Should Wonder Woman fly?


The new Thundercat Lord!
Apr 21, 2006
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Should WW fly like in Justice League, or with the Invisible Jet?
well since the character wonder woman flys i think yes. but the invisible jet is weird
I'd say yes, if for no other reason than to distance it from the TV show; I'm all about distancing these projects from any previous attempts.
I'd say yes, she should. It's part of what makes her Wonder Woman in the first place, having the ability to fly along with being trained to be one of the best warriors their could possibly be. They shouldn't take that trait from the character and replace it with something else. Though, Whedon has said that he has plans for the Invisible Jet and instead of making her fly he'll have her leap into the air for certain distances.
Batman said:
I'd say yes, she should. It's part of what makes her Wonder Woman in the first place, having the ability to fly along with being trained to be one of the best warriors their could possibly be. They shouldn't take that trait from the character and replace it with something else. Though, Whedon has said that he has plans for the Invisible Jet and instead of making her fly he'll have her leap into the air for certain distances.

Yep agree :up:
Not a chance in heel should they not let her fly in the damn movie!! :mad:
I want this movie to be great, dammit.

Batman said:
I'd say yes, she should. It's part of what makes her Wonder Woman in the first place, having the ability to fly along with being trained to be one of the best warriors their could possibly be. They shouldn't take that trait from the character and replace it with something else. Though, Whedon has said that he has plans for the Invisible Jet and instead of making her fly he'll have her leap into the air for certain distances.

Very well said, Batman. Once again you prove to know your stuff.
I think she needs to be able to fly. The invisible plane had it's points back in the 40's....but it wouldn't work to good nowadays.
C. Lee said:
I think she needs to be able to fly. The invisible plane had it's points back in the 40's....but it wouldn't work to good nowadays.

Exactly, Lee. :up:
Yes. The character flies, so she should fly. It's that simple. Joss Whedon's reasoning that he doesn't want her to look like a female Superman is bogus. Flight is a pretty generic superpower, and no one is going to think she looks just like Superman because of it.
Yes, Wonder Woman must fly. She flies in modern comics, therefore she must fly in the film so as to match her modern day counterpart.
Yes, why not make here fly. Joss Whedon does not need to reinvent the concept of WW’s flying capabilities. WW comes from a world without the influences of men so why should she use an invisible jet which is a creation of men. She is a Goddess so let her soar like one.

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." – Herm Albright
warren_sparta27 said:
yes, and if she does fly, then she has no use for the invisble jet :)

Well for one thing, the jet is invisible.:)

Not needing a jet because you can fly is like not needing a car because you can run. The jet would be sensible if you wanted to get somewhere faster.
She should fly. If Whedon is so pressed that he must animate her flying as some sort of graceful extended jump (which would be a reference to the Hulk), then fine... but keep it ambiguous, dont' have WW falling to her death or using her lasso to break her fall. That'd just be upsetting.

As for the Invisible Jet, use the modern omni-vehicle explanation and have her form it into a jet to hang out with Steve Trevor, the pilot...
Yes she should fly, although an updated invisible plane wouldn't be that bad.
It should be more of a stealth plane (kind of like Bonds car in Die Another Day), you should not be able to see inside it.
neemer5 said:
Maybe not fly, but sorta do the Crouching Tiger jump-for-long-distances type thing.

Well, like I mentioned in my earlier post, that's what Whedon said he was considering of putting for her if he was going with the decision of taking away her ability to fly in the film.
Yeah, she should be able to fly by herself because of Invisible Jet would look so stupid and corny...or seem so stupid and corny for that matter.
Mr. Socko said:
Yeah, she should be able to fly by herself because of Invisible Jet would look so stupid and corny...or seem so stupid and corny for that matter.

It would really piss me off if Whedon takes out the star spangled panties or flying ability because they look "corny," only to have her sitting in the air flying her invisible plane.:rolleyes:

If they do use the plane, it better be updated into a cool high tech stealth jet, and we hopefully wouldn't see her while she's flying it.
Actually, I say no. Although I could go either way on this, I think it might be somewhat easier for audiences to suspend their disbelief if she can't fly (that is, unless they're given a damn good explanation as to why she can-something which I don't think the comic books have done very well).

True, it's not like they really went into why Supes can fly in the movies and it still worked-but I've always found Wondy to be a powered down female Superman-with her physical powers at least slightly more plausible

There's precedence in the comic books for her not being able to fly. There is also precedence in the (like it or not) popular television show and Superfriends. These things would partly justify her flightlessness from a "canon" point of view. But I completely understand why someone would disagree with this since she's been flying in the comics for most of her appearances.

It just comes down to the fact that I don't think it's essential to the character that she be able to fly (unlike, say, with Superman).

Also, I speculate that the "invisible jet" is going to be some hi-tech, cloaked, military weapon essential to the plot. It won't really be hers, but she'll get to fly it at some point.
Yes, there is precedent for a flightless WW. However, the character has been flying in the comics for more than two decades now. I can guarantee that audiences will not have any trouble suspending disbelief because she's flying, because flight is a rather generic power, and things like that come with the territory when you decide to watch a superhero movie. It's no more ridiculous than a magically powered, super strong heroine fighting villains out of Greek mythology. So, since there are reasons to make her fly (staying faithful to the comics), and no real reasons not to make her fly, I don't see why change should be made for the sake of change.

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