Infinity War Smartest In the Marvel Universe

Fair comment. Shuri had an idea that didn't occur to Bruce or Tony at the time - But then Spider Man had an idea - how to take out Ebony Maw and save Strange- that Tony didn't, does that make him smarter ?
Spiderman thought outside the box on this one; he does like his pop culture references. He's maybe a quicker thinking thank Stark, but not necesserily as smart as.

I'm not impressed by Shuri's feats because they all happen in a lab ( and yes, as opposed to a cave while hooked up to a car battery). If she throws together something awesome from some old spare parts, then i'll be impressed.

As for Wakandan tech I suggest that while Shuri has invented some neat toys, Wakandan tech was already highly advanced - or are we asked to believe that all of Wakanda's amazing technology was invented by her ? If so how did Wakanda stay hidden before she came along ?
Well we know that Wakandan tech existed before her, cause T'chakka(?) and their aircraft were in the skies well before Shuri was even born. I guess the comment you've quoted is, as you've stated, fair. That said though, if directors and writers (etc) have said Shuri is smarter than Stark (which they have), can we really argue it?
Dr Strange ?

Reasons :
*Eidetic memory
*world class brain surgeon
* Mastered magic spells that nobody else could in a very short time
*used his brains to defeat Dormammu ( possibly the most powerful MCU villain besides 6-stone Thanos )

And.... I'm reasonably confident that Dr Strange will be shown to be one of the key players in Thanos' eventual defeat. Strange used the time stone to see the future and worked out that he had to give Thanos the time stone in order to set in motion the series of events which lead to Thanos' downfall.

Shuri and Stark are brilliant scientist/engineers no question but Strange should be up there on his own merits.

I'm going to have to agree with this. He didn't have special privileges that either Stark or Suri had growing up. And magic is just science we haven't understood yet, and yet this man has done just that. I would also place Rocket right behind him. As for Stark and Suri, Suri's intelligence seems to stem from the resources of her planet. How smart would she be without vibranium at her disposal, while Stark was able to build an arc reactor, from a box of scraps, in a cave.

And the only reason why the MCU directors are saying Shuri is smarter is because they don't want to be labeled as racist or sexist and have SJW's and Antifa rioting and destroying towns because of affirmative action or some other childish reasons. And in the end, it doesn't matter, it's still the brains of Tony and Strange combined with the muscle of Thor that will win this war with Thanos. Studios will say one thing, like how Scarlet Witch is the most powerful Avenger, but then show something totally different, like it was Tony, Thor and Dr Strange that actually gave Thanos a fight while he easily swatted Scarlet Witch like she was a fly...... She even had a hard time defending off the children of Thanos when they were attacking Vision in Scotland. It took the arrival of Captain America to make them run like scared animals back to their ship.
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And the only reason why the MCU directors are saying Shuri is smarter is because they don't want to be labeled as racist or sexist and have SJW's and Antifa rioting and destroying towns because of affirmative action or some other childish reasons.

The things you post are so utterly absurd that I can't tell if you're a parody account or not.
Either way it's some pretty epic projecting.
WTF has Fan4stic has to do with anything? Is that even an argument or did you pull it from your rear. The Russos and Coogler have said she is the smartest. It's hilarious that you accept that Thanos defeated Hulk without the power stone because Russos said and then you go the other way and dismiss them whent hey state something you don't like.

The Russos said she is the smartest, she is the smartest. End of discussion.

Nope, not the end of discussion.

Thanos is powerful, strong, with vast fighting experience.
His is believable.

I still haven't seen anything to show what makes her smarter. A couple of fanboys on a message board isn't convincing me.

Post her feats. Explain how she will ultimately take down Thanos and reverse the snap.
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Spiderman thought outside the box on this one; he does like his pop culture references. He's maybe a quicker thinking thank Stark, but not necesserily as smart as.

