So who will run for President in 2008?


IKYN Guy Groupie
Aug 9, 2000
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Now that we know it won't be either Bush or Kerry lets make predictions for the 2008 election. Some ground personal insults...and put a president and vice president candidate with your reasoning for believing this.

Here are my thoughts

Democrat Possibilities:

The democrats really are set up nicely, they have a lot of young, talented candidates who can set them up for a strong showing in the future. I see the democratic primary being like this...

Hilary Clinton

John Edwards (again)

Tom Daschal

Bill Richardson

Al Sharpton (again)

Dennis Kucinich (again)

Howard Dean, maybe (again)

Here are my thoughts each candidate...

Hilary Clinton - obviously going to be a strong front runner, the problem is...will she lose votes simply for being a woman and secondly, will the Clinton "allure" so to speak wear off by 2008?

John Edwards - Also a strong front runner, would have a decent chance of defeating Hilary Clinton...At anyrate, I think there is a good chance he could wind up with the nomination, or atleast being VP candidate again.

Tom Daschal - If he wants to remain in politics it is either this or running for governor of South Dakota...I doubt he will win there, so this is his choice...expect him to finish third.

Bill Richardson - New Mexico's governor, He could very well take it...he would pull a strong minority vote and is liberal enough to really rally the base of the democrat party...the debates could very well either make or break him.

Al Sharpton - Unelectable

Dennis Kucinich - Unelectable

Howard Dean - His time has come and gone...his purpose was really just to energize the party, which he did.

My prediction for 2008...Clinton/Edwards

Many people think Clinton will go with Obama, but he is young, I think he will wait a little longer...and if Clinton gets 2 terms there is a good chance of Edwards/Obama in 2016.

Republican predictions coming up next...
Jeb Bush will be the next president man! I'm telling you! 12 more years of Bush!
I would tend to think Hillary will be running in 08. Didn't she say she would?
RabbitSamurai said:
I would tend to think Hillary will be running in 08. Didn't she say she would?
Oh please, who would elect that wiked ***** of the left? NO ONE

I hope she runs in 08, cause that will GUARANTEE a Republican victory.
I don't think Hillary will choose Edwards as a running mate but I'm almost positive she'll run
^ He can't, he was not born in America :o

I want Hilary to run and win the '08 election, but I still don't think America in general, is open to the idea of a female president yet. Which is sad. :(
Fred_Fury said:
Oh please, who would elect that wiked ***** of the left? NO ONE

I hope she runs in 08, cause that will GUARANTEE a Republican victory.

Dude.....stop being a troll. I voted Republican, but this kind of behavior is outrageous.
The Republican party seems to be the exact opposite of the Democrats, where they really have no remarkable candidates left.

At anyrate, here are my predictions...

I see the Republican primary being a lot smaller...

Bill Frist
John McCain
Rick Santorum
Alan Keyes
Arnold Shwartzenager (Maybe)

A few random governors may jump in, (Maybe Patacki) but I doubt it.

Bill Frist - The senate majority leader is young, charasmatic and likeable...He will give a strong showing.

John McCain - I feel bad for McCain, the GOP simply uses him. They string him along than let him go once he serves his purpose...the GOP will NEVER allow him to be the president.

Rick Santorum - the ultra-conservative junior senator from PA will probably go for it...however he is cocky, arrogant, and a biggot...he won't win.

Alan Keyes - Unelectable.

Ah'nuld - Only if the constitution is ammended and I doubt it will happen.

My final Prediction - Frist/Santorum.

The Republicans will probably be expecting loss in '08, not to say they can't win, but it will be uphill, especially against Hilary.

(Note: I left Giulliani out because I doubt he will run any sooner than 2012)
Fred_Fury said:
Jeb Bush will be the next president man! I'm telling you! 12 more years of Bush!

Jeb Bush has already stated he's not running in 2008.
Wiseman said:
I don't think Hillary will choose Edwards as a running mate but I'm almost positive she'll run

I think she'll chose Edwards for the same reason KErry did, public demand. PEople like the guy. Plus she is a northern yankee, so it will help to balance out the ticket.
i pick

Hulk Hogan

Jesse ventura

Snoop Dogg

and Dave chappelle

these are the best president choices
What about Obama? He's a rising star. Maybe not.

