Spider-Man 3 Director's Cut Petition

I'm number 9, can I like sign again?

Though it's really cheating and irresponsible, people can sign as many times as they want... only [blackout]you just have to use another email address :ninja:[/blackout]
i vote for an extended cut, would love if it was released with the regular version and all the added material just like blade trinity and the new fantastic four are going to be.

make no mistake i loved the 3rd movie as is, but i can't lie, i love more material. as long as it fits exactly into the rest of the movie and nothing is replaced, i'd say HELL YES
I would love to see a nice Spider-Man 3 Director's Cut first time out but it may never happen with or without a petition until long after Sony release Spider-Man 3 on dvd. It took about 3 years to get a Spider-Man 2.1 extended cut & it only had 8 extra minutes of new & extended footage plus it was only used as a ploy to help promote Spider-Man 3 so if a Spider-Man 3 Director's Cut or Extended cut is ever released it will probably only be used as a ploy to help promote a future Spider-Man 4 movie.
True, but Spider-Man 2 didn't have this much cut from the released version nor did it have alternate endings to my knowledge. Throw that in with the negative reaction from a portion of the audience and the odds are different under this situation I believe.

710 sigs and counting
If we're lucky, the Ghost Rider extended cut by Sony will do well enough that they'll realize they can release two cuts at the same time...
How many places has this petition been spread to? I think we really need to get it to as many places as possible so we can get even more signatures (it seems to get close to 150 or more a day so we arent doing bad.) After the deleted scenes we found out about today I have an even greater hope that a directors cut gets released.
Is been posted at about 10 boards and I've put up the new photos of the deleted scenes at perhaps 5. The others don't allow html, pics, etc. Your definitely right though, we need to find a way to get more people involved at a more speedy pace.

Lets hope the Ghost Rider director's cut does great numbers when released as well, but it would be nice to have this out before then.
Hey has the petition been put on the forums at the marvel website?
I guess all of us can put this in our sig like Praylu to spread it around the forums here.
I would put it in my sig but the thing is and I know this must sound noobish but I dont know how to edit my sig here.
I would put it in my sig but the thing is and I know this must sound noobish but I dont know how to edit my sig here.

Go to 'User CP' then click on 'Edit Signature'. If you need help putting the petition in your sig then let me know.

925 signatures and counting
I'm all for it. Spider-Man 3 really felt like scenes were missing.
Go to 'User CP' then click on 'Edit Signature'. If you need help putting the petition in your sig then let me know.

925 signatures and counting
Alright I got the edit signature part now. Now I just need to find out how to put it in my sig like you have it.
Go to 'User CP' then click on 'Edit Signature'. If you need help putting the petition in your sig then let me know.

925 signatures and counting
Alright I got the edit signature part now. Now I just need to find out how to put it in my sig like you have it.
Alright I got the edit signature part now. Now I just need to find out how to put it in my sig like you have it.

Ok there's different sizes, just delete the spaces then paste it into your sig. If you want a different color tell me which one.

Here's a large version like the one I have.

[SIZE=4 ][COLOR=red ][B ]SPIDER-MAN 3 DIRECTOR'S CUT PETITION[/B ] [ URL=http://www.petitiononline.com/GregA/petition.html]HERE[ /URL][ /COLOR][ /SIZE]

This one is big but smaller than mine.

[SIZE=3 ][COLOR=red ][B ]SPIDER-MAN 3 DIRECTOR'S CUT PETITION[/B ] [ URL=http://www.petitiononline.com/GregA/petition.html]HERE[ /URL][ /COLOR][ /SIZE]
Ok there's different sizes, just delete the spaces then paste it into your sig. If you want a different color tell me which one.

Here's a large version like the one I have.

[SIZE=4 ][COLOR=red ][B ]SPIDER-MAN 3 DIRECTOR'S CUT PETITION[/B ] [ URL=http://www.petitiononline.com/GregA/petition.html]HERE[ /URL][ /COLOR][ /SIZE]

This one is big but smaller than mine.

[SIZE=3 ][COLOR=red ][B ]SPIDER-MAN 3 DIRECTOR'S CUT PETITION[/B ] [ URL=http://www.petitiononline.com/GregA/petition.html]HERE[ /URL][ /COLOR][ /SIZE]
Got it. If I want to change the color what do I do (dont know if I will but just want to know how)
Got it. If I want to change the color what do I do (dont know if I will but just want to know how)

Just change the word red in this [COLOR=red ] to the color you want like blue for example.
#945 here; I'm all for an Extended Cut of this film; I don't care if it pushes the 3-hour mark, let's see it! =)
#945 here; I'm all for an Extended Cut of this film; I don't care if it pushes the 3-hour mark, let's see it! =)
Yes exactly. Who cares if its 3 hours or longer as long as it makes the film that much better. I sat through and enjoyed all the lord of the rings movies and they all were about 3 hours or longer (RoTK) and seeing as I love spidey a great deal more than lord of the rings I could easily sit through a 3 hour spidey movie.

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