Well we know that Wakandan tech existed before her, cause T'chakka(?) and their aircraft were in the skies well before Shuri was even born. I guess the comment you've quoted is, as you've stated, fair. That said though, if directors and writers (etc) have said Shuri is smarter than Stark (which they have), can we really argue it?

Well, it's a bit hard to argue with the writers and directors, but personally I'm still not impressed with Shuri - she's pretty much been Black Panther's version of Q.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against the character - and she may indeed have a higher IQ and greater mastery of technology than Tony Stark, but she really hasn't done anything that impressive with it other than build some cool toys.

If in Avengers 4 Shuri's genius is put to good use in helping to defeat Thanos, then I'll be impressed.

Still don't think Dr Strange is getting his props - he could have saved Ross' life without magic or vibranium because he's a world class brain surgeon.

That brings me back to the whole vibranium thing. I guess I find Shuri's feats of engineering less impressive because she has access to vibranium - Tony had to build an arc reactor from an idea in his head out of spare parts from rockets ( once again, in a cave while kept alive by a battery).
To me, that she has access to the most advanced tech on the planet, plus a seemingly magical metal diminshes her accomplishments somewhat.

Won't argue that she isn't smarter than Stark, but still waiting for her to do something impressive with it.
I'm going to have to agree with this. He didn't have special privileges that either Stark or Suri had growing up. And magic is just science we haven't understood yet, and yet this man has done just that. I would also place Rocket right behind him. As for Stark and Suri, Suri's intelligence seems to stem from the resources of her planet. How smart would she be without vibranium at her disposal, while Stark was able to build an arc reactor, from a box of scraps, in a cave.

And the only reason why the MCU directors are saying Shuri is smarter is because they don't want to be labeled as racist or sexist and have SJW's and Antifa rioting and destroying towns because of affirmative action or some other childish reasons. And in the end, it doesn't matter, it's still the brains of Tony and Strange combined with the muscle of Thor that will win this war with Thanos. Studios will say one thing, like how Scarlet Witch is the most powerful Avenger, but then show something totally different, like it was Tony, Thor and Dr Strange that actually gave Thanos a fight while he easily swatted Scarlet Witch like she was a fly...... She even had a hard time defending off the children of Thanos when they were attacking Vision in Scotland. It took the arrival of Captain America to make them run like scared animals back to their ship.

While you and I are on the same page about a few things, I don't know if I can agree with you about the stuff in bold above.

Personally, I'm not that impressed by Shuri so far - but who knows what she'll come up with in Avengers 4 and Black Panther 2 ? That has nothing to do with her gender or race, and everything to do with what the writers have done with the character....IMO not a lot, but there's potential.

As for why the folks at Marvel Studios have claimed that Shuri is the smartest character in the MCU, it is probably very naive of me, but I'd like to think it's because that makes sense within the MCU context of Wakanda being the most advanced nation on Earth - and kind of a utopia.

It's possible there's a political motivation behind it - but I just don't want to go there, there's enough anger (both justified and unjustified) and mistrust out there already in the real world, without bringing it in to the made up world of the MCU.

It's kind of sad really, that a world with killer robots, norse gods, alien invasions and genocidal titans actually seems a bit saner than the one we actually live in.

