Sly Stallone...the director!

Not hilarious gimps, just serious and amazing.

I want Tango and Cash 2, Over the Top 2, Demolition Man 2 and Cobra 2 next.

Does anyone know if Death Wish is confirmed yet?
that clip wasn't that bad actually

I've been wanting to see Paradise Alley, but could never find it
I've been wanting to see Paradise Alley, but could never find it

I saw it a long time ago on cable. It's basically Rocky but with wrestlers. Here's the opening credis:
Not hilarious gimps, just serious and amazing.

I want Tango and Cash 2, Over the Top 2, Demolition Man 2 and Cobra 2 next.

Does anyone know if Death Wish is confirmed yet?

I don't think it's been officially confirmed, but Stallone's been talking about it a lot. I'd say he'll likely do it in the near future.
His directing credits:
Paradise Alley (1978)
Rocky II (1979)
Rocky III (1982)
Staying Alive (1983)
Rocky IV (1985)
Rocky Balboa (2006)
Rambo (2008)

Yea...that ain't EXACTLY an example of great cinema but most of those movies were pretty good. Secondly, you gotta give the man credit for keeping up with the times. Thats something that most directors can't do. His stuff in the `70s were down to Earth and realistic. Which is how audiences liked it back then. His stuff in the `80s were over the top music videos. Which is what audiences liked back then. And his recent effort, Rambo IV was a dark and gritty movie. Which is what audiences like today. Plus, his montages are the best. Rambo IV had two good ones. And of course lets not forget his greatest montage:


Er... more like this IS an example of great cinema.

The Rocky film's are all amazing, save for No V.
The best montage is the training sequence from Rocky II.

They play it before every Eagles me chills everytime.......Win:woot:

He is the king of montages and not just training montages, even the montage in Rocky V which he wrote but didnt direct was awesome, the one where he is about to give up the fight until a montage and the sound of a bell revives him. Cobra wasnt that great probably as a result of too many re-writes and dangerous puns, but I actually like Over the Top and its dope ass soundtrack.
Heh!! I miss the Sly-Arnold one-upmanship....... 80s man..let the good times roll :up:

Id like to see more of Sly's work in front and behind the camera. :up:
They have always been friends. :huh:

Nah, They hated each other during the 80's. Their rivalry and one-upmanship during that period is legendary.

Sly saw Arnold as the up and coming star who was trying to take his crown as the no.1 action star (which he was) and a whole slew of dirty tricks insued (from the leak of the story of Arnold's father being a Nazi - which Arnold always believed came from Sly, to Arnie apparently bedding Briggitte Neilsen during Red Sonja)

I saw a fascinating documentary on it once. It was anything but friendly.

They settled their differences for business reason (i.e Planet Hollywood) and became friends after that.
I don't think it's been officially confirmed, but Stallone's been talking about it a lot. I'd say he'll likely do it in the near future.


Save for Demolition Man, those other Stallone pics I mentioned were kinda the more crappy/weaker/cheesy ones, but still good in their own way.
Nah, They hated each other during the 80's. Their rivalry and one-upmanship during that period is legendary.

Sly saw Arnold as the up and coming star who was trying to take his crown as the no.1 action star (which he was) and a whole slew of dirty tricks insued (from the leak of the story of Arnold's father being a Nazi - which Arnold always believed came from Sly, to Arnie apparently bedding Briggitte Neilsen during Red Sonja)

I saw a fascinating documentary on it once. It was anything but friendly.

They settled their differences for business reason (i.e Planet Hollywood) and became friends after that.

I'm sure that was all a publicity stunt.
I'm sure that was all a publicity stunt.
then the 1 hour docu was fake? :huh:

i dont think they hated eachother so much that tehy would kill themself. but they were rivals making blockbusters.
Not hilarious gimps, just serious and amazing.

I want Tango and Cash 2, Over the Top 2, Demolition Man 2 and Cobra 2 next.

Does anyone know if Death Wish is confirmed yet?

Nah man... then it gets cheap... he made sequels to the established franchises of his... giving everything he did a cheap sequel is NOT worth it... the guy needs to stick with directing from here on out... and small roles that can diversify him more... give him some respect as an actor...
then the 1 hour docu was fake? :huh:

i dont think they hated eachother so much that tehy would kill themself. but they were rivals making blockbusters.

