Definitely share the sentiment that it really feels like we've just seen the beginning of Moon Knight and this pretty much needs more content such as a next season going forward.
If we do I think it'd be nice to introduce Frenchie Duchamp and have Crawley become more involved with MK.
It seems clear that Layla is intended as the MCU's version of Marlene in a similar way to how Michelle Jones is clearly the MCU's Mary-Jane Watson.
However, she seems like there could be a possibility of her possibly being combined with other characters and I wonder if there's any chance of her ever getting powered up.
In the comics Marlene's father Peter Alrune meets the same fate as Layla's father meets in this show. However, Layla's father is Abdallah El-Faouly and he is known for wearing a notable red scarf (which I think may have a scarab design on it? It was pretty dark so I couldn't clearly tell). In the comics there is an Egyptian character Abdul Faoul who uses the power of a ruby scarab to become the Scarlet Scarab and tried to liberate Egypt from British rule during WWII. Abdallah El-Faouly also seems like a version of this character which also notably wears red garb around his neck. Faoul also had a son, Mehemet Faoul, who became the next Scarlet Scarab.
Then there's also the character of Leila O'Toole, an archaeologist and Egyptologist who is also a mutant called Plasma who can absorb cosmic radiation to shoot plasma blasts. She also became involved with the Cult of Khonshu which might be similar to Khonshu wanting her as Marc's replacement in earlier episodes.
I wonder if Layla could ever take on more elements of either Mehemet Faoul or Leila O'Toole.
When it comes to villains:
This episode definitely left the door open for Bushman in a future Moon Knight project, who apparently is not just a partner but actually his former Commanding Officer.
With the early death of Randall (or RoRo) it seems unlikely we'll get Shadowknight who is accurate to the comics. However, I could see them maybe leaving the option open of going a different route. They could maybe have the spirit of Randall be brought back as an avatar or agent by someone like Seth or Nepthys (gods of death and mourning) as a more literal shadow, if one of those gods or their followers ever become an enemy.
There doesn't seem much room for Ernst/Yitz Perlman to play a role in MK's childhood.
Marvel Studios better not have Gorr murder her. We need more friendly hippopotamus death goddesses.
Yeah I'd love more of her. Gorr can take Osiris and some of his mates. They're pretty boring.