exciting I've been asked not to say anything about that because other people will steal the idea - and it is a great idea, quite challenging for us as performers. And the other one is a kind of behind-the-scenes-y... the truth. There's been so many rumours and gossip about Red Dwarf, about whether there's going to be a movie and whether we all get on, all those things... The downside for me, which is just dawning on me now, is I've got to do the 'rubber' thing again, which I haven't done for ten years.
For the record, and direct from the makers, the details of the four shows right now - while wholly subject to change - are:

Show One - The Making Of The Specials A highly entertaining look at what goes on behind the scenes on a Red Dwarf production.
Show Two - Red Dwarf Special: Part One The cast get back into character, and costume, a decade on...
Show Three - Red Dwarf Special: Part Two The adventure continues...
Show Four - A Clip Show With a Serious Difference The cast do it their way. Red Dwarf as you have never, ever seen it before!

The shows will broadcast sometime in 2009 and, if successful, could pave the way for further Red Dwarf TV projects. Thanks to movie and broadcaster wrangles, Grant Naylor haven't been in a position to produce new Red Dwarf since Series VIII went out to audiences of over eight million in 1999. This exciting development suggests a new and shiny future for everyone's favourite sci-fi comedy.
To be kept in the loop as we cover the new production, register your email address with in the box at the bottom of the page.
The Boys from the Dwarf are back!

:D Discuss!
hopefully the TV show will get such ratings that they option the movie..

In all honesty, I just miss seeing the adventures of Lister, Rimmer, the Cat, Kryten, and Holly..

Forget Kachanski!
I wonder if it will pick up where series 8 left off... I hope Naylor has written the actual episodes cos even though series 7 wasn't the greatest, series 8 was a bit poor and I think the reason was that they had other writers come in.. Or was it series 7 where they had other writers doing it? I can't remember, either way 8 was bad so hopfully it'll be back to the quality of the earlier series.

So i thought id make a thread for fellow Dwarfers because i cant wait for the new episodes. Anyone else excited??
New episodes? Since when? Shall we go to blue alert?
Dave have commisioned two Easter specials: 'Red Dwarf: Back to Earth' and 'Red Dwarf: Unplugged'. Apparently the latter is a no script see what happens kinda thing :woot:
Dave have commisioned two Easter specials: 'Red Dwarf: Back to Earth' and 'Red Dwarf: Unplugged'. Apparently the latter is a no script see what happens kinda thing :woot:
The Unplugged has been ditched now and its going to be a 3 part speacial called Back to Earth shown on the channel Dave over the Easter weekend.....Cant wait!!
The teaser TV spots have hit Dave. So short they're practically subliminal, though.

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