The Dark Knight Showest honors 'Batman' director

May 20, 2007
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Chris Nolan has been named ShoWest director of the year. Award will be presented at the upcoming ShoWest exhib confab in Las Vegas.

Nolan is next in theaters with Warner Bros.' "The Dark Knight," his follow-up to "Batman Begins."
Filmmaker's other past credits include "The Prestige" and "Memento."
"Dark Knight," which opens July 18, reteams Nolan with "Batman Begins" star Christopher Nolan. The late Heath Ledger also stars in "Knight."
Nolan will receive the award at ShoWest's closing night banquet on March 13. Confab begins on March 10.
"Dark Knight," which opens July 18, reteams Nolan with "Batman Begins" star Christopher Nolan.

Chris Nolan has been named ShoWest director of the year. Award will be presented at the upcoming ShoWest exhib confab in Las Vegas.

Nolan is next in theaters with Warner Bros.' "The Dark Knight," his follow-up to "Batman Begins."
Filmmaker's other past credits include "The Prestige" and "Memento."
"Dark Knight," which opens July 18, reteams Nolan with "Batman Begins" star Christian Bale. The late Heath Ledger also stars in "Knight."
Nolan will receive the award at ShoWest's closing night banquet on March 13. Confab begins on March 10.
And rightfully so!
i can not wait for july.

seriously, they are awarding the man before the movie is even released. this movie will own all of us.
He's a megalomaniac, like Orson Welles.

Get ready for Vestman!


That is a hysterical error in the article.

But congrats Chris Nolan!! It is a well deserved award...
congrats to Chris as he certainly deserves it
:batty: Congratulations, Chris Nolan for being ShoWest's director of the year.
He deserves it :applaud
^ Except for not doing a film that people have seen, for the past 2 years. :ninja:

He's a good director and all, but clearly this is an award that makes no logical sense from it's title. I'm thinking this is just a way of thanking him for the exclusive TDK footage. :o
^ Except for not doing a film that people have seen, for the past 2 years. :ninja:

He's a good director and all, but clearly this is an award that makes no logical sense from it's title. I'm thinking this is just a way of thanking him for the exclusive TDK footage. :o

I was thinking the same thing. Prestige was his last movie and it came out in 2006.
Well a lot of awards seem to do this, give them the award when they have not done anything at the current time to get it. Sometimes its more honoring the director as a whole, not for just one year.

I mean come on Martin's Oscar that he got for The Departed, that movie was no where near his best, and was not worthy of an Oscar....yet to me it was more because the Academy felt he deserved it from the past.

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