Guardians of the Galaxy Silver Surfer should be in the third movie


Jul 13, 2011
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Who else wants him?

Im sure Fox is giving up Fantastic Four characters and sticking to X-Men and mutants.
Him, Dr. Doom, and Galactus! #Winning
Think surfer could get his own film.
Maybe a cameo though or a mention.
Would be a dream come true seeing the Surfer in these movies.
Silver Surfer would make sense especially given the whole cosmic connection Galactus being a planet and all
If we do get the Surfer I hope he's true to Kirby's intent for the character and none of this Norin Radd nonsense...
It would be great to see him, but are Fox giving up the rights? :huh:
Think surfer could get his own film.

Shame the planned Fox film never happened. I actually liked the way Surfer was portrayed and voiced in FF2 (other than the surfboard/powers thing).
This would be awesome. It's really a no-brainer for Fox to trade the rights to Marvel. Perhaps for looser restrictions on the X-Men rights?
No. Putting Surfer in there when you already have Adam Warlock is a terrible idea.

Gunn originally wanted Adam Warlock in the second movie but decided against it. That was the right decision.
Would love to see the Silver Surfer in anything - GOTG might not be the best place for him, but I wouldn't complain.

I suppose that Marvel would need the FF rights back though, and that would be costly.
They need the FF rights or make a trade of sorts. I don't see SS fitting the GOTG tone so I would pass on him being in it.
They need the FF rights or make a trade of sorts. I don't see SS fitting the GOTG tone so I would pass on him being in it.

yeah - a guy on a surfboard flying through space would not fit in with a movie populated by talking raccoons, walking trees and a living planet,...
Would love to see the Silver Surfer in anything - GOTG might not be the best place for him, but I wouldn't complain.

I suppose that Marvel would need the FF rights back though, and that would be costly.

Surfer and Galactus was a separate option that happened before the FF so that may not be the case - now they may have gotten folded together after the second FF movie but I don't think so...
the 3rd one? no.
Still waiting on the rest of the Guardians.
yeah - a guy on a surfboard flying through space would not fit in with a movie populated by talking raccoons, walking trees and a living planet,...
I never found the character of SS to be fun, yeah he rides a surfboard so what. I loved Black Panther in Civil War and that is the type of personality I would expect from SS. That would not fit the GOTG movies.
I never found the character of SS to be fun, yeah he rides a surfboard so what. I loved Black Panther in Civil War and that is the type of personality I would expect from SS. That would not fit the GOTG movies.

Drax as well and yet...
You know who might make a good Silver Surfer?

Jim Parsons
If they managed to get Silver Surfer in the post credits scene of vol. 3 warning of Galactus I'd be more than satisfied.

It's probably gonna be a stretch though, considering the last F4 movie was in 2015. They might not get the rights back until 2022.

Unless Silver Surfer reverts sooner because he hasn't been mentioned since 2007?
How many characters that take things literally do they need? I am expecting Warlock to have that dry personality.

I simply meant the lesser known the character the greater the likelihood of changing around traits to fit the movie universe. GOTG take the most liberties, so Surfer wouldn't necessarily be Galactic Black Panther (though I remember him more like Vision).

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