With Schmidt wanting to summon the "true champion of HYDRA" from beyond the stars really made me think of Hive/Alveus for a second lol (though obviously Marvel Studios wouldn't do that).
BTW, does anyone know if the creature at the end is something from the comics or just some generic monster?
They said they weren't allowed to introduce any new characters. I think Shuma-Gorath may be the exception if they already planned him out for Multiverse of Madness (especially if Captain Carter will show up there or something). Otherwise it'd have to be a generic monster I think.
Another thing that really bothered me was Red Skull and Hyrda in TFA had the Tesseract BEFORE Steve took the serum. Peggy taking the serum doesn't change that. So like....half the plot of this episode hinges on more than 1 alternate choice being made. Which I am fine with alternate worlds and such, but it being 1 choice changes the entire world doesn't really work when you make changes to events prior to that choice being made.
Yeah this confused me too.
Also in TFA the order of events is
- Steve takes place in the machine
- Erskine asks Peggy if she'd be more comfortable in the booth
- Peggy goes into the booth, sitting next to Chester Philips while Heinz Kruger takes place behind her. Everyone but the scientists are in the booth watching.
- Steve injected with most of the serum and is transformed
- Once they see the experiment is successful Peggy, Philips, Kruger and everyone else come down from the booth to see Steve up close
- Kruger blows up a bomb he left up in the booth as a distraction, takes the last serum remaining after Steve had been injected with the rest and shoots Erskine
- Steve chases him to retrieve the serum, but the vile breaks in the fight after Steve takes him from the submarine
In this it is
- Steve and Peggy walk up to Erskine together
- Erskine asks Peggy if she'd be more comfortable in the booth
- She says no and stays below.
- Now Chester Philips, Flynn (who we never saw in TFA) and Heinz Kruger all stay on the floor with the machine rather than going into the booth
- Steve takes place in the machine
- Kruger blows up his bomb not up in the booth as a distraction but on the lab floor where multiple people get hurt by the explosion
- He shoots Philips and Steve and takes the Serum
- Peggy shoots Kruger, puts the vile of serum he took back in the machine and goes through the transformation.
- I don't think we ever see Erskine die, but since we don't see him later I assume he died in the explosion?
So why was Flynn here if he wasn't before? Why did everyone besides Peggy also not go up into the booth this time? Why did Kruger decide to activate his explosive before Steve went through the transformation instead of waiting to see if it works? In TFA there was a vile left over for Kruger to take after Steve's transformation, so logically after Peggy's there should be a vile left they could use to replicate the serum? All that plus Schmidt only getting the Tesseract after, rather than already having it and having started making weapons with it before Steve got transformed really makes it seem like much more than one simple change (the decision to go up to the booth or not).