Remakes that wouldn't drive you crazy!


You jack wagon!
May 11, 2004
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Films you wouldn't mind seeing remade. Here's one I would be alright with. Short Circuit, as good as it was, it was limited to the special effects of the 80s. Although I liked the sequel better, but that's beside the point. I think it would be a good candidate for a remake.

The Harry Potter franchise.
Remake the Spiderman films. They were great, but just didn't cut it for me.
Remaking X-Men wouldn't be so bad either.
Short Circuit!? No way!

Remake that wont drive me crazy:Van Helsing
Completely agree on Short Circuit

How about Ghostbusters without being a cartoon?
I'd like to see Spielberg do a Jaws movie with modern technology. Keep the yellow barrels though.

The further they progressed, the less faithful to the source material they got. I doubt 6 or 7 will be any better. Remakes should only exisit when the original can be improved on. Sticking closer to the source material is a definite improvement.
Ghosterbusters? Short Circuit? JAWS!!!? :whatever:

Iused to wonder why stupid remakes get made, now I know.
Films you wouldn't mind seeing remade. Here's one I would be alright with. Short Circuit, as good as it was, it was limited to the special effects of the 80s. Although I liked the sequel better, but that's beside the point. I think it would be a good candidate for a remake.
Completely agree on Short Circuit
How about Ghostbusters without being a cartoon?
I'd like to see Spielberg do a Jaws movie with modern technology. Keep the yellow barrels though.
Ghosterbusters? Short Circuit? JAWS!!!? :whatever:

Iused to wonder why stupid remakes get made, now I know.
I do not see a way that Short Circuit, Jaws, or Ghostbusters can actually be improved of outside of cosmetic, CGI, improvment Therefore I say no to all three.
Its hard to say :(
I keep thinking of movies, and I list them, but then I start thinking - "hey this movie is fine how it is to me honestly. Do I really want to see it redone?" If its a good movie, it wont need a remake will it?
Mortal Kombat
Street Fighter
Dragon Ball:oldrazz:
I do not see a way that Short Circuit, Jaws, or Ghostbusters can actually be improved of outside of cosmetic, CGI, improvment Therefore I say no to all three.

I guess so. Maybe they could redo some of the effects on a special edition DVD of Short Circuit.
I don't think that's a real word. It's not on wikipedia

I misspelled it, it should be Koyaanisqatsi. And I assure you it's real.

edit: Also, wikipedia should not be the place you stop looking
The only remake I'd like to see is Clash of the Titans.
I guess so. Maybe they could redo some of the effects on a special edition DVD of Short Circuit.

Dude, drop it. Short Ciruit is not about CGI. THe robot puppet is by far better than anything else I've seen today for the concept/mood of this movie. This is like adding a CGI dog in Sandlot, its just a stupid idea.
As much as I detest remakes for the most part (let's face it - most of 'em are simply redundant and purely the product of money/laziness); I do have to admit that even though I'm a huge fan of the original - I'm sumwhat intrigued by the forthcoming 'Clash of the Titans' remake.

Ok, the original is a classic and had Sir Laurence Olivier as Zeus, Burgess Meredith as Ammon with Harryhausen stop motion fx - but with Stephen Norrington back directing and the special fx that we have nowadays (for the Krakken, Medusa, Calibos, Cerebus and Pegasus etc), I must say I'm looking forward to it.

"Let loose the Krakken!"..........................

EDIT: After posting - I looked about 3 posts up to see Iron Stark had already mentioned COTT. :O

Er, so anyway - I concur, Mr Stark. :up:
The kind of remakes I really like are when someone takes an old movie that no one's heard of, remakes it, and makes a better movie then the original, kind of like Ocean's 11.

So I had to remake something, I take movies that had great premises, you know a really good idea, and then try to change that movie and improve upon it.

In 10 or 20 years I'd try remaking The Brothers Grimm, because even though that wasn't that bad, I think it had wayyyyy more untapped potential to be a really good movie.

I'd also try remaking The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen for the same reason (and obviously stay closer to the source material).

And also The Covenant, because I think that could have been very good as well.
^^^^Agree,thats definitely the way remakes should work.

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