Transformers Soundwave to be a midget!


Jan 2, 2005
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I don't know what exactly is going on but there's like 18 topics over at don murphy's website right now where the members of that forum are having heated discussion about a supposed rumor that one of them heard from an trusted unnamed source that says Soundwave is gonna be super small compared to the other decepticons and everybody is pissed off. Anybody else heard anything like this?
If you can think of an alternative, besides the freakishly ridiculous notion of a massive robot transforming into a tiny cassette recorder, then by all means, go ahead.
Flame on! said:
If you can think of an alternative, besides the freakishly ridiculous notion of a massive robot transforming into a tiny cassette recorder, then by all means, go ahead.

His Galaxy Force/Cybertron design is pretty good. He transforms into a helicopter but still has the ability to carry "Minicons" in his chest and eject them.

That was a decent alternative, I thought.

If they could manage something like that for the movie, then I'd be pleased.
Soundwave should be a surveillance Van, the Satellite Dish could turn into LazerBeak and he could have a small robot camera vehicle in the back that turns into Ravage. All his "Equipment" can be his minions.
Meh if he transformed from large robot into a tape recorder I wouldnt bat an eyelid:o

No more ******ed than a pulitzer prize winning investigative journalist not being able to see past Glasses for a disguise:D
I like the survaliance van idea, but only as an alternative.

The fact that there might be talk of making Soundwave a tiny robot is ridiculous. What about the cassettes? Would they be even smaller? No, they have to be the small robots of the group, and Soundwave has to be a normal size robot, maybe even slightly bigger 'bot to keep them in him.
I liked the idea of having him as the tape recorder. This is robots in disguise. He is a survelance bot, it would be weird haveing a helicopter sitting in a handicaped parking space listening to the military.
Personally, i'd prefer the whole surveilance vehicle thing. If it has a big enough sound system, it's still possible he can retain something akin to his classic look.
Were talking about SENCIENT BIOMECHANICAL LIFE FORMS WITH HYPER DRIVE TECHNOLOGY!!! Is it that much of a strech that a race that can bend time and space cant very well have a diminsional pocket to store thier remaining mass? Ok maybe if your a ****** and cant grasp theoretical physics it may be hard to get, but if your a ****** your just gona sit in your chair drool and say "WOBOTS YAY" alot
Soundwave can't be midget!! he is one of the tallest
they can WARP SPACE!! Hence FTL travel, why the hell would they need nanobots to explain size change? Self repair and morphing chracterisitics ya but not size change.
The problem with is that the both producer and director is try give an earthly explation to an "Alien technology" robot. The production reasoning to me is stupid. Hello, they are aliens, that is the all they have to say.
DrSpengler said:
His Galaxy Force/Cybertron design is pretty good. He transforms into a helicopter but still has the ability to carry "Minicons" in his chest and eject them.

Actually it a Cybertron style stealth fighter, and very cool.

That right everybody, mass shifting would definitely allow for a.... ahem.... totally sentient robotic life form to shunt almost 95% of his mass to a "pocket dimension" or other location in the universe and maintain full cognitive functionality under 2 AAs worth of power. Look, he's supposed to be a blasted helicopter any way, so no size issues.
Seekaedigital said:
one word to solve all transformation size issues.............

nanobots ?

So you are saying when they increase size they are made up of mostly air? or are you saying that the nano machines somehow instantaneously manufacture enough raw material, (from the surrounding air? requiring an ridiculous amount of energy) to make up the mass of the robot, and in turn sacrifice themselves back to their component atoms (without a massive release of energy) when they the robot turns back into a pack of gum or whatever. With a power supply able to convert matter on an atomic level, why are they so hard up for energon?
They should have just took liberty with the idea of "memory metal" and give a simple but far fetch scientific theory about metal that can change its mass like a know, an organic metal type theory. Sure it's a far fetch theory, but this is science fiction isn't it?

In Terminator, no one seemed to complain about how the time machine worked. The concept was simply explained, and the audience went with it.

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