You raise an interesting question though....just how will Thanos be defeated and the universe restored. Strange is out of the picture for the moment (although I'm sure he set in motion events that will lead to the Avengers' victory) I'd be surprised if Thor was the one who ultimately took out Thanos - in fact I bet it will be someone like Hawkeye or Cap who makes all the difference. Although Strange knew that Stark had to survive, so clearly Tony will play a big role.... maybe it will be a team effort between Stark and Shuri ? Let the speculation begin.
Political motivation??? It baffles me the bullcrap some people subscribe to. Meanwhile, in the real world...
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Who is smartest, who is most powerful...who cares? As long as they're telling good stories, who cares if Shuri is smarter than Stark or Carol is more powerful than Thor. So many times I feel like fans miss the forest from the trees.
I'm guessing that marvel are making shuri the smartest as they think they can have her in a lot more films. When tony and bruce take a back seat it will be her and peter who will be the brains. At least till they introduce reed and doom.
I'm guessing that marvel are making shuri the smartest as they think they can have her in a lot more films. When tony and bruce take a back seat they will need some brains. Peter may or may not be around, pym is old. So shuri may have to do the lions share. Understandable to make her just as smart or smarter than tony and bruce. Stephen Strange is not a physicist.
Who knows. The 'smartest' is such a general term. Tony and Shuri can do cool things with tech. But could either of them thrown into a hospital just step up and do brain surgery like Doctor Strange could? Banner is pretty darn capable in his own field. They both turned to that doctor that Ultron brain controlled to treat Hawkeye.

Tony has done some impressive things and created a lot with both a lot of resources and next to none. I'll certainly respect someone that could come up with a suit, design it, build it, and create a miniaturized arc reactor "with a box of scraps." But Shuri has created some nice tech herself. And who knows maybe if she was tossed into a similar situation she could rise to the occasion as well and come up with something crazy.

In terms of the Vision thing, I found that "we didn't think of it" a bit weird. Banner and Stark didn't design Vision. Ultron and that brainwashed doctor did. They were just using what was already done and focusing on incorporating Jarvis. I'm not sure they needed to consider the option raised in Infinity War and not sure they had the time. They knew the clock was ticking. Ironically if they did think of that idea and tried to do things that way they probably run out of time the same way Shuri did and Vision is destroyed when the other Avengers arrive.

Regardless the MCU has some rather bright people. Maybe when the Fantastic Four show up and you add Reed Richards then it becomes really simple. I'm just going to say Tony, Bruce, Shuri, Strange, Pym, etc are all really smart people.
I'm going to have to agree with this. He didn't have special privileges that either Stark or Suri had growing up. And magic is just science we haven't understood yet, and yet this man has done just that. I would also place Rocket right behind him. As for Stark and Suri, Suri's intelligence seems to stem from the resources of her planet. How smart would she be without vibranium at her disposal, while Stark was able to build an arc reactor, from a box of scraps, in a cave.

And the only reason why the MCU directors are saying Shuri is smarter is because they don't want to be labeled as racist or sexist and have SJW's and Antifa rioting and destroying towns because of affirmative action or some other childish reasons. And in the end, it doesn't matter, it's still the brains of Tony and Strange combined with the muscle of Thor that will win this war with Thanos. Studios will say one thing, like how Scarlet Witch is the most powerful Avenger, but then show something totally different, like it was Tony, Thor and Dr Strange that actually gave Thanos a fight while he easily swatted Scarlet Witch like she was a fly...... She even had a hard time defending off the children of Thanos when they were attacking Vision in Scotland. It took the arrival of Captain America to make them run like scared animals back to their ship.

What a mess of thinking this entire post is. Utter nonsensical clap trap.

Vibranium doesn't make Shuri smart. The educational system of Wakanda combined with her hard work in mastering the fields she studied did that. Jesus... That's like saying Tony Stark is smart because of the existence of microchips.

As for the "Antifa" thing... Wow. That's some paranoid Kool-Aid you are sipping. Because as the Star Wars team at Lucasfilm know, the MRA and Anti-SJW crowd are full of well reasoned individuals, right? Does the term Gamergate ring any bells?

I will take this chance to once again remind the world that this poster bragged about getting a child hit by a bus. No, that's not something made up. This poster admitted to being happy that a kid got hit by a bus. SO... Yeah.

And before the Mods come in... Nothing I stated is wrong. This is something admitted to publicly here on the Hype and I bring it up since apparently the possibility of violence was a concern of this poster, a fear that an African character is being presented as highly intelligent only because of fear of violence. This from someone happy a kid got hit by a bus.
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