The Dark Knight screentime


Forever guarding Gotham
Apr 1, 2006
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how do you think characters in order of screentime should go? me:

2.Harvey Dent
5.The Joker.
1. Batman
2. Gordon
3. Dent
4. Maroni
5. Joker
Batman - as the main character, whole movie (with Wayne also).
Alfred - screentime that was in BB.
Rachel - the same what was in BB.
Harvey Dent - I think he will get really important role in sequel.
Gordon - The same time that was in BB, only a bit less.
Joker - 3-4 scenes.
Maroni - 2 scenes.
Penguin - 1-2 scenes.
I'd like to see a lot more Gordon this time around, I'd say Harvey must have a big role also, but the same as Begins everything should still be centred on Bruce/Bats
Batman Harvey Dent and Jimmy Gordon should get most of the screen time - with a little Alfred spred on top. Then Paul Bettany should get very few scenes (probably all with shadows covering most of him) in the first two acts of the film, preparing for a good Joker v. Batman battle at the end. The various other villians should take up most of the villian screen time at the start of the film.
-Batman and Bruce should have a pretty even amount of screentime. -Gordon is good with what he had, only add a couple scenes where he is with Batman and Dent.
-Dent pretty much as much time Rachel had (plus scenes with Batman/Gordon)
-Maroni can have just as much time as Falcone did.
-Joker should have maybe a scene in the begininng, Batman loses him. them maybe Batman will search his hideout and Joker throws a grenade from the shadows.
javi1024 said:
-Joker should have maybe a scene in the begininng, Batman loses him. them maybe Batman will search his hideout and Joker throws a grenade from the shadows.

For some reason I hate that suggestion.
StorminNorman said:
For some reason I hate that suggestion.
well it doesnt have to be that at all. im just saying since apparently hes not the main villain, he should get small screentime, but still make his mark as a threat to Gotham.
javi1024 said:
well it doesnt have to be that at all. im just saying since apparently hes not the main villain, he should get small screentime, but still make his mark as a threat to Gotham.

I understand that but....simply throwing a grenade at Batman? It just seems non-Jokerish. :) Paul Bettany would not approve.
1. Bats
2. Joker
3. Harvey Dent
4. Gordon
5. Alfred
javi1024 said:
a grenade with a smiley-face on it?

How about a gas grenade?
Cinemaman said:
Batman - as the main character, whole movie (with Wayne also).
Alfred - screentime that was in BB.
Rachel - the same what was in BB.
Harvey Dent - I think he will get really important role in sequel.
Gordon - The same time that was in BB, only a bit less.
Joker - 3-4 scenes.
Maroni - 2 scenes.
Penguin - 1-2 scenes.

^Sounds good:up:
I truly think that Harvey Dent should be the biggest character not named Bruce Wayne/Batman. I truly want to see the character development here.
wait a second, since when is everyone cool with the joker having a smaller role than was first anticipated? Is everyone cool with this?
I'm cool with it. I can easily get too much of the Joker anyway.
I want Joker to have a big role, not bigger than Bats, but more screentime than anyone else.
if they were to introduce Harvey Dent i think it would be best to just show their developing bond between Batman, Gordon and Dent. And not untill the next movie would they completely destroy Harvey Dent into Two-Face. That way their is more trajedy in losing a friend.

when it comes to joker doesn't any one think maybe it's a bit early to introduce joker, how about instead they only show a little of Red Hood and making him a minor untill the following movie where he comes back as Joker and a major character. Because I don't think Joker arrived right of the begining in Year One, wasn't there an order of villains that they introduced?
Mee said:
1. Bats
2. Joker
3. Harvey Dent
4. Gordon
5. Alfred

Thank you. This is the perfect line up.

And I think that Alfred, Lucius Fox, and Bruce Wayne love interest should all share the same screentime.
if a love interest has that little screentime, she's not really a love interest.

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