Some Details on Filming - including a scene


Aug 16, 2005
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Explosive end for SI blockbuster

Saturday, 3 November 2007

An explosive end is in store for the Hollywood blockbuster Wolverine, to be shot in the South Island this summer – a rocket will narrowly miss the X-Men hero and blow up a barn.

The Press revealed last month that the film, which is rumoured to have a budget of more than $100 million, would be shot in Central Otago.

The movie is set in the 1970s and shows Wolverine, played by Australian actor Hugh Jackman, developing into the character made popular by the X-Men film series.

A 20th Century Fox film, in conjunction with Jackman's production company, Seed, will be mostly filmed at Fox Studios in Sydney, where pre-production is under way.

Woz Productions has applied for resource consent for temporary filming and the construction of sets at Arcadia Station, near Glenorchy, owned by Jim Veint, and Deer Park Heights, on the Frankton Arm, owned by Frank Mee.

Five other sites have been named in the application – Kingston Beach, Milford Sound, Rees Valley, Skippers Canyon and Naseby Forest.

The consent application, seen by The Press yesterday, shows a barn and farmhouse will be built at Arcadia Station at a site called Hudson Farm in the movie's story, with the final scene involving the destruction of the barn using explosives.

"The premise is that a military sniper shoots a rocket launcher at the barn, narrowly missing Wolverine but exploding the building," an assessment of environmental effects by McGillan Consulting Ltd says.

"This will be a one-off event, with four cameras located around the set to capture the action."

The consent period applied for is from November 5 to February 28, including reinstatement work, although filming is expected to be from January 14.

Cast and crew, who are expected to work 15-hour days, seven days a week, will use accommodation in Queenstown and Alexandra. Filming on Arcadia Station will take eight days, with preparation due to start on Monday.
Should be pretty spectacular.
sounds cool but... $100 million budget and they're gonna blown up a barn? that doesn't sound right... haha. i know it's just one scene, but that article is kinda funny to me.
sounds cool but... $100 million budget and they're gonna blown up a barn? that doesn't sound right... haha. i know it's just one scene, but that article is kinda funny to me.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that the entire budget is not being spent on that scene alone. :oldrazz:
Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but that article mentions a "Hudson" barn.

Are they referring to James and Heather Hudson, otherwise known as Guardian and Vindicator of the team Alpha Flight?

If I'm recalling my Wolverine history correctly, they did make a significant impact on the mutant's career early on.

Makes me wonder if they might be some of the mutants they are going to be casting for the film.
I believe the Hudsons have been confirmed in a recent script review.
Makes me wonder if they might be some of the mutants they are going to be casting for the film.
You think they are making them into mutants for this film? I hope not.
sounds cool but... $100 million budget and they're gonna blown up a barn? that doesn't sound right... haha. i know it's just one scene, but that article is kinda funny to me.
They are blowing up a solid gold barn with a rocket designed by Versaci...
Am I the only one sad it's set in the 1970s?
Fits with him showing up in some Vietnam war action, and makes the 30 year younger looking Stryker more appropriate as a different actor.
Wowzah. A barn explodes. Could it be any more Hollywood formula and generic action movie?!

Depends on the context of this scene and what happens before and after, but I hope we get more than a generic Die Hard Wolverine flick.
Am I the only one sad it's set in the 1970s?

Why would you be sad it's set in the 1970's??

I think it will be cool. And, I'm glad to see the name Hudson in there ;) Maybe we'll get some good stuff out of this movie after all. Some actual history as in the comic books...........
course they're only talking about one scene
1970s? Awesome. That made my day (well, hour anyway). This movie's gonna be pretty badass. I wonder if Sabretooth will have Farrah hair like when he first appeared.
As it will be set in the 70's, I guess we might see Logan dressed a little like this:

Logan in the cowboy hat would be fun... :oldrazz:
Awesome. Love cowboy hat Logan. :up:
^Yeah, cowboy hat Logan is cool! The scene sounds pretty cool.
Yep, the hat needs to stay. :up:
I like the cowboy hat, but if they're going to use it please get rid of the cowboy outfit like the one he's wearing in the comic panel! :D
Just a cowboy hat, jeans and a t-shirt will do. :cwink:

I have to agree on being saddened that it's starting in the 70's. I was hoping for some Silver Samurai an maybe some hand. I have always loved his Japanese background an his true love is in that period.


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