SAT question?

The Geek Vault

Come at me bro
Apr 29, 2005
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Are the SAT's really as hard as people say they are? I am filling out forms to take them soon and I have been having an SAT prep course and I'm getting nervous about it. Anyone?
It depends on how smart you are. If you have trouble with words and definitions or algebra, you'll have some trouble.

I was a pretty average student, and I didn't take an SAT prep course or study for it at all. And I got an 1110 on my first try. Which I was more than happy with, plenty of people in my grade couldn't break 1000.

How hard it is truly depends on how well you take tests, and how much you know.
Are the SAT's really as hard as people say they are? I am filling out forms to take them soon and I have been having an SAT prep course and I'm getting nervous about it. Anyone?

I thought the Math part was hard, mostly because I'm not good at math and I never really studied for the SAT.

I'd say if you have been studying and get good grades in your English/MATH classes, then you should be alright.
I didn't study at all and got a 1000. :( If I were to take it again right now, I could easily get a 1300/1600 or whatever the scale is.

The test is pretty easy if you do average/well on most tests. If not, just keep up with your studying and don't let the stress get to ya - you should be fine. The most difficult area is usually Math (at least for me), so if you know that's your worst subject, focus on that and don't worry as much over Reading/Writing.

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