And I doubt Rudy will run, and if he did, he wouldn't win. There are still elements out there who just aren't ready for a woman (Hillary), a black (Obama) or someone with such an ethnic sounding name (like Rudy)
ah i would still like to see Hillary pick Obama as her running mate that would kick ass.
AmerikazMostWanted said:
i pick

Hulk Hogan

Jesse ventura

Snoop Dogg

and Dave chappelle

these are the best president choices

No, no....Harrison Ford for president. :)
There's actually a website about that, but I'm too lazy to get the link.
What about Barak Obama? (sp?) He seems to be the star of the Democrat party along with Hillary to me. A nod also to Bill Richardson.

Independants/Third Parties...

Ralph Nader - Yea...obviously.

Jesse Ventura - I actually see it happening, I can't say why, but I do.

Ross Perot (that's right) - I see him running again in '08...Bush has pissed off a lot of fiscal conservatives with his reckless spending, I was half expecting Perot to jump in this time...but I think if Bush's spending doesn't stop, we will see Perot run in '08
Truthteller said:
What about Barak Obama? (sp?) He seems to be the star of the Democrat party along with Hillary to me. A nod also to Bill Richardson.

As I've explained, I don't see him going after it so soon. Who do you think will run for Republican TT?
Giuliani buzz is going around already :o
Ventura already stated his intentions to run, and Donald Trump is his #1 financial backer. Should be veryyy interesting.

I'm kind of hoping for another Bush in the White House or that the Constitution is amended to allow Arnold to run. He's been a citizen for long, long time, has done a lot for this country, and if he can be governor, why can't he be President??? I think he's moderate and would do well internationally too.

As long as it's not a liberal democrat, I'm happy.
JcDc said:
Giuliani buzz is going around already :o

Mark my words, Rudy will be governor before he is president, I mean, this is a man who attacked Edwards' lack of experience, wouldn't it be just a tad hypocritical for him to run?
Matt said:
Now that we know it won't be either Bush or Kerry lets make predictions for the 2008 election. Some ground personal insults...and put a president and vice president candidate with your reasoning for believing this.

Here are my thoughts

Democrat Possibilities:

The democrats really are set up nicely, they have a lot of young, talented candidates who can set them up for a strong showing in the future. I see the democratic primary being like this...

Hilary Clinton

John Edwards (again)

Tom Daschal

Bill Richardson

Al Sharpton (again)

Dennis Kucinich (again)

Howard Dean, maybe (again)

Here are my thoughts each candidate...

Hilary Clinton - obviously going to be a strong front runner, the problem is...will she lose votes simply for being a woman and secondly, will the Clinton "allure" so to speak wear off by 2008?

John Edwards - Also a strong front runner, would have a decent chance of defeating Hilary Clinton...At anyrate, I think there is a good chance he could wind up with the nomination, or atleast being VP candidate again.

Tom Daschal - If he wants to remain in politics it is either this or running for governor of South Dakota...I doubt he will win there, so this is his choice...expect him to finish third.

Bill Richardson - New Mexico's governor, He could very well take it...he would pull a strong minority vote and is liberal enough to really rally the base of the democrat party...the debates could very well either make or break him.

Al Sharpton - Unelectable

Dennis Kucinich - Unelectable

Howard Dean - His time has come and gone...his purpose was really just to energize the party, which he did.

My prediction for 2008...Clinton/Edwards

Many people think Clinton will go with Obama, but he is young, I think he will wait a little longer...and if Clinton gets 2 terms there is a good chance of Edwards/Obama in 2016.

Republican predictions coming up next...

I'd vote for Dean or Kucinich or Obama. I would not vote for a Clinton or any other government insider. Unless the next four years goes worse than I think it will.
Obama is stuck in the 1960's. Did you see his speech at the DNC? It wasnt about the war on terror or any of todays issues, it was about Civil Rights, as if Black people are in the same situation they were in 40 years ago. GROW UP DEMOCRATS, the civil rights movement is over. Schools are no longer segregated. Blacks have the same rights as whites.

Democrats need to grow out of the 1960's, and enter the 21st century.
the defenders said:
I'd vote for Dean or Kucinich or Obama. I would not vote for a Clinton or any other government insider. Unless the next four years goes worse than I think it will.

what about Richardson. He is a great man, he would make a marvelous president.

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