Looking at the Guardians of the Multiverse.
Strange Supreme - I feel like this series was basically a launch ramp to Doctor Strange: MOM and in being so the character of Doctor Strange got the biggest spotlight. They turned a good character evil and in the process made him comic book level powerful. The backstory for the character was really well done and the way he displayed his otherwordly capabilities where big standouts. That detail of him opening the zombies portal and hinting at Scarlett Witch was a clear nod at DS: MOM.
Party Thor - This Thor is a very different character. Party Thor as the name entails is just a reckless, dumb and spoiled brat without the influence of Loki to mold him into a better version of himself. Not to mention that we meet him very early on, before all the events and experiences that make him the Thor we now know. Party Thor is fun but other than that he doesn't adds up to much, while his main timeline counterpart is a much more layered character. Endearing, relatable, funny, serious, cool...
Gamora - Since her episode was moved into season 2, it's hard to make any considerations about her. She looks cool, she's also pretty serious and badass but other than that there's not much to go on about.
King Killmonger - It's a cerebral look at the villain and at how much he was able to accomplish. A cunning chess player with strong motivations and even stronger capabilities. He's the Ying to T'challa's Yang.
Captain Carter - I thought her character was a standout. I really like her and specially when they brought her to the present i thought she really shined. I think she's a welcome addition to the MCU and i hope we'll see her introduced introduced in live-action.
T'Challa Star Lord - Just the ultimate good guy. RIP Chadwick Boseman.
Black Widow - The post-apocalyptic vibe and world fit the character really well. Having said that, at this point we've seen so much of the character that it doesn't really surprise or amaze that much.