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All of the episodes have felt they're being recited by a 10 year who is hyper-charged by a gallon of soda. This particular one was no different and by far the worst of the bunch. Maybe I'm just Marvel'd out at this point - I'm just not getting what I hoped for.
If I could apply your criticism about “10 year old hyper-charged by a gallon of soda” to any episode so far, it would be this episode. It’s like if a little kid fueled on sugar saw a reasonably paced arc of a 3-4 episode story, was told to remember and recite everything they saw in under 30 minutes, and made that into an episode of television.
I’m practically talking myself into giving this a lower grade of 5/10 as I write this down. How did this episode as it is even make it past final draft stage? I know they can do better than this because I literally watched the previous episode!!!
also did i zone out or miss this part but,
why did it take so long for Hope to turn? it seemed like the others were turning practically instantly.
Usually it seems in zombie movies, if you get killed by a zombie, you turn right away. If you get nicked or bitten, it takes awhile to turn.
I chalk it up to her being giant sized so it took longer for the virus to spread.also did i zone out or miss this part but,
why did it take so long for Hope to turn? it seemed like the others were turning practically instantly.
I chalk it up to her being giant sized so it took longer for the virus to spread.
Yes but then she went giant sized. Look it’s science. You can’t argue with it.didn't she get scratched on the train when she was regular sized?
technically she was exposed in miniature forum, then noticed once she was regular size, so, the amount of infected blood/or saliva in her system would have been microscopic (also it was said that being bitten is the way of transference, not any little scratch, that it is mainly transferred through saliva) but since she literately exploded a zombie from with in (while she had an open wound) it's reasonable to assume some of the zombies blood/ saliva got into that open wound, indirectly... therefore taking longer, then if she was bittendidn't she get scratched on the train when she was regular sized?
What they do with zombies in another film has nothing to do with how they were employed in this episode where they gave zero inkling their zombies had any control other than pure Zombie instinct.
Using tech, weapons and magic that requires some kind of intelligence and skill was incongruous with how they showed the Zombies to be in all other ways but... This episode was chock full of "just cuz" BS to either further the plot or land a joke.
The criticisms writ small of about half of what Marvel Studios puts out.
If the personalities and intelligence of the heroes had been retained in some form as is the case with the Marvel Zombies series of books then fine, but none spoke or showed any glimmer of who they were.
I think the timeline works fine as long as you assume that they all put aside their differences quickly to show up to fight Zombies (so Civil War did in fact happen). Everything else seems to fit fine.With that said, this episode was kinda playing around with the timeline of events.
Hank getting zombified rescuing Janet was what set off the outbreak, but that probably happened during or just before Infinity War, but when the Avengers showed up in CA to fight the zombies, Cap and everyone were there, so Civil War hadn't happened yet (so it had to have been before Ant-Man & The Wasp happened). So everyone was already zombified before Infinity War in order for the Black Order to show up and get eaten.