But they hated each other enough that Arnie would sleep with his woman. :huh:
One thing I was so dissappointed in for Rocky Balboa....the training montage was so short
To get to the broader picture here... the action heroes genre is dead... nothing left to say... all the big time actors are just doing all these majorly complex roles these days that we are missing the old school action stars... so movies have become sophisticated... I guess that might be a good thing... but we need those kinds of type cast guys in there in Hollywood... we moved past the Stallones', Arnolds', Willis' of the world... I mean I am trying to think here... when was the last great action movie/film other than comic book films or fantasy genres... I can't think of one... hopefully the Rock will actually do something good one of these days... but he has been doing crap if you ask me personally... hopefully we will look back at his Mummy days as we did with Arnold's Conan days and his best action movies are still ahead of him... also Vin Deisel needs to get off his ass and give us a kick ass action flick (not thinking Riddick here guys... sorry)... and can guys like Mathew Mcoughnahey stop doing the love comedies with Kate Hudson... the guy seriously needs to do more action films... not like he is a great actor or anything though I am not sure he can pull off that tough guy mentality... that said we need an American action star...

Wellsaid. We need tough guys again in this day and age now more than ever.

things have gone to **** frankly... and I know why... two words: Hanna Montana.

But we'll get back to basics when Kingdom of the Crystal Skull comes along and erases that ***** from our collective memories, batman too I hope, but not even he could escape the lovey dovey ****, twice... :whatever:
Nah man... then it gets cheap... he made sequels to the established franchises of his... giving everything he did a cheap sequel is NOT worth it... the guy needs to stick with directing from here on out... and small roles that can diversify him more... give him some respect as an actor...

I know, I was jus messin..

But you KNOW Tango and Cash 2 would rock!
But they hated each other enough that Arnie would sleep with his woman. :huh:

Arnie's well known for his sexual indescretions; I'd say the motivation for bedding Neilsen was about 50% lust and 50% wanting to piss Sly off big time. But none of it was a publicity stunt.

There was nothing fake about the Arnies Dad was a Nazi slur. I remember Sly talking about it years ago on the Wogan chat show here in the uk.
Arnie's well known for his sexual indescretions; I'd say the motivation for bedding Neilsen was about 50% lust and 50% wanting to piss Sly off big time.

Can you find any links on this Neilsen affair? :huh: All I can find is this:

During his initial campaign for governor, allegations of sexual and personal misconduct were raised against Schwarzenegger (dubbed Gropegate).[93] Within the last five days before the election, news reports appeared in the Los Angeles Times recounting allegations of sexual misconduct from several individual women, six of whom eventually came forward with their personal stories.[94]

Three of the women claimed he had grabbed their breasts, a fourth said he placed his hand under her skirt on her buttock. A fifth woman claimed Schwarzenegger tried to take off her bathing suit in a hotel elevator, and the last says he pulled her onto his lap and asked her about a particular sex act.[93]

Schwarzenegger admitted that he has "behaved badly sometimes" and apologized, but also stated that "a lot of (what) you see in the stories is not true." This came after an interview in adult magazine Oui from 1977 surfaced, in which Schwarzenegger discussed attending sexual orgies and indulging in drugs like marijuana.[95] Schwarzenegger is shown smoking a marijuana joint after winning Mr. Olympia in the 1975 documentary film Pumping Iron. In October 2007, Schwarzenegger defended his actions with the claim that, "(Cannabis) is not a drug. It's a leaf."[96]

British television personality Anna Richardson settled a libel lawsuit in August 2006 against Schwarzenegger and two of his top aides, Sean Walsh and publicist Sheryl Main.[97] A joint statement read: "The parties are content to put this matter behind them and are pleased that this legal dispute has now been settled."[97] Richardson claimed they tried to tarnish her reputation by dismissing her allegations that Schwarzennegger touched her breast during a press event (for The Sixth Day) in London.[98] She claimed Walsh and Main libeled her in a Los Angeles Times article when they contended she encouraged his behavior.[97]


That scene was my favorite in the whole movie....but usually Rocky movies have at least two training scenes. I also didn't like the Jazz riff the Rocky theme music had.

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